A proposed flagship project: Creating a network on the implementation of EU food and feed legislation Sebastian Hielm Department of Food and Health, MAF Kick-off meeting for Priority area , Helsinki
What is a flagship project? A project with high significance An example of specific initiatives identified as able to demonstrate the concrete effects of the strategy in a relatively short time They are characterized by: –participation by a number of actors –a lead partner –a deadline for implementation ”Fast track” signifies rapid launch and implementation
The approach is hierarchical The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region To enhance the region’s prosperity (Pillar) –To reinforce sustainability of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Priority area 9) Create a network on the implementation of EU food and feed legislation (Flagship project), e.g.: –Co-operation between member states Approval of pesticides (?) –Nordic Council of Ministers co-operation Genetic diversity, food security, …(?)
What to do then? In accordance with the relevant pillar, the aim of work done under Priority area 9 is to enhance prosperity –It’s not about protecting the environment –It’s not about the region’s attractivity –It’s not about safety or security Thus, an undertaken flagship project in this Priority area should aim for a more sustainable agriculture in the Baltic Sea region by making it more lucrative
How could we promote the prosperity of agriculture? We are experts on food and feed legislation We have intergovernmental contacts on many levels –Between EU member governments/agencies –Between Nordic (and Baltic) ministries/authorities More efficiently and transparently, we could: –Share information on forthcoming legislation Both on the European and national level –Discuss barriers to trade as they emerge, to analyse whether they are sufficiently grounded in science –Share best-practices regarding official food and feed control
Create a network on the implemen- tation of EU food and feed legislation This is the name of a ’fast track’ flagship project under Priority area 9, as proposed by the EU strategy –Are we happy with this title? –Could we agree on a few priority areas to start work with? Is there any need to stick to the subjects proposed by the EU? Finland, more specifically the Department of Food and Health at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, is willing to act as the lead partner – any objections? How shall we go ahead with the practical work? What is the manner and timetable for delivering the possible outcomes of our work?
How and when shall the network proceed with the practical work? Kick-off meeting, today –Gather participants’ comments on the structure of the networking project –Expressions of interest to participate by countries and other organisations Setting up a mailing list among participants Elaborating a project plan (by ), end of 2009 Physical meeting in Finland, early 2010 First reporting of the results from networking, summer 2010
The crucial role of the NCM The Nordic Council of Ministers has a long and active tradition on networking in food and feed issues –There is a committee of senior food officials (ÄK-FJLS [Livs]) –The Baltic states are involved through the CSO-NB8 scheme The input of the NCM to the Baltic Strategy has been substantial Some specific Nordic networks could easily be involved (and expanded) as part of the flagship project: –Readiness exercises on animal disease outbreak scenarios –The new Nordic monitoring scheme on diet and exercise ’Fast track’ means building on existing NCM networks!