ezRtI How Do I … ? A Quick Guide to Using ezRtI InfoHandler.com 6409 Fayetteville Rd. Suite Durham, NC Phone Fax ©Copyright InfoHandler.com 2012 All rights reserved. InfoHandler® is a registered trademark of InfoHandler.com
Contents Logging in … 3 Locating Student Names … 3 Making a Tier 1/PEP Referral – Tier 1a … 4 Tier I: Adding Tier 1 Interventions for an Area of Concern … 5 Tier I b: Review of Tier 1a Interventions/Decisions … 6 Tier II a … 7 Tier II a: Adding Tier II Interventions (Accommodations/ Intervention Tab) … 8 Tier II b: Review of IIa Interventions/Decisions … 9 Tier III a: Performance Summary/Assessment Plan Development … 10 Tier III a: Completing Instruction, Curriculum, Enviornmental Factors, Learner Tabs … 11 Tier III b: Analysis of Assessment Plan … 12 Tier III c: Entering Tier III Interventions … 13 Tier III c: Intervention Plan Description … 14 Tier III d: Review of Tier III Interventions/Decisions … 15 Making a Graph … 16 Adding Baseline Information … 18 Graph Information … 19 Adding an Intervention … 20 Entering Intervention Details … 21 Returning to the Graph … 22 Graph with added Intervention … 23 Progress Monitoring the Intervention … 24 Adding a Second Intervention … 26 Adding Intervention Details for a Second Intervention … 28 Returning to Current Graph to Monitor a Second Intervention … 29 Graph with a Second Intervention … 30 Progress Monitoring a Second Intervention … 31 Appendix: Sample Completed Forms … For questions or support Please contact your ezRtI district administrator or ezRtI school administrator.
QUICK GUIDE TO USING ezRTI Logging in Go to website: ezrti.infohandler.com New User Login: Username: District Number.Firstname.Lastname (Example: 780.Anna.Jones) Password: District NumberLastname (Example: 780Jones ) Change to a new unique password after logging in the first time. Usernames and Passwords are case sensitive and only require certain combination of letters or numbers if required by your district. 3 Locating Student Names Student names should be listed under their homeroom teacher’s name. If you do not see your class list, click “Clear All” and “Search” (in that order) at the top of the page. The full list of student names should appear. Click on a student’s name to enter information for a Tier.
4 Entering Student Information for a Tier I/PEP Referral Click on student’s name from teacher’s class list to access the Student Information screen. Then: 1. Click on Forms Tab 2. Click on “Tier Ia: Add Tier I Intervention/PEP Plan” 1 2 Completing Tier 1a/PEP Form- General Information 1. Date: Enter date Tier I/PEP form is completed. 2. Tier I Start Date: Date interventions are to begin. 3. Date of Review Meeting: Required entry. Date plan will be reviewed to determine progress of interventions. 4. Type of Parent Participation/Parent Contact Date: Enter type of parent participation from drop down menu, and date parent was contacted. 5. Additional comments: Reason for referral, evidence of difficulties from student progress data, general concerns. 6. Parent Comments: Parent comments/response to intervention efforts, teacher concerns. 7. Save. 8. Click on the Area of Concern for the referral Making a Tier I / PEP Referral – Tier I a
TIER 1: Adding Tier I Interventions for an Area of Concern (AOC) 1. Go to the Intervention section on the page. Click on Add Intervention You will see the page below. Go to “Intervention Details.” 2. Intervention Used: Select arrow by “Intervention Used” for drop down menu of interventions addressing the selected AOC. If you do not see a desired intervention, you can type in your own preference. Add intervention details: a. Start Date: When interventions will begin; b. End Date: when they will be reviewed ; c. Where they will take place; d. When they will occur. 3. Save. 4. Go Back. If needed, you can click “go back” to add another Area of Concern and additional interventions following the steps listed in items 1-3 above. 2 ab c d 3 4
Use the Tier 1b Review to determine progress of interventions from Tier Ia after a selected number of weeks of intervention and to indicate a decision to “Move to Tier II.” Directions: Under teacher class list, click on the student’s name to bring up forms completed previously. 1. Go to Forms 2. Click Add Tier 1 Review. You will see the page below. - Interventions selected at the first PEP/Tier I meeting will be visible on the Ib review form. 3. Use the drop down menu to select the following based on teacher data: - Effectiveness of each intervention attempted. - Modifications to be made to the intervention 4. Decision box: Use to note if the intervention will be continued, discontinued, modified, or if the student will be moved to Tier II. IMPORTANT to REMEMBER: No changes can be made to Tier I forms once “Move to Tier II” is selected in the Decision box. - Include the date of the next meeting if applicable. - File copies of data to support the decision made in the student’s RTI folder. Click print to view form TIER Ib: Review of Tier Ia Interventions/Decisions
TIER IIa Tier IIa: Use to review Tier I interventions and develop additional interventions between teacher, parent, and other support staff within the school. - Click on student name. - Click on Add Intervention plan (red text at arrow). Completing Tier IIa Details 1. Strengths: Enter samples of student’s strengths 2. Problem Definition: Describe in specific, observable terms the concern(s) for which interventions are being developed. 3. Baseline Data: Using assessments/data already in place in general education classes, provide baseline information documenting the focus of concern(s). (Examples: Benchmark testing, Read 3D, Dibels ) 4. Goal: Enter how you want the student to perform as a result of successful intervention. You can include what the student should be doing based on class performance, or norms for the targeted skill. 5. Notes: Include brief meeting notes. 6. Save. Then click on the Accommodation/ Intervention Plan Description tab to add Tier II Interventions
