Introduction to Beekeeping For Beginners Presented By The Ohio State Beekeeper’s Association
Where do we begin? If you decide to become a beekeeper, you will join over 3,000 other individuals in the state of Ohio keeping bees. Beekeepers come in all ages and sizes.
Why many do not keep bees! Fear of being stung! But you can dress to reduce the chance of being stung!
The Fear Factor Dr. Jim Tew, Ohio State University, Wooster campus, one time described beekeepers as “people who did not have all their oars in the water.” The sting represents the defensive behavior of honey bees. Most often it is used in the defense of the hive. However, honey bees can be very aggressive during bad weather, when being harassed by skunks, and even the genetics of the queen determines aggressiveness.
You can protect yourself It is highly recommended that new beekeepers work bees with a bee veil, gloves, protective clothing, and shoes. These are available from local bee supply dealers or from bee supply catalogs. Smoke is used to control bees ; therefore, one tool to purchase is a smoker.
Honey Bees are beneficial insects Usually people think of bees for honey
Honey Bees are beneficial insects As pollinators— most valuable.
Honey Bees are beneficial insects Honey bees produce honey, wax, propolis, and royal jelly. Some individuals use them for bee sting therapy (Apitherapy).
A look at some bee hive locations A good location
A look at some bee hive locations
What is needed for a good location Most important: Are there any ordnances or restrictions on the use of your property in placing hives on the property? Do you have a water source near-by? If you have a neighbor with a swimming pool or hot tub near, problems can be encountered! Do you have enough property and space to locate hives on your property? Do you rent? Check with landlord for permission to place bees.
Other Considerations Does your spouse approve? Do you or any member of your family have allergic reactions to bee stings? Bee fever?
If you are still with me…. Then I guess we can begin to talk about the how to get into beekeeping.