The NITE XML Toolkit Jean Carletta University of Edinburgh HCRC Language Technology Group
NITE XML Toolkit Edinburgh, Stuttgart, DFKI NOT the NITE Workbench for Windows from the University of Southern Denmark
The NITE XML Toolkit integrated support for creating and searching different kinds of annotation on the same speech and video data data format that allows for distributed data production some standard GUIs, data utilities support for writing high quality hand- annotation tools for new tasks quickly
NXT corpus design data model is multi-rooted tree with arbitrary graph structure over the top –each node has one set of children, multiple parents annotations often naturally map to a tree –design task is deciding where trees intersect NXT can represent arbitrary graphs but the more the data has this character, the less useful the search is
Only configuration needed to: search/index data in NXT format display data in a standardized (ugly) way (NXT 1.3.0) do an increasing number of "usual" annotation tasks –dialogue act –named entity –time-stamped labelling like The Observer
Programming tailored interfaces development time is 1.5 days - 2 weeks depending on –how clear the spec is –complexity of the interface –familiarity with Swing NXT will include middleware reducing this and making typical program ~200 lines of code
GUI Demos
Recommended Data Paths (1) Transcribe data outside NXT –Transcriber or multi-channel version of it Create timestamped base layers either in NXT or in your favourite other tool –The Observer, Anvil, TASX, EventEditor
Recommended Data Paths (2) Use NXT as a reference storage format for shared data –everyone contributes data to a CVS repository from which different versions of the corpus can be built work in NXT natively when sensible –to create annotations structured over base layers –search/index Use NXT's generic utilities (or roll your own) to export data, run it through some machine process, and re-import the result –POS, morphology, automatic annotation based on statistical model
Up-translation into NXT format existing translations for several common tools take.5-4 days to write, depending on –documentation of input format –complexity of mapping complete lattice output of SR takes thought
Why NXT? best support for distributed creation of hand-annotations structured over transcription best search facility for integrated data set any other approach takes more dedicated development time; main task here is corpus design and up-translation
Reported Problems at Installation won't run –zip file truncated during download –forgot to set classpath –don't have Java can't get signal to play –video codec not installed/not registered in JMF –format not supported by JMF no one thing to run
extract from Bdb001.A.words.xml time - line extract from Bdb001.A.speech-quality.xml Stand-off XML
GUI support (low level) a central clock keeps data displays/signal in synch pre-defined display widgets for text areas, trees, grids interfaces that displays can implement –in order to stay synchronized with clock –to allow search results to be highlighted predefined GUIs for displaying a dialogue, searching a corpus that work for anything
Metadata file Equivalent to set of DTDs for the XML files plus: –connections between the files –list of "observations" (coded dialogues/group discussions/texts) –catalog for finding signals and data on disk
Data Handling API Load corpus or meaningful subparts of a corpus (down to individual XML file) Data access, traversal, and manipulation with most important validation done on-line Serialization with choice of standoff syntax Off-line procedure for full validation All data is held in memory; "dump-n-reload" memory management planned
Simple example query ($w word)($r reference): = “NN”) && ($r ^ $w) Match pairs of words and referring expressions where the word’s part of speech is NN and the word is in the referring expression.
General features of the language Match variable by no type, single type, or disjunctive type The usual boolean operators plus some syntactic sugar, like -> Quantifiers forall and exists (which do not contribute to the n-tuple returned)
Attribute and content tests Existence Ordering and equality against numbers and strings Match to regexp
Temporal tests Whether data object is timed Start or end time before, after, same as given time Same temporal extent, inclusion, abutment, overlap temporal precedence Start and end times treated as special attributes, for finer comparisons
Structural tests Identity Dominance (traceable through 0 to n children) Precedence (before in some tree ordering) Relationship via a role, which must be named Some distance/tree-limited functionality
Complex queries Evaluate first query, and carry over resulting bindings when evaluating second Result is a tree Any n-tuples from the first query that have no matches for the second are removed Faster to run, more intuitive to write, easier to perform frequency counts
Example complex query ($a w):(TEXT($a) ~ /th.*/):: ($s speechquality):($s ^ $a) && Find instances of words starting with “th” For each find instances of speech quality tags of type "emphasis" that dominate the word Discard words that are not dominated by at least one such tag
Uses for queries Exploring the data Basic frequency counts Verifying data quality Indexing complexes for further use Finding things for screen rendering in GUI
Warts Currently builds in-memory representation of complete data set being loaded –work-arounds: process one dialogue at a time, don't load the annotations you don't need –lazy loading and better memory management under development In large, distributed corpora, pain to assemble the subcorpus you want –build mechanism under development Some useful things missing from query language –arithmetic –distance-limited precedence