How to learn for speaking assessments.
I cant learn it. Its German. Its too hard.
YES YOU CAN! Every few weeks you learn the words to your favourite song!! You can something similar in English – as long as you understand what you have written, you will in German too! Its a thought process…a story!
KatzeHundHaareblau einslustigFußballlang Brudermagbraunvier Hundkurz How good is your memory?
Write down what you remember.
KatzeHundHaareblau einslustigFußballlang Brudermagbraunvier Hundkurz Cover your old answers
Do the test again!
How do your 2 scores compare? Why are they different? Did you remember more or less things? Why? Did you remember different things? Why?
Learn through seeing. Need to see words written down. Tend to sit at the front of classroom. Think in images/pictures. Like diagrams, illustrated tasks, video/DVD and handouts. Like to take detailed notes.
Learn through listening Like verbal instructions and discussions Like to listen to others. Not over keen on written information. Like to read text aloud. Like to use play back settings on digital media players.
Learn through moving. Like taking part and touching. Like to be active. Find it a challenge to sit for long periods. Easily distracted.
Important Find somewhere quiet to learn. Take a manageable chunk (1 question/answer) Use your preferred learning style to help you learn. Only move on to the next manageable chunk once you are happy that it has been learnt. Learning should occur in short bursts mins. at a time. The bursts of learning should be frequent.
Background noise – try not to have music on whilst learning unless it does not have any words. Trying to learn too much in one go! Our brains can only manage a bit at a time. Moving on to the next bit before you have learned the last bit properly. Not checking your learning on a regular basis.