1 Spain & France in North America Harlan High School APUSH James Greene January 2011
3 Conquistadors in the South Military contractors Sought resources to exploit Ponce de Leon (1513, 1521) Florida Alvar Nuñez Cabeza da Vaca ( ) Slave raiders
Exploration of Southeast by Hernando de Soto
Exploration of Southwest by Francisco Vasquez de Coronado ( )
Spanish in Southwest Acoma (New Mexico) Old Oraibi (Arizona) Coronado explorations followed by hiatus Juan de Oñate: New Mexico, 1598 Franciscan missionaries Pueblo attitudes Santa Fé 1609 Pueblo Revolt 1680
7 French Settlement in the Southeast Huguenots Followers of John Calvin Religious strife led them to seek new home Jean Ribault René de Laudonnière
8 Charlesfort (1562) Parris Island in Port Royal Sound (SC)
9 Fort Caroline (1564) Near modern Jacksonville
Spanish Response: St. Augustine, Florida (1565) First permanent European settlement in U.S. Pedro Menéndez de Avilés Defensive action Indian mission
Santa Elena ( ) Located in Port Royal sound (SC) on Parris Island Pedro Menéndez de Avilés Intended to be capital of Spanish Florida Launching point for explorations of SC, NC, and Tennessee by Juan Pardo Base for Jesuit missionaries
Atlantic Coast Gulf of St. Lawrence Long Island Sound & New York Harbor Chesapeake Bay Port Royal Sound
13 Exploration of North America: Northeastern Coast England: John Cabot: Labrador (1497) France: Giovanni da Verrazano: Cape Fear to Maine (1524) Jacques Cartier: St. Lawrence River (1530s)
Netherlands: Henry Hudson (1609) New York Harbor*Hudson River
Fishing Attracted Europeans Sixteenth century Multinational, notably English, French, Basques Atlantic cod Whales Centered off St. Lawrence estuary
17 “The Beaver does everything perfectly well; it makes kettles, hatchets, swords, knives, bread: in short, it makes everything.” —Montaignais Indian, circa 1634
St. Lawrence Settlements: Tadoussac (1600) and Québec (1608)
Nouvelle France (New France) Focus on commerce Alliances with Indians Small number of emigrants Some intermarriage (fur traders) Coureurs de bois (“woods runners”) Habitants (tenant farmers) Settlements along the St. Lawrence
Exploration of Heartland : Robert Sieur de La Salle Mississippi from Great Lakes to its mouth Led to establishment of French outposts, notably Detroit, St. Louis, and New Orleans (by early 18th century)
Function of North American Colonies SPANISH North American settlements formed defensive buffer for more lucrative colonies FRENCH, DUTCH, ENGLISH Commercial opportunities Emphasis on commodities that would let them make a profit