1 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 1 INTERREGIONAL COOPERATION IN THE BLACK SEA OTHER COOPERATION OPPORTUNITIES
2 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area PRESENTATION CONTENTS 2 The ETC Programme “Greece – Bulgaria” INTERREG EUROPE SECTION BSECTION Α
3 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 3 The European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece – Bulgaria” Budget: € SECTION A
4 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 4 GREECE – BULGARIA CROSS – BORDER AREA Most south-eastern non-insular area of EU; in the middle of three seas: Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Ionian-Adriatic Sea. between Turkey and Western Balkans, both areas seeking accession to EU. Bridge between two EU Macro-regional strategies: Adriatic and Ionian Danube. at the crossroad of strategic fossil fuel transport axes supplying the EU market.
5 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 5 PROGRAMME STRUCTURE 4 Priority Axes “A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area” (TO 3) “A Sustainable and climate adaptable Cross-Border area” (TO 5 & 6) “A better interconnected Cross-Border Area” (TO 7) “A Socially Inclusive Cross-Border Area (TO 9) 9 Investment Priorities & 10 Specific Objectives (+1 for TA) 2 cross-cutting themes: Innovation Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance
BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 6 OVERVIEW OF THE INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF THE PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PRIORITIESTHEMATIC OBJECTIVESINVESTMENT PRIORITIES A competitive and Innovative Cross-Border area Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators Supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes A Sustainable and climate adaptable Cross-Border area Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management Promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage Protecting and restoring biodiversity, soil protection and restoration and promoting ecosystem services including NATURA 2000 and green infrastructures Promoting innovative technologies to improve environmental protection and resource efficiency in the waste sector, water sector, soil protection or to reduce air pollution. A better interconnected Cross- Border area Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures Enhancing regional mobility by connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, including multimodal nodes. A socially inclusive Cross-Border area Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty and discrimination Investing in health and social infrastructure which contribute to national, regional and local development, reducing inequalities in terms of health status, promoting social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational services and the transition from institutional to community-based services. Providing support for social enterprises [1] Thematic Objective 5 has been combined with Thematic Objective 6 into one Priority Axis in order to address environmental issues in an integrated manner.
7 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 7 A COMPETITIVE AND INNOVATIVE CROSS-BORDER AREA” (TO 3) Promoting entrepreneurship and creation of new firms – Indicative Actions: Business infrastructure modernization (incubators, technology parks, exhibition halls, market-places, etc) Business support services (labs, web-platforms, technology transfer centres, etc) Skills promotion activities and productivity promotion activities (training, technological introduction, etc) Supporting export promotion and innovation capacity in SMEs – Indicative Actions: Clusters, value-chains, etc ; collaboration schemes in tourism (integrated tourist destinations, branding of areas and products, etc) between businesses & between business and non-business sectors R&D activities (common business research, patents, new products, etc) Cross-border business-plans (e.g. trade, new business org.models) & collective export promotion activities Priority areas: agro-food value chain, waste mgmt & energy, tourism
8 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 8 A SUSTAINABLE AND CLIMATE ADAPTABLE CROSS-BORDER AREA” (TO 5 & 6) Environmental Protection and Resource Efficiency in the waste /water sector/soil protection/reduction of air pollution – Indicative Actions: Development of CB frameworks and platforms for the interoperability of databases and the integration of management approaches in the areas of water management (pollution control and efficient use) and soil management (contaminated lands) Capacity-building (including data analysis and support systems) & stakeholder involvement actions Disaster management and resilience – Indicative Actions: Capacity-building actions: databases, observatories; ICT tools; harmonized standards; training/education. Risk and disaster mgmt actions: integrated plans and response systems; land improvements; small-scale (localized) infrastructure. Priority areas: built environment, flooding, forest wildfires, industrial risks and accidents
9 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 9 A SUSTAINABLE AND CLIMATE ADAPTABLE CROSS-BORDER AREA” (TO 5 & 6) (cont.) Developing natural and cultural heritage– Indicative Actions: Capacity-building actions: knowledge transfer; “good practices”; joint development of innovative cultural asset preservation methods; Rehabilitation/protection of cultural assets of CB importance (must be made disabled-accessible) Area-wide cultural initiatives: awareness raising (e.g. cultural identity); youth exchanges; exchanges of events; traditional jobs, etc. Priority areas: cultural and natural heritage sites/actions not directly connected to tourism Protecting and restoring biodiversity– Indicative Actions: Knowledge transfer; “good practices”; data sharing and cooperation platforms Joint strategies and action plans (general or for specific challenges); pilot applications New risk assessment & management models for CB protected areas Priority areas: endangered species, Natura areas
10 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 10 A BETTER INTERCONNECTED CROSS-BORDER AREA” (TO 7) Connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure Indicative Actions: Construction of new or upgrading of existing road infrastructure and construction works of CB importance; complementary infrastructures and construction works. Design/implementation of transport monitoring systems (e.g. road safety, state-of-repair, etc) Planning for logistics centres, multimodal infrastructure, etc Priority areas: cross-border mobility
11 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 11 A SOCIALLY INCLUSIVE CROSS-BORDER AREA (TO 9) Health and social infrastructure - social inclusion – Indicative Actions: Public health support centres of reference. Shared use of resources and expertise in the cross-border healthcare provision. Improvement of primary health care practices. Mobile services, tele-medicine and tele-care infrastructure. Priority areas: public health Social entrepreneurship – Indicative Actions: Operational support to Social Enterprises Support for social franchising. Monitoring and evaluation of social, economic and environmental impact of social enterprises.
