District Operational Monitoring Initiative By the DOMI Team A presentation at the PFIT Post FSP Workshop by Brian Westgate on the MoFR’s DOMI monitoring program.
Introduction Who is DOMI? Role of DOMI & do we need it? Where does DOMI Fit? DOMI Objectives Inputs and Outputs of District Monitoring Examples Next Steps & Timeline
Who is DOMI? Districts Campbell River Okanagan-Shuswap Burns Lake Regions Coast Southern Interior Northern Interior Branch Stewardship
Role of DOMI Highlight the need for district monitoring Provide tools and methodology to help prioritize and implement monitoring Coordinate district monitoring with other agencies/programs Identify future initiatives which standardize approach (methodology, reporting, data management)
Why District Monitoring Need to assess and monitor forest management practices to address specific local needs and concerns This is outside the scope of: FREP C&E Other monitoring initiatives
Where does DOMI fit?
DOMI Objectives To fulfil a District need to monitor areas not in the scopes of FREP, C&E and other initiatives (a gap analysis) To monitor the effectiveness of local FSP r/s and associated practices To monitor forest management practices in the “non-legal” realm, and performance in areas not covered by an FSP To promote collaborative and constructive professional dialogue, ensuring the success of the professional reliance model under FRPA.
Inputs and Outputs of Monitoring Local Priorities Risk Analysis Adaptive Management Legislative updates Further/different type of monitoring Improve FSP approval decisions Adjust admin decisions Professional dialogue Adjust TSR assumptions
Monitoring Model Risk Analysis will include: DM Request for monitoring Significant variation from past practice (no current data) Effect on land base (spatial/temporal) Political sensitivity FTE/$$ available FeasibilityETC…
Example – Non-Legal Question: What is licensee performance regarding Forest Health Factors in sensitive Community Watersheds? Monitoring Methodology: Analyze and track CP submissions for retention and harvest levels of non-forest health impacted species. Outcome: Professional discussion resulting in retraction of harvesting non-impacted contiguous areas within sensitive watersheds. Retention planning initiative for several sensitive watersheds. Improved on-block retention.
Example – Legal Question: Is approved FSP strategy for alternative WTR practices affecting biodiversity at the stand/landscape level? Monitoring Methodology: Track blocks affected as CPs are submitted, routine (checklist) field assessment on those blocks Outcome: Summary of results provide information to DM as to whether to approve such a result/strategy again
Next Steps Feedback and ideas from all Districts DOMI to develop a model (i.e. Risk Analysis) Each district to use model to identify priority areas Determine monitoring methodology Monitor priority areas IMPROVE FOREST PRACTICES & ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS
Timeline All districts who have approved FSPs and are working under FRPA could be thinking about this now, and planning on monitoring this year!!
We Need Your Feedback Contact the DOMI Team DOS: Richard Toperczer, Brian Westgate DCR: Erin Boelk, John Ingram DND: Garth O’Meara SI Region: Bernie Peschke Coast Region: Jim Dunkley NI Region: George Halliday Forest Practices Branch: Peter Bradford