Score-Keepers Clinic Preparing for the game The Softball field Terms of the game Keeping Score (scenarios) Entering your data online
Preparing for the Game Obtain either Line up or Line up card from your Coach Line up card should include: Jersey Number Last name, first name Fielders Position Number
The SoftBall Field 7 8 6 5 4 9 1 3 2
Terms of the Game Terms Highlighted in yellow will be used the most as you are keeping score. Acronym Definition AB At Bat LOB Left on Base R Runs Scored BA Batting Average 1B Single UA Unassisted Put Out 2B Double E Error 3B Triple SB Stolen Base HR Home Run PB Pass Ball RBI Runs Batted In IP Innings Pitched SAF Sacrifice Fly KS Strike Out Swinging SAB Sacrifice Bunt KL Strike Out Looking FO Fly Out BB Base n Balls DP Double Play HP Hit By Pitcher
Keeping Score (Scenarios)
Keeping Score (Scenarios)
Entering Your Data Online After each game you need to enter your pitching and catching stats online. (Team coach or manager may want to do this) Go to players page click on your age division then click “Scorekeepers enter stats here” Please remember to enter the winner of the virtual game ball the players enjoy reading this on the website.
Some Pointers Errors: If the ball touches the fielders glove, if its bobbled on the field. Exception is when it’s a hard hit. Infield Fly Rule: "By the book" with less than 2 outs, runners on 1st and 2nd or bases loaded a fair fly ball to the infield that can be caught by an infielder inc. the pitcher or catcher with ordinary effort is an "infield fly". The batter-runner is out and the ball remains alive. Runners may advance at their own risk.