1 The management of asbestos dust control in China Yuan Chunxian Labor Protection Magazine China Academy for Safety Science and Technology (CASST)
2 Contents The asbestos resources of China Production of asbestos mineral in China Production of asbestos products in China Laws and regulations related with asbestos control in china The measures of limit use asbestos in China
3 The asbestos resources of China There is abundant asbestos mineral in China. 90 million tons mineral resources have been proven up in China. About 90% asbestos resources centralize in the western areas.
4 The asbestos resources of China At present, there are about 28 mining areas have been exploiting all over the country, and 13 areas are large scale mines, which means there is abundant mineral resources in these mines. these 28 mining areas hold the reserves 64 million tons at least, and there is 43 million tons reserves can be exploited.
5 Production of asbestos mineral In the 1950s, the output of asbestos increased Highly During the earlier stage in the 1990s,the output grows rapidly because of the great market demand. The output in 1996 is tons. About tons in In 2006,market supply is intending to be the same with last year.
6 Production of asbestos products Since the 1980s, the asbestos products industry has been growing fast in China, the scale of the enterprises and the output are expanded rapidly. At present,there are nearly 1000 enter- prises, and there are more than 1 million people engaged in asbestos mining and pro- ducts.
7 Laws and regulations related with asbestos control in china
8 Occupationl Safety and Health Regulations in Plant Early in 1956,Chinese government promulgated the “Occupationl Safety and Health Regulations in Plant ".
9 Occupationl safety and Health Regulations in Plant equipment which sends out dust, harmful steam and gas must be strictly closed, if necessary, it should install the ventilation equipment, the dust collector and the purification equipment. If the technology condition permits, the dust work should operate under the wettish condition.
10 Occupationl safety and Health Regulations in Plant The factory must offer the applicable dust proof mouth mask, protective glasses and gas mask to workers who engaged in dust, harmful steam and gas work.
11 Diagnosis standard of asbestos lung Chinese government issued the " diagnosis standard of asbestos lung " in 1960 This standard is the basic regulation according to which doctors can judge the asbestos lung.
12 The Prevention and Cure Regulations on Pneumoconiosis in 1987, The Chinese State Council issued " The Prevention and Cure Regulations on Pneumoconiosis". The article 7 stipulated: all the enterprises with dust work should take measures to make the dust density not exceed the national sanitary standard.
13 The Prevention and Cure Regulations on Pneumoconiosis Enterprises must supply the individual protective articles for workers, set up strict management system, tell workers wear and use correctly when Newly build, reconstruct, extend the engineering project, the equipment must be designed at the same time, constructed at the same time and gone into operation at the same time with the major project.
14 The Prevention and Cure Regulations on Pneumoconiosis workers have the right to refuse operating when the dust density exceeds the national sanitary standard
15 The law on prevention and cure of occupational disease on October 27, 2001, Chinese government issued" the Law on Prevention and Cure of Occupational Disease " The asbestos pneumoconiosis is included in the legal occupational disease list.
16 The law on prevention and cure of occupational disease the occupational disease patients including pneumoconiosis patients can receive free medical treatment. the expenses are paid by the insurance fund of the occupational injury.
17 National Standard of Occupational Sanitary (GBZ ) In the asbestos mine and asbestos products enterprises, the dust density can't exceed 0.8f/ml in the workplace.
18 Insurance Regulations of the Occupational Injury On April 16, 2003, the State Council issued the " Insurance Regulations of the Occupational Injury ". the regulation stipulates various treatment and various rights and interests enjoyed by occupational disease patients
19 the Occupational Hygiene Regulation on Asbestos Work The enterprises must gradually reduce the output of asbestos and asbestos products To encourage enterprises to substitute the asbestos materials and the asbestos products with the new technique and new materials 。
20 the Occupational Hygiene Regulation on Asbestos Work Completely forbid exploiting, processing and using crocidolite and its products Chrysotile must be utilized safe and rationally; The enterprises must process the asbestos waste in the assigned location, and should bury under the depth of 20 to 25cm.
21 The Measures of Limit Use Asbestos in China The state limit enterprises use not advanced technology, harmful raw materials, and encourage using the harmless materials and non-toxic materials. The government take measures gradually to close the small scale asbestos mines.
22 The measures of limit use asbestos in china the State announced the stop-producing products catalogue in 2001 for the sake of safety and environment, the asbestos products are listed. Since October, 2003, the automobile-used friction materials already forbidden to use asbestos.
23 The measures of limit use asbestos in china since January of 2004, asbestos products have been forbidden in all construction enterprises in Beijing.
24 Labor Protection Magazine China Academy for Safety Sciences & Technologies phone: fax: website: www. esafety. cn Yuan Chunxian