OBJECTIVES Tables Queries Forms Reports Primary and Foreign Keys Relationship
EXAMPLE Download Books.accdb file. Access database system files have.accdb as filename extension.
DATABASE WINDOW In the Object Bar on the left Tables – Where the data is stored Queries – Questions asked about the data Forms – Provide an interface to view & maintain records Reports – Display information in a nicely formatted way
OPENING A TABLE In the Tables area, double click Authors You should see 7 records showing in Datasheet view Datasheet view – Allows us to see the records that have been entered into a table. Number of records is shown at the bottom bar.
DATASHEET VIEW Datasheet view shows a table’s contents in rows and columns like a spreadsheet would Each Field Name is inside a clickable “Field Selector” that will highlight that column Each row has a clickable “Record Selector” to its left…
Navigating a Datasheet
TABLE VIEWS Datasheet View :Allows the user to add, edit, and delete records within a table. Design View :Allows the user to create tables, add and delete fields, and modify field properties. Fields can be assigned data types, such as text (the default), number, currency, etc. Field properties show the characteristics of the fields in more detail.
PRIMARY AND FOREIGN KEYS Primary Key: To uniquely identify records in a table. Foreign Key: The primary key of other table present in it. i.e., a borrowed Primary Key. E.g. Author ID is primary key of Author table. AuthorCode(which is Author ID) in Books table is Foreign key.
ADDING RECORDS Click the “New Record” button at the bottom Enter 18 for the Author ID Enter “C.S.” for a Author’s Last Name. Enter “Lewis” for a Author’s First Name. Save the table and close it.
SAVE AND CLOSE Do remember to Save and Close each object before moving to the other one! Work systematically. Always name the objects etc., with appropriate names as per context.
EDITING A RECORD Edit record 7 in Author table with your first and last names. Press Enter or Tab The record has been saved when the pencil sign to the left disappears
DELETING A RECORD Deleting a record is permanent once it’s deleted, it’s gone. You can’t get it back. Delete Author ID 12 record.. Select the record by clicking on the left “Record Selector” next to 12 Right Click Delete Record – Confirm that It’s GONE
FORMS They are used to add, maintain, and view records in a database Easier to use if you are not so familiar with the database interface –Make it easy for anyone to work with information in a table in a simple interface
USING A EXISTING FORM Close the Table Under “Forms” in the object bar, Double click Maintain Authors Click the last record button to see your entries added and edited.
ADDING RECORDS WITH FORMS Use the controls to return to the first record You should see 8 records. Create a new record: Author ID as 19, First Name as Morris and Last Name as Mano.
REPORTS A report is an output of data arranged in the order you specify. Reports can perform calculations and display the results. Reports can be used to print data.
USING AN EXISTING REPORT Close the form In Reports object bar area Double click Publishers, Books and Authors Report Find your two entries under the appropriate publishers
QUERIES A Query is a question one asks about the data stored in a database Access responds by displaying specific records that answer the question In creating a query, we tell access which fields are needed and what criteria needs to be met
AN EXISTING QUERY Close the report In the Queries area of the objects bar, Double-click Publishers, Books, and Authors Query You should see your 15 records
UNDERSTANDING TABLE RELATIONSHIPS Efficiently combine data from related tables To create queries, forms, and reports Primary and foreign keys play an important role in creating relationships. Tables may be joined based on a common field.
TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS One-to-one relationship One-to-many relationship Many-to-many relationship Access will take care of it for us!
REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY To establish tighter relationship! It prohibits the user from deleting a record from one table when there are related records in other tables. It allows you to enter a foreign key value only after entering it as primary key value in the primary table.
ESTABLISHING REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY Edit Relationships dialog box Select Enforce Referential Integrity checkbox
CASCADE OPTIONS To establish dependencies between joined tables. Cascade Update Related Fields: When the primary key is modified in a primary table, Access will automatically update all foreign key values in a related table. Cascade Delete Related Records: When the primary key is deleted in a primary table, Access will automatically delete all records in related tables that reference the primary key(Deletions….Be cautious!)