Company Confidential A Mobile GIS cloud service to improve field work efficiency, monitoring and planning
USER ADMIN Hosted SaaS solution Front-end PoiMapper Service Platform 1.MOBILE (java /Android ) 2. Laptop/PC (browser) Structured dataMultimediaLocation data Company Confidential GATEWAY DATABASE MANAGE Visualize & analyze MONITOR Back-end AUTHORING TOOL DESKTOP CLIENT Map Portal Numeric Analysis Dashboard /ArcGIS
Company Confidential
Utilizing form based location data Visualize: Maps, charts, Analyze: Excel, SPSS, ArcGIS Monitor: History trace, M&E tools User training 1-3 days Collecting and updating field data 10-30% Define POI, route and area forms, area hierarchies,user groups Use in planning and decision making Define data needs Company Confidential
Plan data at Kilifi district level Company Confidential
Plan data at Jibana location level Company Confidential
Android version value add Online/Offline Maps Editable tables of downloaded data +
Tuberculosis monitoring in Thailand Company Confidential9 Saves 3 days/month for health workers and 2/days month for field officers Enables focusing health care to priority areas with more accurate and timely data Improved communication between stakeholders Our partner has trained over a hundred government workers.
Monitoring of oral cancer caused by tobacco chewing in India Community Health Worker Mobile based Screening Dentist/GP Portal Based Screening Specialist Determine Individuals Risk for Oral Lesion Low Risk: CHW provides information, advice and preventive measures High Risk: CHW captures Images of the Mouth using Tool, which is sent to Biocon Foundation server for screening by Dentist/GP Monitor Periodically View Images on Portal Assess images of Oral Lesion or Neck Lump on the Portal Give Follow up instructions to CHW from the Portal – Message sent to CHW Mobile Perform Intervention Specialist performs intervention Specialist gives follow up instructions to Dentist/GP CHW Follows up
Millenium Development Goals program monitoring Kenya Ministry of Planning plus several othe ministries Hundreds of projects with impact on achieve of MDGs Need to populate the national M&E tools (e-ProMIS) with field data Integration to national statistical databases (KenInfo). Pilot program to use PoiMapper to monitor programs in 9 Greater Millennium Districts started April Company Confidential
Millenium Development Goals program monitoring Improve the collection, availability, access and use of MDG-related monitoring information selected set of indicators, progress of development projects Timeliness of data availability Increase transparency of information and reporting Speed up and enhance cycles of reporting, evaluation and intervention – faster reaction times to situations requiring corrective actions Company Confidential
Basic Info Millennium District District Location Sub-location Village Name of Project Code of Project Planned Starting Date Planed Completion Date Actual Starting Date Actual Completion Date Total Project cost (KES) Inputs Community sources Money Budget Cumulative expenditure Comments Labour Planned Hours/Days Cumulative hours Comments Material (In kind, no monetary transactions) Item1 Amound Budgeted Amount Delivered Item2 Amound Budgeted Amount Delivered Comments
Company Confidential Activity 1 Activity + Number Name Schedule Planned Start date Planned Completion date Status Not started Estimated start Date Estimated Completion Date Ongoing Start date Estimated Completion Date Completion % Completed Completion date On Schedule Yes No Not started Started Late Not Completed on time Estimated completion date Reasons Budget Cumulative Expenditure Deviations / Comments
Company Confidential Tender 1 Tender docs prepared and sent Date Tenders received Closing Date Number Winning Tender selected Date Name Value Tender Awarded Date of LPO/LSO Number of LPO/LSO Delivered Date As Ordered Yes No If no, explanation
MDG analysis Time as horizontal axis Use of money, resources Indicator values progress Planned vs. actual start and completion times Reasons for delay and corrective actions Company Confidential
Value proposition 1.Collect and update the data in the field on an on-ongoing basis 2.Offline editing and offline maps in device 3.Create your own layered maps including collected routes and areas 4.Full service offering: daily backups, support, training, customization and integration with existing systems based on web interfaces 5.Each organization has their own separate database, either in the cloud or on premise 6.Increase fields work efficiency, data accuracy and timeliness 7.Improved planning and decision making capability 8.Cost efficiency, from basic phones to smartphones and tablets 9.Low training cost, pay per use Company Confidential
Application areas Development program monitoring Patient health monitoring Market research Disaster monitoring Mapping of customers, point of services/point of sales Forest asset management Mapping of facilities and infrastructure Registration of persons, buildings, votes Recording of accidents, crimes Equipment maintenance, work assignment and tracking Company Confidential
Proposal to BOND seminar participants 1.Nimbus provides initial scoping and training free of charge 2.Pajat provides the PoiMapper services free of charge as long as in evaluation and learning mode. Offer valid until end of June 2012: Contact Peter Holt or Mike Request a database from Company Confidential
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