T AKING A S IDE : A UTHOR ’ S B IAS Standard 1.3c: Explaining significant connections between speaker’s purpose, tone, biases, and the message for the intended audience
W HAT IS B IAS ? Bias is an opinion about whether a person, group, or idea is good or bad, which influences how you deal with it It is similar to prejudice Someone or something that is biased is one-sided
W HERE WILL YOU FIND BIAS ? Bias often appears in the news, television, books, magazines, almost anywhere! There will NOT ALWAYS be bias in a text On the NMSBA, if they ask for the author’s bias, they are asking what you think the author’s opinion is
H OW DO YOU FIND BIAS ? Step 1: Look for any information you know about the author (there will not always be information about an author) Step 2: Look for specific word choice that shows an opinion (hint: should is word that expresses feeling or opinion) Step 3: Decide what the author’s opinion of the subject is (example: positive, negative, for, against, and so on)
W HAT IS SOMETHING THAT IS NOT BIASED ? Unbiased texts are neutral, or in the middle They may look at both sides of an issue or only report facts without opinion Examples: science textbooks, a weather report, some news articles Can you think of any others? We often think that the news is supposed to be unbiased, but this is not always the case!
E XAMPLE : T HE C OLBERT R EPORT Stephen Colbert is the host of The Colbert Report, a show on The Comedy Channel that mocks (makes fun of) news shows, sometimes by getting citizens and politicians to do outrageous things like leg wrestling (Refresher: Democrats and Republicans are the two main political parties in the U.S. – think of them as diehard rivals or enemies) In one show, Stephen Colbert interviewed a Democratic senator who was running for election with no opponent (uncontested). Stephen Colbert got Senator Wexler to say that he enjoyed drugs and prostitutes on television (as a joke).
T HE C OLBERT R EPORT, CONTINUED However, one news station took this out of context Fox News is known for its bias toward the conservative right in politics (pro-Republican) As a result, Fox News took the clip from The Colbert Report and attempted to make it appear that Democratic Senator Wexler actually meant what he said
F ROM T HE O FFICIAL W EBSITE OF S TEPHANIE M EYER, A UTHOR OF T WILIGHT "Wow! I must admit, that when I heard about Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer, I was very intrigued. A book about a regular teenage girl— just like you and me— falling in love with a gorgeous vampire? Who wouldn't want to read it? I was hooked from the first page, and as I read it, it only got better. Twilight is great because it seems so ordinary; is it possible for this situation to happen in your life? Imagine seeing a guy, more handsome than any you've ever seen, and not being able to tear you eyes away from him. Imagine that the force of your mutual chemistry feels like electricity. I promise you that every girl will want to be Isabella Swan. Throw in a little danger, a sticky situation, and a love more powerful than either character has ever known, and what do you get? Stephanie Meyer's Twilight. It is definitely a book worth reading." Rachel, 16
F OLLOWING THE STEPS What do we know about the author? It is a female teenager (Rachel, 16) What are specific words that show opinion? Wow, intrigued, great, worth reading What is the author’s opinion or bias? Twilight rocks.
T WILIGHT WAS MORE BORING THAN WORDS CAN EXPRESS. Josh Turner, a fiction readerLas Vegas, NV (from Pros : It has an ending Cons : Everything before the ending Twilight (The Twilight Saga, Book 1) — The beginning almost caused me to close the book; 3-4 pages about Bella's vehicle (that has nothing to do with the storyline, by the way). Then, after several pages of nonsensical ranting about Bella's life (instead of skillful character development), Edward Cullen entered the story. At this point, I thought "Finally something interesting for the storyline".. Nope. Wrong. Edward Cullen and Bella Swan were the two most boring protagonists of ANY book series that I've ever read. Their lack of personality is quite conspicuous from the onset. Likewise, Edward's strange behavior upon entry caused me to stop reading for two weeks, but I picked it back up, anticipating a plot. It turns out that I didn't get that expected PLOT; instead, I acquired 200 pages of nothing (inept character development), 150 pages of cliché romantic exchanges (which went out of style after Shakespeare's literature era long ago), and the remainder of the book was the poorly executed endeavor of plot construction. "Twilight" is a pitiful book, to state the least. I recommend keeping your money and not using it so foolishly to purchase Stephanie Meyer's books.
F OLLOWING THE STEPS What do we know about the author? It is a male who reads fiction (Josh Turner, fiction reader ) What are specific words that show opinion? Nonsensical, boring, inept, cliché, poorly, pitiful, foolishly What is the author’s opinion or bias? Twilight is terrible.
P RACTICE WITH A UTHOR ’ S B IAS Which sentence shows the author’s bias? A. The talent show is on Wednesday. B. On Wednesday, there will be a talent show at 6:30 pm. C. The talent show at Gallup High will be on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. D. The amazing talent show with great acts will be on Wednesday at 6:30pm.
A NSWER : D D. The amazing talent show with great acts will be on Wednesday at 6:30pm. Why? Word choice that expresses an opinion: The amazing talent show with great acts will be on Wednesday at 6:30pm. Opinion appears positive Therefore, the author is biased toward the talent show
P RACTICE WITH A UTHOR ’ S B IAS Which sentence shows the author’s bias? A. Video games can be played alone or with friends. B. Video game makers spend a large amount of time creating the games we play. C. Video game makers are very lazy and should get a real job. D. Video game systems are common in the American household.
A NSWER : C C. Video game makers are very lazy and should get a real job. Why? Word choice that expresses an opinion: Video game makers are very lazy and should get a real job. Opinion appears negative Therefore, the author is biased against video game makers
P RACTICE WITH A UTHOR ’ S B IAS Which sentence shows the author’s bias? A. Sonic, with its disgusting food, should be closed down. B. Sonic serves many different types of soda and food. C. Sonic is about to begin serving food 24 hours a day. D. Sonic can make a burrito over 1 million ways.
A NSWER : A A. Sonic, with its disgusting food, should be closed down. Why? Word choice that expresses an opinion: Sonic, with its disgusting food, should be closed down. Opinion appears negative Therefore, the author is biased against Sonic (anyone agree?)
R EVIEWING K EY P OINTS Bias is an author’s opinion about a subject To find bias, follow these steps Step 1: Look for any information you know about the author (there will not always be information about an author) Step 2: Look for specific word choice that shows an opinion Step 3: Decide what the author’s opinion of the subject is (example: positive, negative, for, against, and so on)
H OW DO YOU CONNECT IT TO THE AUTHOR ’ S MESSAGE ? Identify the author’s message – what is the author trying to say ? (This is often related to the author’s purpose, or what they are trying to do ) Connect: how does the author’s opinion affect the author’s message? Response: [The author’s] bias connects to its message that [insert author’s message] in that the author [what the author is trying to do (purpose) or convince you of]
F OX N EWS B IAS AND M ESSAGE A NALYSIS Fox News’ opinion: biased against Democrats and toward Republicans Fox News’ message: Democratic Senator Wexler is an improper and unprofessional politician who uses drugs and prostitutes Fox News’ bias against Democrats connects to its message that Democratic Senator Wexler is an improper and unprofessional politician who uses drugs and prostitutes in that Fox News is trying to convince the viewer that Democrats are a poor choice when you vote.
F OLLOWING THE STEPS What do we know about the author? It is a female teenager (Rachel, 16) What are specific words that show opinion? Wow, intrigued, great, worth reading What is the author’s opinion? Twilight rocks. What is the author’s message? You should read this book! How does the author’s bias connect to the message? The author has a positive opinion toward Twilight, and as a result, she recommends that others read this book as well.