Orientation pack Park Road Surgery
Park road surgery Park Road Rosyth KY11 2SE Monday to Friday 0800 to 1800
History of Rosyth Early 12 th century Rosyth was mentioned by Pope Alexander 111 1n 1903 naval base established, building began in 1909 on the dock yard. Royal garden city of Rosyth was then established. The earliest recorded GP was a Dr J Nesbit in 1922
Philosophy of care Park road surgery provides individualised, holistic care for the community of Rosyth.
GPs Dr Chalmers Dr MaCaulay Dr Mackay Dr Clayton
Student nurses On your first morning you will be introduced to your mentor. An outline of your learning objectives will be set. We will give you a diary so we can plan your experience and also know where you are at all times.
Hours of work/uniform You will be expected to work 0830am to 5pm with an hour for lunch. The hours will be negotiated with your mentor. With a half day off a week to do your community study booklet where appropriate. When in clinical setting you will be required to wear your uniform. When out with the health visitors you will be required to wear smart clothes. No jeans and no bellies!!!!! Please bring an all weather coat.
Sickness and Absence Report to the health centre to let them know your unwell Phone the university to let them know your off sick ext 5933 Keep in touch and let us know when you are coming back to work.
Orientation to health centre Your mentor will show you around the building, pointing out equipment. She will go through fire and safety procedures. She will show you where the policy manuals are. And introduce you to all the key members of the team.
District nurses District nurse Audrey Mair Community staff nurse Helen Rigby Jamey McConnell Level 3 Carer Catherine Dignan
What the DNs can offer!!! One to one learning experience with your mentor. Wound management. Catheterisation practice. Diabetic care. Enteral feeding. Palliative care. Awareness of specific chronic conditions. Injection technique. Experience of following the nursing process. Continence assessments.
Health Visitors Penny Lambert Louise Elliott Alison Lambie
School Nurses Gill Williams Jennifer Sutherland Jane Main Tracey Thomson
What the school nurses can offer!! Involvement in health promotion – head lice, healthy eating, puberty, sexual health education, relationship, handwashing Involvement with child health surveillance programme Child protection issues and understanding at multi agency working Supporting vulnerable children, families and carers Ongoing support to pupils through transition to High School, ongoing assessment, evaluation on progress, involving drop in clinics Advice to parents on general topics, e.g. nutrition, weight, enuresis, encopresis, behaviour, mental health Link liaison with other health care professionals
Clinics available in the health centre. Antenatal care Chronic heart disease Smoking cessation Asthma and COPD Physiotherapy Childhood immunisations Podiatry Psychiatry/ behavioural therapy Speech therapy Practice nurse/nurse practioner
Also available; Rosyth resource centre Sit in with the GPs Spend some time with a home care manager.
We hope you enjoy your placement. Please don’t hesitate to ask us anything.