CENTRAL STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS Student-Athlete NCAA Educational Meeting Compliance Athletic Training
Everyone should have… Acknowledgement of Completed Forms & Meeting Attendance. If anyone is under the age of 18 please let us know.
ACS Online Forms All of your competed and electronically signed forms are available through your ACS SA Portal under Forms Library. All NCAA and CSU Policies are available via links on the front page of your ACS SA portal. Paper copies can be made available at your request
Information on ACS Student-Athlete Off-Campus Housing Form Automobile/Motorcycle Registration Failure to provide accurate information will render you ineligible…no questions asked. If any of this information changes, remember to let us know immediately!
Summer Employment Academic Year Employment Did you have a job this past summer? If so, did you fill out a SA Employment Form and Agreement? Do you plan on getting a job during the academic year? Prior to starting any type of employment, you must notify the Compliance Staff FIRST and complete the proper paperwork! THIS INCLUDES WORKSTUDY!
CSU, SIAC & NCAA Policies
Ethical Conduct Compete with honest and sportsmanship at all times. Be forthcoming and honest NCAA Bylaw 10 requires everyone at CSU to cooperate fully with NCAA Matters. Failure to do so will affect your eligibility!
Academics-Eligibility Requirements All student-athletes must: Be enrolled full-time Minimum of 12 hours See your academic advisor prior to making any course changes NEVER drop a course without first consulting your advisor and the Compliance Office. You WILL pay for the course out of YOUR pocket!
Academics-Eligibility Requirements All student-athletes must successfully complete: 9 hours per term to be eligible the next term 24 hours during the academic year (summer may not be used beginning Fall ‘15) Majors must be declared before the third year of enrollment or 5 th semester.
Athletic Training Staff… Ms. LaShaunta’ Jones Head Athletic Trainer/SWA McPherson Stadium-1 st Floor Ms. Dalyann Barnett Assistant Athletic Trainer Beacom-Lewis Gymnasium
NCAA Student-Athlete Statement Part VII: Affirmation of Valid Test Score INCOMING FRESHMAN ONLY! On this form you agreed that to the best of your knowledge you have received a validated ACT and/or SAT score. You agree that, if you are notified by ACT or SAT of the possibility of an invalidated test score, you will immediately notify the Compliance Office.
NCAA RULES EDUCATION The following information will cover a wide range of topics that is important for you to understand to ensure that you do not jeopardize your eligibility. ASK QUESTIONS!
Drug Testing and Sports Participation
Drug Testing Procedures Student-Athlete will be notified in person or by direct telephone communication, of the date, time to report and location of the testing event. The student will sign the Student-Athlete Notification Form
Drug Testing Procedures Cont. The day of Collection of Specimen: Student-Athlete will wash hands A Collector will monitor the student-athlete furnishing the specimen in order to ensure integrity of the specimen. If the specimen is incomplete, the student- athlete must remain in the collection station until specimen is completed. Student-Athlete will select a sealed collection container Student-Athlete provide picture identification when entering the drug-testing station
Drug Testing Procedures Cont. ◦ If the student-athlete must leave with an incomplete specimen (example: Class); upon return the student-athlete will start the procedure over. The specimen will be placed in vials to be sent to the lab; sealed in the shipping container; in the presence of the student-athlete. The student-athlete and collector will sign certifying that the procedures were followed as described. Any deviations from the procedure will be recorded at that time.
Breach of Protocol Means? The Student-Athlete is immediately deemed ineligible if the following occurs…
Breach of Protocol if the Student Athlete: Refuses to sign the notification form or custody and control form Failure to arrive at the collection site during the designated timeframe or a “No-Show” Failure to provide a urine sample according to protocol Leaves the collection station before providing a specimen according to protocol Attempts to alter the integrity or validity of the urine specimen and/or collection process
NCAA Bans the Following Substances Stimulants ◦ Amphetamine (Adderall); caffeine (guatana); cocaine; ephedrine; methylphenidate (Ritalin) etc. Anabolic Agents ◦ Androstenedione; testosterone; etc. Alcohol and Beta Blockers (banned in rifle only) ◦ Alcohol; atenolol; etc. Diuretics and Other Masking Agents ◦ Bumetanide, hydrochlorothiazide; etc.
NCAA Banned Substances Cont. Street Drugs ◦ Heroine; marijuana; synthetic cannabinoids; etc. Peptide Hormones ◦ Growth Hormone (hGH); human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG); etc. Anti-estrogens ◦ Anastrozole; tamoxifen; etc. Beta-2 Agonists ◦ Bambuterol; formoterol; etc
Drugs and Procedures Subject to Restrictions Blood and Gene Doping Local anesthetics (under some conditions) Manipulation of Urine Samples Beta-2 Agonists permitted only by prescription and inhalation Caffeine if concentrations in urine exceed 15 micrograms/milliliter
Dietary Supplement Warning Dietary supplements are not well regulated and may cause a positive drug test. Student-athletes have tested positive and lost their eligibility using dietary supplements Any product containing a dietary supplement ingredient is taken at your own risk Before consuming any nutritional/dietary supplement product, review the product with your athletic trainer.
