THE NATIONAL HEALTH PRIORITY AREAS Unit 3: Australia’s health / Area of Study 1 Understanding Australia’s Health
National Health Priority Areas (NHPA) The National Health Priority Areas initiative was Australia's response to the World Health Organisation's global strategy Health for All by the year 2000 and its subsequent revision. The initial 1996 set of NHPAs included cardiovascular health, cancer control, injury prevention and control and mental health. Diabetes mellitus was added in 1997, followed by asthma in 1999, arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions in 2002 and obesity in Asthma Arthritis & Musculoskeletal problems Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascular Health Cancer Control Mental Health Injury Prevention & Control Obesity
The Cost to Individuals and Communities
Direct Costs Indirect Costs Intangible Costs There are three different recognised costs!
Direct Costs Include costs that can be accurately quantified and result the prevention, treatment or diagnosis of the disease or illness. Often expressed in monetary terms
Indirect Costs Refer to the costs incurred by an individual, their family or community because of the consequences that the illness may have on an individual’s work and social activities.
Intangible Costs Not associated with a dollar value Include pain and suffering Emotional cost
The cost of health care services The cost of pharmaceuticals The cost of prevention strategies Direct costs to the community
Unpaid care Reduced or lost productivity Absenteeism Indirect cost to the community
Loss of an individual from a community due to premature death – emotional pain and suffering experienced by others Intangible costs to the community
The cost of medical care Ambulance Pharmaceutical expenses Direct costs for individuals
Travel costs related to receiving treatment & care Loss or partial loss of current and future earnings Additional services now needed Indirect costs for individuals
Pain and suffering Anxiety and stress due to reduced productivity Loss of time Loss of quality of life Intangible costs for individuals