TIER IIa: Adding Tier II Interventions (Accommodations/Intervention Tab) 1. Add Interventions for Tier II using the Accommodations/Interventions tab after Intervention Details are completed. 2. You will see this page. Click on “Add Intervention” to add an intervention for each area of concern. 3. Add intervention details. 4. Save. Go back to forms
TIER IIb: Review of IIa Interventions/Decisions Use Tier IIb review to review progress of Tier IIa interventions and to determine next steps, including a decision to move to Tier III. 1. Date: Date of meeting. 2. Data/Results following Intervention: Include progress monitoring data to determine effectiveness of interventions tried at Tier II. 3. Evaluation of Intervention Effectiveness: use drop down menu to select based on data results in item 2 4. Modifications to Intervention: Changes made to interventions in terms of frequency, duration, continuing or discontinuing interventions. 5. Decision: Use drop down menu to click on whether to continue or discontinue Tier II, Move back to Tier 1, or Move to Tier III. Remember a decision to move to Tier III will prevent changes to all information at Tier II. 6. Add meeting notes as needed. 7. Add a date for next meeting if applicable
TIER IIIa: Performance Summary/Assessment Plan Development 1.Click on each tab (Instruction, Curriculum, Environmental Factors, Learner) to enter information as relevant to the student. All areas do not have to be entered if not relevant. 2.Form Date must be entered. 3.Review Date: Enter date when Tier III plan will be reviewed. 4.Area targeted for Instruction/Intervention: Click on the arrow for a drop down list of areas of concern. Select one to target in the Performance/Summary report. 5. Save/Print to view form
TIER IIIa: Completing Instruction, Curriculum, Environmental Factors, Learner Tabs 1. Enter Form Date. 2. Select Area of Concern. Areas of concern are addressed individually from the drop down menu. For each area of concern selected, follow the sequence below: 3. Click on each tab, beginning with Instruction Tab 4. General Concerns: Enter general concerns for the AOC 5. Use the “considerations” at the top of the page as a guide to address factors that may be impacting on the student’s problems. 6. Assessment Plan: Enter information on how concerns will be assessed in the assessment plan (examples: observations, progress monitoring data, review of records, interviews with teacher, parent, social history, vision/hearing/speech screenings) 7. Problem Analysis: Enter ideas for why the problem may be occurring based on information from general concerns. 8. Add individual who will be responsible for each part of the assessment plan. 9. Save. Click Print to view or print completed form
TIER IIIb: Analysis of Assessment Plan 1. Click on the skill under “target area.” You will be taken to a new page. Complete this page for each Area of Concern as follows: A. Student’s Current Performance – baseline based on a probe before Tier III intervention. B. Desired performance – What the student should be doing on the probe measure according to peer performance/grade norms. C. Discrepancy – The ezRTI program designates the difference in current performance and desired performance. This discrepancy is used as a guide for monitoring progress through the intervention period. D. Goal – Use drop down menu to designate goal setting method. E. Problem Hypothesis – Example: Difficulties with reading fluency are impacting reading comprehension. F. Goal Prediction – Example: With successful intervention discrepancy will be reduced by ____ (may add criteria). G. Add any notes. H. Save and print if desired A B C D E F G H
13 After completing Form IIIb, click on the tab for Form IIIc at the top of the page. You will be taken to Form IIIc which is where you enter Interventions for Tier III. Complete IIIc by entering interventions for each Area of Concern. Completing Form IIIc- Interventions at Tier III: 1.Tier III Review Date: Enter date of meeting 2. Parent Information: Enter information regarding parent participation. 3. Add Intervention Plan: Mid page- Under Procedure, click “Add Intervention Plan”. This will be entered in the program as interventions for Tier III. You will see the following page: TIER IIIc: Entering Tier III Interventions IIIc IIIb IIId
14 TIER IIIc: Intervention Plan Description 1.Procedure: Enter Tier III intervention to be used. 2.Arrangement: Describe how the intervention will be implemented Include how often intervention will be done per week, and whether in an individual or small group setting (method). 3. Save. Then go back. 4. You will see the intervention entered under the Tier IIIc form. Additional information is added as follows: 5. Decision Making Plan: Note how success will be determined and criteria for when the intervention will be changed. (Example: 3 data points below aimline will indicate change in intervention needed) 6. Add any notes 7. Save. Form can be printed for parent or file
15 To review Tier III Interventions, open the student’s page and click on “Review of Interventions, IIId”. (See arrow). Form IIId can be used multiple times as needed to review interventions prior to determining a final decision regarding moving to Tier IV. The Decision box on Form IIId is where the decision to move to Tier IV is indicated. 1. See drop down menu under Decision box for all options, including moving back to Tier II if needed. Make any notes. Save. Print. Important Reminder: When a student is moved to Tier IV in the Decision box, no further modifications can be made to any of the Tier III forms. 1 TIER IIId: Review of Tier III Interventions/Decisions
