Oral Defense Suggestions The Oral Defense should be 20 – 30 minutes in length and will be with the Student, Chair, and 2 nd Committee member. Use graphics pertinent to the topic – see following three examples. Proof and edit slides Use same font and background on each slide Check for professional appearance, flow, and unity throughout the presentation 1
Graphic Suggestion Rather than breaking the PPT rules, consider adding a related photo, graphic, or using SmartArt Journal & Reflection
Graphic Suggestion Power Points should have minimal verbiage… 5 short (1-2) word bullets max, or two short sentences. Key Points Max 5 Short Pts. Max 2 Sentences
DBA Doctoral Study Oral Defense Identify if 1 st or 2 nd defense
Thank each faculty member by name Chair: Dr. 2 nd Committee Member: Dr. URR: Dr. Program Director: Dr. Freda Turner 6
Background 7Oral Defense
Problem Statement bullets/citations Hook: Anchor: General Business Problem: Specific Business Problem: 8
Purpose Statement The focus of this (method/design) The business impact of this issue is The social impact of this issue is 9
Research Question(s) 10
Hypothesis (if quantitative or mixed method) 11 H1o H1a
Conceptual or Theoretical framework Name of theory Theory authored by This theory was developed in How does the theory interface with your study 12
Method/Design chosen to help add new insights The proposed research will be a XXX (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method research study. This method allows the researcher to The selected research design for this study is This design allows the researcher 13
Participants and sample size The populations from which the samples will be drawn The sample size will consist of xx participants. This number is based on ??? 14
Data Collection Technique Plans (think recipe fashion)
How do you plan to analyze data (describe in recipe card type fashion) (see IRB form) 16
Closing Thank you Dr. XXX and Dr. XXXX This concludes my first oral defense presentation. I would now like to invite your questions 17
Purpose of the Study Purpose of the study 18
Presentation of Findings List each research question & conclusion as findings are based on evidence collected How do findings related to the literature How do findings relate to conceptual/theoretical framework 19
How does data relate to professional practice 20
What implications does the data have for social change 21
Recommendations for action Who will benefit from the results of this study How can results be disseminated to the larger population (conferences, literature, etc) 22
Abstract – see notes section on components for abstract List the abstract here 23
Thank you and questions Chair: Dr. 2 nd committee member: Dr. URR: Dr. Questions? 24