What is a “Trouble Ball” Outfielder turns and begins to run toward the outfield fence (possible home run) Outfielder moving toward the foul line (possible fair/foul decision) Multiple fielders converging on a fly ball (collision – dropped ball) A catch being made below the waist (diving catch)
Basic Three Man Axioms Anytime there is a runner at first base, U1’s starting position in at first base, and U3’s starting position is in the infield (Deep B or C with runner on 1 st, Regular C with any other runner configuration). Anytime there is a runner in scoring position the PU remains at home, unless rotating up to third base for a tag up situation with runners on 1 st and 2 nd with less than two outs. Check swing appeals always go to the umpire on the rail, regardless of right or left handed batters, with only one umpire on the rail.
Situation: No runners on or runner on 3 rd only U1 and U3 are on the lines Routine And Trouble Fly Balls Routine And Trouble Fly Balls CF
Situation: No runners on U1 and U3 are on the lines Any fly ball to right field (U1’s area of responsibility) Fly Ball
Any fly ball to right field (U1’s area of responsibility) Situation: Runner on 3rd only U1 and U3 are on the lines
Any fly ball to left field (U3’s area of responsibility) Situation: No runners on U1 and U3 are on the lines Fly Ball
Any fly ball to left field (U3’s area of responsibility) Situation: Runner on 3 rd only U1 and U3 are on the lines Fly Ball
U1 U3 Clean base hit to the outfield PU Situation: No runners on. U1 and U3 are on the lines
PU U1 U3 Situation: Runner on 3 rd only U1 and U3 are on the lines Clean base hit to the outfield
Situation: Runner on 1 st U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is inside the infield in deep B or C. U1 U3 PU Clean base hit to the outfield
PU U1 U3 LF CF RF U3 has coverage on all balls U1 has trouble balls, U3 has coverage on routine fly balls PU has coverage on trouble balls U3 Situation: Runner on 1 st or any runners with two outs. U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is in either deep B or C with runner on 1 st (umpire preference) or regular C with any other combination of runners. Runner on 1 st or (any combination of runners with two outs) - Initial Positions and Outfield Coverage U1 has coverage on trouble balls
U1 U3 PU Situation: Runner on 1 st, trouble ball down left field line. U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is inside the infield in deep B or C. Fly ball to left field (PU’s area of responsibility) PU’s Coverage Area
U1 U3 PU Situation: Runner on 1 st U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is in deep B or C Fly ball to right field (U1’s area of responsibility) U1’s Coverage Area
U1 U3 PU Situation: Runner on 1 st U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is in either deep B or C Trouble ball into left center (U3’s area of responsibility) U3’s Coverage Area
U1 U3 PU Situation: Runners on 1 st and 2 nd or bases loaded. U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is inside the infield in the “C” position Clean base hit to the outfield
U1 U3 PU Situation: Runners on 1 st and 2 nd (with less than 2 outs) U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is inside the infield in the “C” position U3’s Coverage Area Fly ball into left center field (U3’s area of responsibility)
U1 U3 PU Situation: Runners on 1 st and 2 nd (with less than 2 outs) U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is inside the infield in the “C” position U3’s Coverage Area Trouble ball into left center field (U3’s area of responsibility)
PU U3 LF CF RF U3 has trouble balls, U1 has coverage on routine fly balls U1 has coverage on all balls U3 has coverage on trouble balls U1 Situation: Runner on 2 nd or 2 nd and 3 rd. U1 is in deep B. U3 is on line inside the infield in either deep B or C. Umpire’s preference. Runners on 2 nd or 2 nd and 3 rd (less then two outs) - Initial Positions and Outfield Coverage PU has coverage on trouble balls
U1 U3 PU Trouble ball into right field (U1’s area of responsibility) U1’s Coverage Area Situation: Runners on 1 st and 2 nd (with less than 2 outs) U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is inside the infield in the “C” position
U1 U3 PU Trouble ball into left field (PU’s area of responsibility) PU’s Coverage Area Situation: Runners on 1 st and 2 nd (with less than 2 outs) U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is inside the infield in the “C” position
U1 U3 PU Fly ball into left field (U3’s area of responsibility) Situation: Runner on 2 nd or 2 nd and 3 rd (with less than 2 outs) U1 is in deep “B” U3 is on the line (“D” position) U3’s Coverage Area
U1 U3 PU Trouble ball into right center field (U1’s area of responsibility) Situation: Runners on 2 nd or 2 nd and 3 rd (with less than 2 outs) U1 is in deep “B” U3 is on the line (“D” position) U1’s Coverage Area
U1 U3 PU Fly ball into right field (PU’s area of responsibility) Situation: Runner on 2 nd or 2 nd and 3 rd (with less than 2 outs) U1 is in deep “B” U3 is on the line (“D” position) PU’s Coverage Area
Situation: Bases loaded U1 is on the line (“A” position) U3 is in regular C. U1 U3 PU Trouble ball into right field (U1’s area of responsibility)