16 Making a Graph Graphs are generated in the ezRTI program using a combination of interventions, “probes” and data obtained from probes. All information required to produce a graph is accessed through the Probes/Interventions Tab. Graphs can be made at any or all tiers as follows: 1. Go to the Student Information page. Click on the Probes Interventions Tab 2. Click on an Area of Concern. 3. Click on “Add Probe” to select a measure (probe) to monitor student progress resulting from the intervention you will select
After clicking on the Probes/Intervention tab, you will see this page. Complete as follows: a. Area: Use drop down menu to select target skill area (word fluency, etc.) b. Probe Used: Select an appropriate probe from the drop down list. c. Probe Start Date: Date progress monitoring will begin using the probe selected. d. Enter Number of weeks of intervention. e. Enter minimum rate of improvement(per week) (Use weekly growth rates or local level norms) f. If available, enter a Benchmark norm for the target skill g. Alternative(ambitious) rate of improvement : Use a weekly growth rate or local norm to indicate the maximum rate of improvement expected. h. Click “Save.” You will see the following page. 17 f a b cd e f g h
Adding Baseline Information 1. Enter baseline information in top boxes to the right. 2. Save. You will see a graph based on information you have entered from baseline and probe descriptions (See graph next page)
Graph Information 1. Yellow line: Grade level benchmark norm 2. Blue Line: Minimum rate of growth (from weekly growth rate entered previously.) 3. Green line: Maximum/ambitious rate of expected growth (from the “alternative growth rate” in probe description) 4. Black data points indicate baseline information entered. Save the graph. Then click “Go Back” at the top of the graph page to return to the Probes/Interventions page. This is where you will enter an intervention to progress monitor with the probe selected. 19
Adding an Intervention 1. From the Probes/Intervention tab, click on “Add Intervention” for the Area of Concern you have targeted. (Notice the selected probe is listed under the Current Tier Probes section) The next page shows you how to enter intervention details. 20 1
Entering Intervention Details 1. Enter information describing the intervention as was done previously. 2. Be sure to enter Start Date and End Date of the intervention. 3. Save. 4. Then Go Back to the Probes/Intervention page. Go to the next page /4
Returning to the Graph From the Probes/Intervention tab: a. Click on the Probe previously used (under “Probe”) to return to the graph with the baseline data entered. 22 a
Graph with Added Intervention You will return to the previous graph. You will see a blue/green vertical line corresponding to the date you entered for the intervention. This line should be after the baseline data. You can now set a schedule for administering the probe to measure the progress of the intervention. 23
Progress Monitoring the Intervention a.Click on “Add Result” to enter progress monitoring results. Results will be automatically entered in the graph (See graph next page) 24 a
Progress Monitoring (continued) Progress monitoring data will be indicated on the graph by red data points that correspond to the data entered under “Add Results”. If data points fall below the designated line indicating that an intervention is not effective, an additional intervention can be added (see next page). 25
Adding a Second Intervention 1. Save the current graph and data. 2. Go back to the Probes/Intervention page
Adding a Second Intervention (continued) You will see this page. The probe selected will be under “Current Tier Probes”(a) at the top of the page. The previous intervention selected will be under Current Tier Interventions (b). To add a new intervention, select “Add Intervention”(c). 27 a b c
Adding Intervention Details for a Second Intervention You will return to the page to add Intervention Details Complete as follows: 1. Select a new intervention. 2. Be sure to enter the intervention “Start Date” and “End Date” and other information about the new intervention as was done previously. 3. Save. Go Back to the Probes/Intervention page
1.You will see this page. Two interventions will now be under the Current Tier Interventions. 2. To return to the current graph and continue progress monitoring the new intervention, click on the previous probe Returning to Current Graph to Monitor a Second Intervention
You will see the second intervention added to the graph at the date stated for that intervention to begin (second vertical blue/green line). 30 Graph with a Second Intervention
1. Continue to add progress monitoring results for the second intervention using the “Add Result” section 31 1 Progress Monitoring a Second Intervention
Results will be plotted on the red point line to indicate progress following the second intervention. This process can be repeated to add additional interventions and progress monitor using the same graph during the intervention period. The graph can be printed by clicking on “View” on the Student Probes Information Page. 32 Progress Monitoring a Second Intervention (continued)
Appendix Sample Completed Forms 33
Tier 1a - Printed Sample 34
Tier Ib - Printed Sample 35
Tier IIa - Printed Sample 36
Tier IIb - Printed Sample 37
Tier IIIa - Printed Sample 38
Tier IIIb: Analysis of Assessment Plan - Printed Sample Student will average gain of 2 new letter sounds per week/6 wks/goal of 24 sds.
Tier IIIc - Printed Sample 40
41 Tier IIId - Printed Sample