UNAIDS Response to the Second Independent Evaluation.


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Presentation transcript:

UNAIDS Response to the Second Independent Evaluation

Introduction: Overall a positive evaluation for the entire Joint Programme with call for innovation in working methods Sound methodology, credible findings, actionable recommendations Response built on risk/opportunity analysis and active engagement of Cosponsors and Secretariat Many responses are process based – solutions will come with implementation

Introduction (cont.): SIE should be seen as a major opportunity to:  capture and take forward new vision (Outcome Framework)  reinforce current good practices and production of critical products  identify new directions for the Joint Programme  provide insight on repositioning and realigning UNAIDS  allow prioritization and refocusing on most critical actions for the UN

Recommendations in 9 clusters: 1. Future directions (1,2) 2. Division of Labour (3,4,14) 3. Joint Teams (6,7,8) 4. Support mechanisms (11,13) 5. Financial Architecture (12,18,19) 6. Knowledge Management (9,10) 7. Organizational Arrangements (5,20,21) 8. CCO and PCB (15,16,17) 9. Organization of the Secretariat (22, 23, 24)

1. Future Directions: 1. Mission statement & strategic plan build on Outcome Framework focus on delivery of results positioning UNAIDS in response recognizing the changing dynamics of epidemic strengthen prevention without sacrificing treatment leverage new technologies 2. Partnership strategy recognition that Joint Programme is a partnership in and of itself building and brokering partnerships as central to effective AIDS response at all levels with a focus on Global Fund, PEPFAR, and key constituencies, including governments, UN system, civil society, PLHIV, private sector, etc. RecommendationUNAIDS Response

2. Division of Labour: 3. Health Systems Strengthening important role in achieving priority areas in Outcome Framework potential expansion to strengthening other sectors, e.g. education, SRH, social protection and prisons prioritization of HIV-specific health outcomes 4. Avoiding duplication – Division of Labour further clarify roles and strengthen operationalization structured consultation more effective working with all partners coordination not competition 14. Gender and Human Rights review of all cross-cutting issues to strengthen the work of the Joint Programme clarification of roles and responsibilities, and strengthened operationalization at country level explore role of new UN entity

3. Joint Teams: 6. Joint Team guidelines implementation of Second Guidance Paper for Joint UN programmes and teams on AIDS (2008) identify and remove barriers and bottlenecks that impede implementation 7. Appraisals of heads of agency at country level to include performance of joint team improved accountability at country level sharpen focus on joint HIV-related country-level work greater coherence and effectiveness 8. Funding for Joint Teams Joint Teams and Secretariat must not become administrative fiscal agents development of incentives advance national plans balance between funding for teams and individual Cosponsors

4. Support mechanisms: 11. Technical Support Strategy approval of new Technical Support Strategy improved efficiency and effectiveness of HIV investments improved coordination and accountability between Technical Support providers 13. Regional Support Teams improved quality and impact of support to national partners increased engagement and accountability of RDTs in operationalization of Outcome Framework at country level identification of gaps in national AIDS responses and support to capacity building

5. Financial Architecture: 12. Programme Acceleration Funds revision of guidance to decentralize decision-making to country level linking of PAF funding to Outcome Framework and national priorities 18. Allocation of funds increased accountability and transparency clearer definition of epidemic priorities and measurements of performance strengthened competencies of UCCs and Cosponsors country staff working on HIV 19. Revision of UBW UBW that is simpler, more transparent, with a stronger accountability framework inclusion of staffing and funding requirements at all levels

6. Knowledge management : 9. Know Your Epidemic development of action plans for countries based on “Know Your Epidemic” and “Know Your Response” stewardship of a joint “Essential HIV Research Agenda to achieve the MDGs” guidance for implementation in countries of novel, evidence-based programmes 10. Strengthened evaluation joint global evaluation plan around priority areas of epidemic monitoring and evaluation of the impact of programmes and services development of country-level information systems

7. Organizational arrangements: 20. Capacity needs assessment capacity needs assessment of all Joint Programme staff at country, regional and global levels for a collective rationalization of staff linked to the strategy from recommendation 1 5. and 21. Secretariat role, staffing and organization Secretariat staffing at country level to reflect national needs and priorities in Strategic Plan optimal deployment of staff based on needs of the epidemic and clarification of roles clarification of respective roles and capacity of Secretariat and Cosponsors assessment to incorporate all three inter-related recommendations

8. CCO and PCB: 15. Revitalize the CCO effective and robust CCO focus on key strategic issues clarification of roles – Executive Heads, Global Coordinators and Focal Points 16. Refocus the PCB focus on strong strategic vision and effective oversight of Joint Programme shift away from micro-management and technical debates 17. PCB working methods shift in focus from technical to strategic discussions positioning of PCB as platform for global governance of the AIDS response

9. Organization of the Secretariat: 22. Administrative system Secretariat to review costs and benefits of a single administrative system definitions of standards of performance from service providers 23. Financial and HR systems and policies strengthened and streamlined systems 24. Competency framework underpinning for strengthened management systems

Timeline: All recommendations to be acted upon by the end of 2010 (except 18 and 19 which refer to UBW in 2011) Target DateDecision PointRecommendation(s) 1 st quarter 2010Joint Programme- Mission statement (1) 2 nd quarter 2010Spring CCO 26 th PCB meeting - Division of Labour (4,14), Health Systems Strengthening (3), Technical Support (TSS) (11), Joint Teams funding (8) - Regional Support Teams (13) - Joint Teams (6), TSS (11,12), Programme Acceleration Funds (12), knowledge mgmt. (9,10) 3 rd quarter 2010Joint Programme- CRIS evaluation (10) 4 th quarter 2010Autumn CCO 27 th PCB meeting - Joint programming (7) - Strategic plan (1), partnerships (2), governance (15,16,17), organizational & Secretariat issues (5,20,21,22,23,24) 2 nd quarter th PCB meeting- UBW for (18,19)

Implementation: Implementation of all recommendations; comprehensive, rigorous, inclusive and cohesive Oversight sits with the PCB EXD to lead implementation of recommendations guided by a systematic process that is inclusive and ensures ownership of solutions by all stakeholders Regular updates to PCB – at meetings and through electronic updates