Shetland League Rules Mandatory Play Rule –Everyone plays the field –Everyone bats once per inning Last batter runs all the bases while other team gets ball to home. Batter gets six strikes Games are one hour in duration or when home team completes the inning after one hour elapsed. –Typically, three innings! No scores are supposed to be kept. Runners must stay on base until ball is hit.
Shetland League Rules Batter, baserunners, on-deck batter and catcher must wear helmets. Coach yells “Pitcher, pitch” prior to batter swinging. Ball must be hit 10’ to be “in-play” –otherwise ball is ruled foul. Play is “dead” when the ball is returned to the infield and the batter has at least reached first base (Exception: Last batter tries to reach all four bases regardless where the ball is hit.)
Parents’ Roles Keep children “under control” during games Coaches –1st and 3rd base coaches –Dugout; track lineup Team Mom –Request Volunteer Optional Events: –Post-Game snacks –Trophies –Post-season party