Year-Round Testing Fall/Spring/Summer ◦ Anabolic Agents ◦ Diuretics and Masking Agents ◦ Peptide Hormones ◦ Beta-2 Agonists ◦ Beta-Blockers Stimulants and street drugs are generally not tested in NCAA year-round testing
Year-Round Testing…cont. NCAA Championships ◦ May test for ALL banned drug classes, and include tests for street drugs and stimulants Other Occasions, such as exit tests, follow up tests, and manipulation: ◦ May include testing for ALL banned drug classes
Consequences for Positive Testing A positive test will result in the ineligibility for one year from the date of the positive result.
No Shows Counts as a positive test result Athlete is deemed ineligible for one year from the date of testing.
Appeal Process The institution must submit in writing the grounds of the appeal and a summary of the institutional drug-education program. At least three members of the drug-education and drug-testing subcommittee of the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports (CSMAS) hear appeals Appeals are conducted by telephone conference The director of athletics or his or her designee and the student-athlete must be on the appeal call
Appeal Process Cont. In the event that the appeal is approved, the S-A is still ineligible until an adequate urine sample is provided and tested by the NCAA.
Useful Links NCAA FAQ link: ◦ safety/policy/frequently-asked-questions- about-drug-testing safety/policy/frequently-asked-questions- about-drug-testing Drug Free Sport Popular Blog with information updated regularly: ◦ ◦ Username: NCAA Division II ◦ Password: ncaa2
Questions? If you have questions or concerns about supplements or drug testing ask your Athletic Training Staff.
CONCUSSIONS Don’t Hide It! Report It! Take Time to Recover!
In Season Student-Athlete’s participating in countable athletically related activities shall be limited to a maximum of 4 hours per day and 20 hours per week. You must have one day off each week. May not occur during MIDNIGHT and 5:00AM. No CARA limit during official vacation periods. Off-Season Student-Athletes may participate in no more than 8 hours per week of countable athletically related activities. You must have two days off each week. No CARA allowed during official vacation periods. No CARA allowed during finals week and One Week Prior
What Are CARAs?
What is Voluntary Activity?
COUNTABLE ATHLETICALLY RELATED ACTIVITIES Weekly Approvals Beginning this fall the Compliance Office will randomly request approval of your CARA logs submitted by the coaching staff. You will be asked to approve or deny your logs. You will have the opportunity to identify any discrepancies. Check Your ACS Account DAILY!!!!!
Gambling on NCAA Sponsored Sports
Gambling Student-athletes are prohibited from gambling or wagering on any sport that the NCAA sponsors Professional and amateur equivalents (e.g., NFL, NBA, MLB, PGA, high school, little league. etc.) Fantasy leagues for money or prizes Do NOT provide performance-related or medical information on other student-athletes to anyone! Gambling can result in the loss of a SA’s eligibility!
Gambling PERMANENTLY INELIGIBLE Engage in activities designed to influence a portion or final outcome of a sports contest (“point shaving” or spot fixing”). Participate in a sports wager of any team at the student-athlete’s institution. INEGLIGIBLE FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE YEAR AN CHARGED A MINIMUN OF ONE SEASON OF ELIGIBILITY Participate in a sports wager of any kind via or through: the Internet; a bookie; and/or a parlay card. INEGLIBLE (Length to be determined) Participate in a sports wager of any kind by putting something at risk for the opportunity to win something. This would include fantasy leagues, Super Bowl pools and March Madness pools.
Gambling Depending on the type of gambling activity, not only will the NCAA get involved but guess who else… This is not a joke!!!!
Remember these guys…
Gambling Is there anything that you can bet on? Horse or Dog Racing Casino Games Darts NASCAR
Extra Benefits “They’re not worth it.”
Extra Benefits Acknowledgement Extra Benefits Any special arrangement by an institutional employee or a representative of the institution’s athletics interest to provide a student-athlete or the student-athlete’s relative or a friend a benefit not expressly authorized by NCAA legislation. You may not receive a special discount, payment arrangement or credit on a purchase (e.g., airline tickets, clothing) or a service (e.g., laundry, dry cleaning) from an institutional employee or a representative of its athletics interests. You may not accept athletics equipment, supplies or clothing (e.g., tennis racquets, golf clubs, balls, shirts) from a manufacturer or commercial business. Note: You may receive occasional meals.
Extra Benefits Acknowledgement cont. NCAA, SIAC, and Central State University Awards Any award received from your participation in any athletics event is not to be sold, bartered, traded, given away, or used in transactions at any time. Violations of this agreement may affect your eligibility at CSU under institutional, SIAC, and/or NCAA rules and regulations and could result in disciplinary action by the CSU Department of Athletics.
