Background One of the key responsibilities of the Chief Directorate Planning and Institutional Support is to provide institutional support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges in terms of planning and operational processes. In terms of this provision, it is essential that reported education information by TVET Colleges to the Department has integrity; therefore verification of the enrolment numbers as they have been reported is essential.
Purpose The purpose of enrolment verification is: 1.To verify that the enrolment numbers reported to the MIS unit within the VCET Branch is accurate and has integrity. 2.Furthermore, as the reported enrolment numbers interlinks with grant funding processes, the numbers reported must be verified as accurate and reliable. 3.The numbers enrolled at TVET Colleges is also reported on in the Strategic Objective in the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF).
Legislative and Regulatory Framework Continuing Education and Training Act (CETA), No. 16 of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), No 1 of 1999; Departmental Strategic Plan (2015/ /20); Higher Education and Training Information Policy, 2013, published in Government Gazette No 36973, 1 November 2013; and White Paper on Post-School Education and Training.
What to have for any audit processes This is also listed on the Annual Survey form: Copy of ID of each student that enrol. Copy of ID of each staff member employed. Registration form Any other documentation needed by the college Class registers Printouts from the BMS at reporting periods
Verification & Audit structure 1 Dataset to be audited:The reported weekly enrolment totals as at December of the previous academic year. These are the numbers reported in the annual report of the Department in March the following year. In 2015 it means the datasets as at December 2014 will be audited. This includes students and staff. Time period of audit:From April until June. Audit teams:Regional offices will deploy teams with at least 2 officials allocated per college in the region for an audit.
Verification & Audit structure 2 Dataset to be audited:The reported Annual Survey totals as at December of the previous academic year. These are the numbers reported in the DHET publication of the Department in August the following year. In 2015 it means the datasets as at December 2014 will be audited. This includes students and staff. Time period of audit:From July until August. Audit teams:Regional offices will deploy teams with at least 2 officials allocated per college in the region for an audit.
Audit methodology Sample size is determined at 10% of total enrolment. For the sample the following ratios apply for the audit: 6% of programmes (norm funded) with the highest enrolment; 3% of programmes (norm funded) with the second highest enrolment; and 1% of occupational programmes.
Enrolment data verification is conducted at 3 levels: Verify the reported enrolment number by comparing the college MIS/BMS records, enrolment forms and attendance registers. Verify the integrity and accuracy of enrolment captured on the college BMS by checking errors and change procedures. Verify current enrolment capturing and progress towards reaching planned enrolment. Audit methodology (Continued)
Basic methodology: Regional Offices will schedule audit and verification visits. The identified sample is communicated to the colleges and DHET as well as what to prepare for the audit visits. Audit teams use a template (Excel spreadsheet) to conduct audit. Reported numbers are sourced from the MIS unit before the audit commences. At the college, the enrolment forms and attendance registers relating to the communicated sample is requested. The student records of the sample as captured on the college BMS are compared with the actual enrolment forms. Audit methodology (Continued)
Basic methodology (Continued): Errors are noted. ID number is checked, as well as course enrolment and date of enrolment. Attendance of the students in the sample is verified by checking the attendance registers. Processes relating to capturing of information on the college BMS, drawing reports from the BMS as well as change procedures are interrogated and verified. Current progress or conclusion of enrolment capturing is audited and progress towards planned enrolment targets is determined.
Process flow Inform all involved of verification. Prepare and revise templates. Conduct training for officials. Identify and confirm sample size, enrolment figures/numbers to be audited & verified and any set ratios for the audit. PREPARATION J ANUARY - M ARCH Regional officials deploy in teams of 2 per college for audits as per schedule. Conduct audits as per prescripts & requirements. Report to Regional and National Offices as required. CONDUCT AUDIT & VERIFICATION A PRIL - J ULY Regional Offices analyse verification findings and compile regional reports. Risk areas are identified and responses are sought from college management. Regional reports are submitted for compilation of national report. CONSOLIDATION & REPORTING A UGUST Regional reports are interpreted to identify ratios and focus for next audit and verification. National report is finalised. Process is reviewed and revised. REVIEW OF AUDIT S EPTEMBER - N OVEMBER
Thank you Hilda Bartizal – – Matome Mafa – – Yoanda Mukwevho – – Interns – / 5388 / 5767