C&I 209, Section 08 Welcome! August 23, 2011 Please make a name card and sign the attendance sheet
Today’s Class Introductions Walk through the syllabus Definition of Literacy Share Literacy Experiences and beliefs about Literacy Instruction
My contact Information Dana Karraker DeGarmo 235, ph: , (h) Office Hours: By appointment or online with Skype Skype: dana.karraker
Important Info on Communication Please use ilstu to contact me at (Department policy) I can only use your university address to correspond with you You are welcome to call my home phone before 9:00 p.m. (If absolutely won’t do) When clinicals begin and you have a last minute emergency that will prevent you from being at your site, call or text my cell phone: and leave a message. You must also contact the classroom teacher. Assignments and resources will be placed on Blackboard which you can access through your ICampus Portal. I will check here occasionally but please see above
Criminal Background Checks…. All C&I 209 students are required to complete a Criminal Background Check Schedule; albackgroundcheck/index.shtml albackgroundcheck/index.shtml Try to take care of that this week
Getting to Know You Name and where you’re from Interesting information about yourself (i.e. family, interests, something you accomplished or hope to accomplish) A favorite literacy experience
Syllabus Review This is also posted on the C&I Department Web site and on Blackboard syllabus
Group Think Self-select groups of 3-4 Use the Web and discuss your understandings about Literacy (What do you remember from 208?) –Things to consider: What were your literacy experiences and how do they compare with the thoughts on your web? Why do teachers need to examine these thoughts and beliefs? How do you think your beliefs will impact the work you will do with students? Be prepared to share you thoughts with the whole group
Read-Aloud The Box by Toni and Slade Morrison Make a Connection- As we read, think about: What you have experienced in school What this story is saying about how children are positioned school How a person’s identity may be formed through the actions of others
Assessment Tool Kit First assignment You will need this for each tutoring session Assignment guidelines are posted on Blackboard Think of books you might want to collect to use. Look for “found” materials at home Examples will be shown in class
Next Time Get your Textbooks and Packet from PIP Printing Read Choice Words, Ch. 1&2, Read Blackboard articles: I Want Her to Know Me and Kidwatching, Ch. 1 As you are reading, fill out the I Read, I Thought sheet that is posted on Blackboard Print off the Book Walk page that is posted on Blackboard and bring it to class.