資料蒐集的歷程 Locating site/individual Storing data Resolving field issues Recording information Collecting data Purposefully sampling Gaining access and making rapport
研究資料的型式 observation 1.Gather fieldnotes by conducting an observation as a participant. 2.Gather fieldnotes by conducting an observation as an observer. 3.Gather fieldnotes by spending more times as a participant than as an observer. 4.Gather fieldnotes by spending more times as an observer than as a participant. 5.Gather fieldnotes first by observing as an 「 outsider 」 and then by moving into the setting and observing as an 「 insider 」.
Interviews 1.Conduct an unstructured, open-ended interview and take interview notes. 2.Conduct an unstructured, open-ended interview, audiotape the interview, and transcribe the interview. 3.Conduct a semistructured interview, audiotape the interview, and transcribe the interview. 4.Conduct a focus group interview, ausiotape the interview, and transcribe the interview. 5.Conduct different types of interview: , face- to-face, focus group, online focus group, telephone interviews.
documents 1.Keep a journal during the research study. 2.Have a participant keep a journal or diary during the research study. 3.Collect personal letters from participants. 4.Analyze public documents. 5.Examine autobiographies and biographies. 6.Have informants take photographs or videotapes. 7.Conduct chart audits. 8.Review medical records
Audiovisual materials 1.Examine physical trace evidence 2.Videotape or film a social situation or individual or group. 3.Examine photographs or videotapes. 4.Collect sounds 5.Collect e-,ail or electronic messages. 6.Gather phone text messages. 7.Examine possessions or ritual objects.
如何進入研究田野 當研究者的身分未被知悉 當研究者的身分已被知悉 1. 參與研究者角色 2. 外部研究者角色
如何與研究對象及研究場域和睦共處 關於研究倫理 1. 保密的問題 2. 介入的問題 3. 退出的問題 4. 自我的壓力
深入訪談法 1. 訪談大綱的編寫 2. 訪談的田野筆記 3. 訪談文字稿 研究資料的記錄
參與觀察法 1. 大腦筆記 2. 筆記草稿 3. 筆記定稿
單元參考閱讀 Creswell , J. W. (2007). QUALITATIVE INQUIRY & RESEARCH : CHOOSING AMONG FIVE APPROACHES. London : Sage. 任凱、王佳煌 ( 譯 ) (2005). 質性研究法 : 社會情境的觀察與分析. 台北 : 學富.