A Nazi Postcard from 1933 The slogan on the postcard (not in the picture) was: ‘What the King conquered, the Prince shaped, the Field Marshal defended, the Soldier saved, and united’
‘What the King conquered…’ Under Frederick the Great (right), Prussia increased its size and importance in Europe in the late 18th Century. By the beginning of the 19th Century Prussia was challenging the Austrian Empire as the dominant Germanic state. The Prussians achieved this through having a powerful military.
The Prince shaped… In 1861 Bismarck was appointed Minister-President of Prussia. He brutally suppressed Liberal opposition to increase military expenditure. He is best known for his genius in foreign policy.
Wars of Unification Under the leadership of Bismarck Prussia engaged in 3 wars to unify Germany. These wars were against: 1864 – Denmark 1866 – Austria 1870 – France The Second German Reich was proclaimed 18th January 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors of the Palace of Versailles. (pictured right) Kaiser Wilhelm I became Kaiser of all of Germany.
The Power Structure of the New Germany The Hohenzollern monarch (Kaiser) was Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed forces and could declare war as he saw fit. The Imperial Chancellor was appointed by, and was responsible only to the Kaiser. The Reichstag was a popularly elected House of Representatives. This institution did have some powers, but was largely a rubber-stamp for Bismarck’s policies.
Summary – Bismarck’s Achievement Otto von Bismarck was the principal architect of a German state which: Valued the end above consideration of the means; Preached the necessity for submission to higher authority; Taught its citizens to believe in their special destiny; Saw war as the continuation of diplomacy by other means; Demonstrated the German ability to overcome adversity through planning and preparation; Proved the value of order, system, method, and stability;
Pre-1918 Germany Had traditions of: Nationalism Militarism Authoritarianism
Weimar Republic During the turmoil of the Weimar republic many Germans looked back on the old Imperial Germany with fondness. They were looking for someone to lead them back to the “good old days” when Germany was great. Hitler and the Nazis took advantage of these feelings...
Some Germans wanted a ……? A knight in shining armour! To save them!