Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning CYPOP 14 Support children and young people to have positive relationships Karen Spence and Clare Sowerby
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Learning outcomes - Understand the importance of positive relationships for the development and well being of children and young people. - Be able to support children and young people to make and maintain positive relationships. - Understand how to support children and young people when there are relationship difficulties.
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Exercise - Identify a significant relationship in your childhood or adolescence (one you are prepared to share). - Think about why that relationship was important and the positive and negative impacts - Share that with a partner.
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Supervised contact The support worker in your group will describe a contact session she supervises. What are the possible impacts of supervised contact on maintaining relationships with their birth family. Consider the restricted nature of the contact and the effects of being supervised. Consider all the members of the family that are involved in the contact session.
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Helping others solve problems Tell You must go and talk to your form teacher Suggest You could go and talk to your form teacher or talk to another member of staff Ask Have you thought of any ways that you could solve this problem Is there anyone at school you can talk to
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Conflict – the positives - identifies problems that need to be solved. - a way of creating gradual change, so reduces the need for violent upheaval. - helps us to define who we are. - a way of discharging some of the resentment that is generated by the limiting aspects of a relationship. - can be stimulating and challenging.
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Questions… Help people become more aware Help people think things through Clarify Simplify Multiply Will it fly? Do it by?
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Goals Options Will Reality What do you want? What is happening now? What could you do? What will you do? GROW Model
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Goal How do you see the situation? What would you like to happen?
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Reality (Simplify) What is happening at the moment It can help identify where the person is now to clarify the gap between now and where they want to be Discussing the reality can help issues seem more manageable – a problem shared is a problem halved!
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Reality What are the important issues? What has stopped you from sorting out the problem? What support do you have to help you sort out the problem?
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Options What solutions can you think of? What are all the different ways in which you could approach this issue? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these? Will this help you to meet your solve the situation?
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Will (Do it by) What are you going to do? When are you going to do it? What support do you need and from whom?
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Domestic Violence & young people “4% of teenage girls were subjected to regular attacks by their partner.” “16% had been hit at least once.” “31% thought that it was ‘acceptable’ for a boy to act in an aggressive’ way if his girlfriend has cheated on him.” “6% girls between 13-19, with an average age of 15, had been forced to have sex with their boyfriend and 1 in 3 forgave him and stayed with him.” (Source: Sugar magazine and NSPCC online survey 2005; Teen Abuse survey of Great Britain.)
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Domestic Violence and Young people cont….. “ One in four 16 year old girls know of someone else who has been hurt or hit by someone they are dating.” “One in six 15 year old girls and more than one in four 16 year old girls who took part in the survey (27%) have been hit or hurt in some way by someone they were dating.” (Source: Bliss Magazine and Woman’s Aid online survey 2008)
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Exercise Healthy Relationships You have a set of cards - put the cards into 2 piles according to how you see the behaviour in a relationship. Is the behaviour healthy or unhealthy? 10 mins
Together we will enable individual and Council success by supporting continuous improvement through learning Child Sexual Exploitation What behaviour might indicate that a child or young person is being sexually exploited? What can you do as a worker to safeguard and promote the welfare of particular children and young people who are being, or may be, sexually exploited?