12 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 12 INTERREG EUROPE BUDGET: € SECTION B
BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 13 AREA OF COOPERATION
BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 14 OVERVIEW OF THE INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF THE PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PRIORITIESTHEMATIC OBJECTIVESINVESTMENT PRIORITIES Priority Axis 1 - Research, technological development & innovation TO 1 Strengthening research, technological development and innovation Enhancing research and innovation (R&I) infrastructure and capacities to develop R&I excellence and promoting centres of competence, in particular those of European interest. Priority Axis 2 - Competitiveness of small & medium-sized enterprises TO3 Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs Supporting the capacity of SMEs to engage in growth in regional, national and international markets, and in innovation processes; Priority Axis 3 - Low carbon economy TO4 supporting the shift towards a low- carbon economy in all sectors Promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, in particular for urban areas, including the promotion of sustainable multi-modal urban mobility and mitigation relevant adaptation measures; Priority Axis 4 - Environment & resource efficiency TO6 protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage. [1] Thematic Objective 5 has been combined with Thematic Objective 6 into one Priority Axis in order to address environmental issues in an integrated manner.
BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 15 PRIORITY AXIS 1 - Research, technological development & innovation – Indicative Actions Investment priority 1(a) Enhancing research and innovation (R&I) infrastructure and capacities to develop R&I excellence and promoting centres of competence, in particular those of European interest Two types of actions to allow partners from the different Partner States to work together on a shared regional policy issue in the field of innovation infrastructures and capacities: Interregional Cooperation Projects and Policy Learning Platforms Exchange of experience among regional actors to improve policies in support of innovation addressing the key societal challenges in the field of health, demographic change and well-being. Publication of policy recommendations for creating regional centres of competence for research and innovation based on successful experiences from different Projects and G&J programmes. Seminar for regional actors on strengthening the role of universities in the regional innovation system. Peer reviews among European regions, which have similar sectors of smart specialisation to analyse and improve their regional innovation infrastructures.
BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 16 PRIORITY AXIS 2 -Competitiveness of small & medium-sized enterprises – Indicative Actions Investment priority 3(d) supporting the capacity of SMEs to engage in growth in regional, national and international markets, and in innovation processes; Two types of actions to allow partners from the different Partner States to work together on a shared regional policy issue in the field of innovation infrastructures and capacities: Interregional Cooperation Projects and Policy Learning Platforms Regional authorities and business support actors sharing experiences on awareness raising and building entrepreneurial qualities among young people and developing action plans for the introduction of young entrepreneur support schemes in their regions. Contribute to EU wide capacity building by supporting networking and exchange of experience among relevant actors related to Investment for Growth and Jobs and ETC programmes. Exploit the results of Interregional Cooperation Projects and make them available to a wider audience of regional policy actors across Europe.
BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 17 PRIORITY AXIS 3 – Low carbon economy– Indicative Actions Investment priority 4(e)Promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, in particular for urban areas, including the promotion of sustainable multi-modal urban mobility and mitigation relevant adaptation measures; Interregional Cooperation Projects and Policy Learning Platforms Regional and city authorities sharing experiences on sustainable mobility measures, resulting in Action Plans that prepare actions and investments to increase the use low-carbon transport options to be funded from Growth & Jobs programmes or other regional programmes. Exploit the results of Interregional Cooperation Projects and make them available to a wider audience of regional policy actors across Europe.
BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 18 PRIORITY AXIS 4 – Environment and Resource Efficiency – Indicative Actions Investment priority 6(c)Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage. Interregional Cooperation Projects and Policy Learning Platforms Publication of examples and recommendations of regional development policies and tools to accommodate green technology and eco-innovation based companies to locate and develop in regions, based on Growth&Jobs projects around Europe. Seminar for regional authorities and development agencies to present practices and methods to promote eco- management in companies, based on examples from Growth&Jobs programmes. Peer reviews among European regions to assess and improve their programmes for monitoring and managing water quality in river basins and wetlands.
19 BUCHAREST, OCTOBER 2014 AER Training Academy for Interregional Cooperation projects in the Black Sea Area 19 Thank you for your attention! Vassiliki Sotiropoulou Managing Authority of ETC Programmes, Ministry of Development and Competitiveness, Greece tel Questions - Comments