On practices of an expert community organization for preparation of proposals in research priority areas Scientific Research Institute - Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services (SRI FRCEC) Head of Information and Analytical Center of complex scientific research of technological and innovation sphere Nikolai A. Mironov
2 Role of the expert community in preparation of state and federal target programs topics The best experts of many scientific, educational and industrial organizations of various forms of ownership are actively involved in building-up of research and development priority areas. The expert community is composed of the professionals in innovative scientific and technological spheres. Preparation of priority areas and R&D topics for science and technology complex development is related with collection and processing of information from various sources. It is also closely linked with a general conditions on research and development, knowledge of experts and analysts on scientific and technological capacity in certain thematic areas. An information-analytical support system for research management is created and yet developing in order to attract expert community members for preparation of proposals on priority research areas. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation supervises development of such system.
Information system for preparation of analytical documents 3 Information-analytical support of decision-making in R&D sphere Expert Roster Database Forum Information on Participation of Experts in the Projects Experts Data feed Interface Authentication System (single sign-on) Interface providing relevant expert panels Information system of analytical documents preparation Open Sources Closed Sources Subordinate Organizations Database External Systems Expert-Analyst Workstation (personal space) Knowledge base (analytical documents, models, methods, patterns, templates) Subsystem of work with information resources Expert- Administrator Workstation Communication Subsystem Subsystem of work with information resources Administration Subsystem Task Management Subsystem Subsystem of search and collection of information
4 Distribution of experts in federal districts of the Russian Federation Federal District Experts registered (persons) Profile filled in (persons) Accredited Experts (persons)% Central ,12% Including Moscow ,7% North-Eastern ,43% Southern ,32% Volga ,5% Urals ,6% Siberia ,5% Far Eastern ,72% North-Caucasian ,55% FD not mentioned218721% Abroad % Total ,77%
5 Distribution of experts on thematic areas of the state program Main direction Experts registered (persons) Profile filled in (persons) Accredited Experts persons% Information-telecom systems % Biotechnologies % Medicine and Health Care % New materials and nanotechnologies % Transport and space systems % Rational use of natural resources % Energy efficiency and energy saving % Interdisciplinary socio-economic and humanities research % Main direction is not specified273000% Total %
6 Distribution of experts according to scientific degrees Experts registered (persons) Experts accredited persons% 1. Philosophy Doctors (Ph.D) % 2. Doctors (Candidates of sciences) % 3.Other Degree410% 4.Without Degree % 5.Degree is not specified17200%
7 Distribution of proposals for the formation of research themes on thematic areas Thematic Area Number of proposals (pcs.) 1. Information-telecom systems Biotechnologies Medicine and Health Care New materials and nanotechnologies Transport and space systems Rational use of natural resources Energy efficiency and energy saving Interdisciplinary socio-economic and humanities research Main direction is not specified203 Total1817
Distribution of proposals for establishing of R&D topics according to the Federal districts of the Russian Federation 8 Central Siberia Volga North-West Urals Southern Far-Eastern North- Caucasian
Distribution of proposals for establishing of R&D topics by types of organizations 9 Institutes of higher education Russian Academy of Sciences Research institutes Research centers
Distribution of proposals for establishing of R&D topics by age of experts 10 > <
Distribution of proposals for establishing of R&D topics among scientists of the highest qualification 11 Doctors Philosophy Doctors (Ph.D)
Information and telecom systems - Eugeny A. Maryshev Biotechnology, medicine and health - Lydia L. Myakinkova New materials and nanotechnology - Igor M. Komarov Transport and Space Systems - Konstantin V. Yepishin Rational use of natural resources - Renald R. Ilyushchenko Energy efficiency and energy saving - Nikolai I. Andrianov Interdisciplinary research - Sergei S. Shuvalov Selection of Experts Analysts Accreditation of Experts Analysts Maintaining of interaction with experts Coordination of expert analysts activity Activities to attract the expert community Examination of proposals and reports for R & D Defining of priorities in research and development field Defining of research proposals Analytical documents drafting on validity of the research Activities for interaction with experts 12
13 QUESTIONNAIRE for expert evaluation of proposals for a research topic (Total of 20 items) 1. Conformity assessment of the proposed research goals and objectives to the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Science and Technology" for Which priority areas of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation corresponds to the topic of research? □ - as declared □ - corresponds to the priority area (select from the list of ______________) □ - did not match any of the priority areas 2. Evaluation of Research (Science and Technology) level of R & D 2.1. What research was conducted on this topic? □ - fundamental (by whom, when) □ - investigation by… (when) □ - applied problem-oriented research (by whom, when) □ - applied object-oriented research (by whom, when) □ - not performed □ - no information 3. Risk assessment 3.1. How do you assess the risk of negative results? □ - extremely high risk (reported results will not be accepted) □ - low risk (high probability of success) □ - assessment hampered 4. Evaluate the economics of the proposed research Do you consider it appropriate inclusion of the topic of research in the sub-program 2 of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Science and Technology" for : □ - yes □ - no Additional expert commentary:
Thank You for Listening! Information and Analytical Center of Complex Scientific Research of Technological and Innovation Sphere Head of the Center Nikolai A. Mironov Теl./Fax Scientific Research Institute - Federal Research Center for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services (SRI FRCEC) 14