Sustainable energy in buildings: the role of the IEE programme Gianluca TONDI, IEE Renewable Energy Unit Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) Workshop QUALICERT - Rome, 30/03/2011
Contents 1.Policy context 2.The IEE programme and the call Supported initiatives 4.Examples of relevant projects
Buildings: at the core of EU prosperity >40 % of EU energy use >36 % of EU CO2 emissions >9% of EU GDP >7-8% of EU employment Cost-effective savings potential: 28% by 2020 Key EU legislation: - Energy Performance of Buildings Directive - RES Directive
Directive 2010/31/EU of 19/05/2010 on the Energy Performance of Buildings (recast) >Transposition by MSs two years after entry into force (that is July 2012) >Introduces the concept of Nearly zero-energy building >Article 9 Nearly zero-energy buildings: Member States shall ensure that: >(a) by 31 December 2020, all new buildings are nearly zero- energy buildings; and >(b) after 31 December 2018, new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities are nearly zero- energy buildings. >The nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should to a very significant level be covered by energy from renewable source, i.e. >For new buildings (and buildings subject to major renovation), Member States shall ensure that, before construction starts, the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of high-efficiency alternative systems, if available, is considered and taken into account: >(a) decentralised energy supply systems based on energy from renewable sources; (b) cogeneration; (c) district or block heating or cooling, (d) heat pumps.
The RES directive: >Sets Mandatory national targets for RE shares by 2020 (to reach the overall EU target of 20%, including 10% renewable share in transport); >Requires National action plans; >Introduces the possibility of cooperation mechanisms among Member States to provide flexibility to Member States in reaching their targets; >Requires reduction of administrative and regulatory barriers; use of minimum levels of energy from RES in new/refurbished buildings; >Requires improvements in provision of information and training; >Requires improvements in access to the electricity grid; >Creates a sustainability regime for biofuels. Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
The RES Directive: focus on buildings, article 13 Planning, building codes (art. 13): >Member States shall recommend to all actors the installation of energy systems based on RES and district heating and cooling when planning, designing, building and renovating industrial or residential areas; in particular, they shall encourage local and regional administrative bodies to include heating and cooling from renewable energy sources in the planning of city infrastructure, where appropriate; >Member States shall introduce in building regulations and codes appropriate measures to increase the share of RES in the building sector. In particular by , MSs shall require the use of minimum levels of RES in new buildings & existing buildings subject to major renovations; >Member States shall ensure that new public buildings, and existing public buildings that are subject to major renovation, at national, regional and local level fulfil an exemplary role in the context of this Directive from 1 January 2012 onwards; >Combination with energy efficiency measures should be ensured.
>Installer certification/qualification schemes by Dec 2012 >Biomass boilers, PV, solar thermal, geothermal, heat pumps >Mutual recognition between Member States >Article 14.3: Member States shall ensure that certification schemes or equivalent qualification schemes become or are available by 31 December 2012 for installers of small-scale biomass boilers and stoves, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal systems, shallow geothermal systems and heat pumps. Those schemes may take into account existing schemes and structures as appropriate, and shall be based on the criteria laid down in Annex IV. Each Member State shall recognise certification awarded by other Member States in accordance with those criteria. >Annex IV: Certification of installers >Criteria regarding the certification schemes The RES Directive: Information and training (Art. 14)
IEE programme >€730 million from >Supports EU renewable energy and energy efficiency policies, helps reach 2020 targets >Encourages the uptake of proven intelligent energy solutions >Is not a technology development programme, unlike FP7 >Works to make Europe more competitive and innovative
Convert policy into action Actions / changes on the ground Energy efficiency and renewables policies >Create and promote best practices >Training, education >Know-how transfer >Market intelligence >Information for policy development >Implement EU policy
IEE projects? Renewable energy sources Energy efficiency Over 500 IEE-supported projects across Europe, more than 3,000 participants from 30 countries… Integrated initiatives Important contributions at EU level Energy- efficient transport
IEE 2011 Call for proposals Published: 18 January 2011 Deadline for submitting proposals: 12 May June for BUILD UP Skills
What’s new in 2011? >A multi-annual scheme for training and qualification of the building workforce, focusing on national strategies to develop the necessary 'green' skills >Actions to promote more energy savings in industry >Actions to facilitate uptake of 'nearly zero energy buildings' >Actions aimed at simplifying procedures for grid developments to deliver more renewable energy >Support to local and regional authorities - mobilising actors and local investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy
Energy-efficiency and renewables in buildings Priority on nearly-zero energy buildings with actions aimed at: >encouraging integrated energy design >Or publicising front runners >Or increasing the conversion of the existing stock into nearly-zero energy buildings >Or helping the public sector set the example >Or aiming to get industry on board