Extra Benefits Acknowledgement cont. Equipment/Apparel Apparel and/or equipment issued to you is not to be sold, bartered, traded, or given away. Complimentary Admissions You may not receive payment or any item of value for your complimentary tickets. You may not give your ID to someone else to use for your complimentary student-athlete admission to football/basketball games. Complimentary entrance using your ID is a rare occurrence.
Extra Benefits Acknowledgement cont. Appearances You may not use your name, picture or appearance to promote a commercial venture. Book Policy If you drop a course, you must return any books purchased with athletic aid to the Compliance Office within 14 days of dropping that course. Failing to do so may result in charges being placed on your account. You may only purchase REQUIRED books for classes in which you are enrolled.
Extra Benefits Acknowledgement cont. ASK YOURSELF…TO PROTECT YOUR ELIGIBILITY: 1.Is it available to your because you are a student-athlete? OR 2.Is it available GENERALLY TO ALL CSU STUDENTS determined on a basis unrelated to athletic ability?
Promotions You may not endorse or promote a commercial product or business at anytime. You may not permit the use of your name, image, or likeness for any type of promotion without prior approval from our office. This includes the promoting of clubs or parties via social media sites. If at any point and time you know of a local business or individual using your name/image/likeness without our office’s approval, let us know immediately!
Examples…Club & Party Promoting
Recruiting Responsibilities
Student Host Instructions & Acknowledgement You may be provided $40 per day with which to entertain only yourself, the prospect, and the prospect’s parents. No cash may be given to the prospect. You may not use the money to purchase alcohol, souvenirs or clothing. You may not transport the prospect more than 30 miles from campus. You may not use vehicles provided by any staff member or coach. You are responsible and will be asked to provide a detailed account of your activities with the prospect.
Student Host Instructions & Acknowledgement As a student host, you may receive student host money…This is the only money you can use to entertain your PSA. You MAY NOT use any money out of your own pocket! Your coaches SHOULD NOT be providing you with any money other than the permissible $40 per day to host. If this occurs, contact the Compliance Office Immediately. DO NOT POST ANY INFORMATION CONCERNING THE VISIT(S) ON… *ANY SOCIAL MEDIA*
Social Networking/Media
140 Characters or less could cost you your scholarship or even your eligibility Think BEFORE you ACT!!!
CSU Athletics Department Social Networking Policy This is a policy put in place regarding social networking websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. You are a representative of CSU and are always in the public eye Coaches and athletic department administrators can and will monitor these web sites. Prior to posting anything on social media site, ask yourself: Wat would this look like on the front page of tomorrow’s newspaper? What would your HEAD COACH say?
CSU Athletics Department Social Networking Policy YOU control: What you say or don’t say What picture(s) get posted What video(s) get taken What actions of your’s gets “documented” (i.e. Tweeted out)
Central State University Athletics Department Student - Athlete Code of Conduct
These authorities govern your conduct: NCAA, SIAC, Central State University and the CSU Athletics Department. Code of Conduct Participation as a member of an athletics’ team and the acceptance of athletic aid carries with it academic and athletic responsibilities. You are also subjected to the rules and regulations specified by your head coach.
Code of Conduct Participation in intercollegiate athletics at CSU is a privilege. Privilege means that you are held by both the University and society at large to a higher and stricter code of behavior or conduct than other University students who do not participate in athletics. Being a student-athlete at CSU requires a resolute commitment to the principles and policies that are embodied in the student-athlete code of conduct.
Student-Athlete Code of Conduct Violations of the S-A Code of Conduct The head coach or an athletics administrator may ban a S-A from participating in team activities. Could result in permanent dismissal from team. Could result in loss of financial aid during the award, or non-renewal at the end of the year.
State of Ohio Athlete Agent Act
The reason for this is to discourage agent’s wanting to “recruit” our student-athletes in ways that would effect their collegiate eligibility Prior to speaking with a student-athlete, an individual (i.e., an agent or ANYONE working on behalf of an agent) must be registered with the Ohio Athletic Commission in order to act as an athlete agent in Ohio. State of Ohio Athlete Agent Act
An up-to-date list of those agents who a student-athlete or student-athletes family may speak with is sent to our office frequently. It is permissible to interact with these individuals Student-athletes and/or their families may not accept anything from them (extra benefits) Meals, Transportation, Lodging Student-athletes may not enter into an agreement for future or current representation (loss of “amateur” status = permanently ineligible). This includes both written or verbal. State of Ohio Athlete Agent Act
Be Smart If you see something, say something! It only takes one. Do not assume that everything is ok or that someone else will step up and say something. If something seems suspicious, feel comfortable talking to your Head Coach or come to our office AT ANY TIME!
Any Questions? You may now sign your Acknowledgement of Compliance Forms & Meeting Attendance.
This concludes the meeting. Best of luck this year and remember that we are here for YOU!