An introduction to Restored 2014. Restored An international Christian alliance working to transform relationships and end violence against women.


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Presentation transcript:

An introduction to Restored 2014

Restored An international Christian alliance working to transform relationships and end violence against women

Know where to go for help? National Domestic Violence Helpline Immediate danger 999

How big is the problem? Globally, women between the age of are more likely to be maimed or die as a result of male violence than through cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or war combined. Source: UN 2007

Rape In the first six months of 2008, 3,500 women and girls were raped in the Kivu provinces in DRC Source: UNFPA 2008 In South Africa it is estimated that a woman is raped every 83 seconds Source: The Atlas of women in the world 2009 Approximately 80,000 women in the UK suffer rape and attempted rape every year Findings from the British Crime Survey, 2004 Source: Walby and Allen, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking: In the UK: Of year old girls 1 in 4 experience violence; 1 in 6 forced into sex Source: University of Bristol/NSPCC 2009

Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation [FGC/FGM] It is estimated that more than two million girls are genitally mutilated per year. A rate of one girl every 15 seconds. Source: UN Courtesy of 28TooMany

Deaths In the UK, 2 women a week die due to intimate partner violence In El Salvador, one woman dies per day In Russia it’s one woman per hour In the Ukraine it’s one woman every 35 minutes Sources: Women’s Aid 2010 & Atlas of women in the world 2009

It is our society and our watch… Increase from 24 to 300 lap dancing clubs in the UK between 1997 and 2010 Source: Domesday Book % of UK men have paid for sex Source: 8 out of year old men look at porn on the internet; average 2 hours a week Source :BBC 2011

Domestic Abuse Domestic violence is the largest form of abuse of women worldwide, irrespective of region, culture, ethnicity, education, class and religion. Source: UN In the UK… On average there will have been 35 assaults before a victim calls the police Source: Amnesty International A woman is abused in her home in the UK every 6 seconds Source: Women’s Aid

How can the church respond to domestic abuse?

What is the situation in the church? ‘Our The men treat us like beasts and animals. They come in, have sex, and leave.’ Christian, Burkina Faso Tearfund 2008 ‘I expect my wife to bow down before me as I bow down before Christ.’ Pastor, Zimbabwe Tearfund 2008 In a small Restored UK survey with Christianity magazine in 2013 more than half churchgoing respondents said that had experienced some form of domestic abuse

A church can do a lot: Being informed (Resources/Training) Provide pastoral support Do no harm Have a clear idea of the links to specialised services Be a space of safety and restoration Have information and resources available and with easy access

Involving men

First Man Standing “It’s the attitudes and actions of men that have to change” This is about the gospel Positive role models and challenging power

First Man Standing Sign up at: Challenge other men Join the cause Respect all women

More about Restored We hold that violence against women in all its forms is unacceptable, inexcusable and intolerable. We strive to highlight domestic and sexual abuse of women and to engage local churches around the world in addressing the issues and social norms that allow this unacceptable practice to go on. Our approach is to work with churches and men in ending violence against women.

Our vision for the UK and the world Men and women working together The church speaking out Communities where women are free from violence and fear

What do we believe? Men and women must work together to end violence All violence against women is wrong and must stop Scripture cannot be used to justify violence The church has an answer and can be part of the solution The time to act is now

What are we aiming to do? We aim to Raise awareness in churches of domestic abuse and violence against women Equip and encourage the church to take action Signpost people to information, resources and services

How do we work? We model a partnership of men and women working together to bring violence against women to an end We pray, asking God to enable us to bring violence against women to an end We share resources and information through our website

How do we work? We create resources, such as the church pack We provide training for churches and organisations to raise awareness in domestic violence We campaign and lobby governments and institutions to bring violence against women to and end

What can you do about it? Speak up and out – break the silence Check out our website See the Get Involved sectionGet Involved Find out the services available in your area Visit our Resources sectionResources Support Restored financially and in prayer

Pray for local and international action to end violence against women

Isaiah 61:3 “…. a crown of beauty instead of ashes; the oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair…”

You can change the world Courtesy of Flame International