Other initiatives supported by IEE in the building sector (1) >Concerted Action supporting transposition and implementation of Directive 2002/91 EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (CA EPBD): (Recast coming soon) >Concerted Action supporting the transposition and implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources Support to the transposition and implementation of the two directives: BUILD UP “Energy solutions for better buildings”
>Continuing education and training (i.e. after initial education and training or after they entered working life) >Craftsmen and other on-site construction workers and system installers >Workforce delivering high energy performance renovations in existing and new (nearly zero-energy) buildings. BUILD UP Skills SCOPE
Who needs to be trained? >Tradesmen: “bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, electrician, roofer, plasterer, glazier, concrete worker, steel worker, …” >Supervisors, who work on site >groundwork, walls, roof, windows, doors, chimneys, heating / cooling systems, air handling, lighting, other services, … >Renewable energy system installers >small-scale biomass boilers and stoves, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal systems, shallow geothermal systems, heat pumps > Specialists who select / size / check / inspect installations >gas boiler, oil boiler, solid fuel burner, under-floor heating, radiators, air handling units, cooling / air conditioning plant
>Initiate national discussion processes that bring together all relevant stakeholders >Identify and quantify the need for a workforce qualified in energy efficiency and renewable energy in each Member State by 2020 (and beyond) >Set up and agree national qualification roadmaps to achieve the sustainable energy policy objectives for 2020 >Support concrete qualification schemes on the basis of roadmaps to 2020 with identified needs and priorities BUILD UP Skills OBJECTIVES
BUILD UP Skills Main Elements
Call 2011: Only Pillar I >only strategic work on “National qualification platforms and roadmaps” eligible >Application by country >One proposal per country targeted (similar interest should be channelled into one application) >(Short) duration of activities: max 18 months >Budget: >8 millions (indicative) >Funding level: 90%
Pillar I: what results are expected? >Initiation of the national qualification platforms that bring together all relevant stakeholders >Analysis of the national status quo: frame and quantify the need for qualified workers in the building sector in each Member State by 2020 (and beyond) >Set up and endorsement of national qualification roadmaps for achievement of the 2020 energy targets as regards the continuing education and training of the workforce in the building sector >Active participation in the EU exchange activities Analysis of the status quo in ….
IEE projects on training and certification of RES installers
QUALICERT ( ) >Adoption of a common approach to accreditation and certification schemes for installers of small-scale RE systems in 5 EU Member States with mutual recognition of the schemes (Art. 14 and Annex IV of RES Directive) >Transfer results to all EU Member States Partners: national energy agencies, industry associations, builders associations Target groups: national bodies, training bodies for certification of installers, installers Countries involved: France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Austria Expected results
GEOTRAINET ( – ) Expected results - Inventory and assessment of geological data available for GSHP - A training program for GSHP designers and installers with an e-learning platform - 8 direct training courses in France, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Romania, Austria, Spain and Ireland - Work on an European certification framework for GSHP professionals Partners: EU associations, technical institutes, universities, private sector Target groups: designers and drillers of geothermal installations Training and certification of designers and drillers of ground source heat pumps (GSHP) Countries involved: Austria, France, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom, Romania, Belgium
PVTRIN ( ) Expected results - developing a training and accreditation scheme for technicians/electricians, on the installation and maintenance of small scale PV systems (emphasizing on PV/BIPV applications in buildings) - setting up the base for the adoption of a common accepted certification scheme, which will define high quality standards on PV installation and maintenance Partners: universities, technological centres, energy agencies, chambers of commerce Target groups: PV installers, technicians Countries involved: Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, United Kingdom Training of Photovoltaic installers in view of the expected growth of the PV market and the lack of adequately skilled workforce
Install+RES ( ) Expected results - transfer of experience from the SolarTeur German training scheme - large scale institutionalized training courses for the qualification of installers of RE systems (biomass, solar, PV and heat pumps) in buildings. - accreditation and certification of the installers in line with the requirements of the RES Directive (art. 14 (3), Annex IV). Partners: Vocational schools, technical centres, national associations, local authorities, energy consultants Target groups: RES installers, technicians Training courses for installers of small-scale renewable energy systems (biomass, solar, PV and heat pumps) in buildings Countries involved: Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Slovenia, Italy
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GRAZIE PER LA VOSTRA ATTENZIONE ! Gianluca Tondi, Senior Project Officer Executive agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) IEE Renewable Energy Unit