The Sales Forecast The Financial Plan: Forecasting Results
The Sales Forecast Perhaps the most important set of numbers in the business plan A great number of business decisions are made according to this forecast How much inventory to hold How much material to order How many staff to hire
The Sales Forecast The key to valuing a business Will determine whether or not bankers will lend and investors will invest
Forecasting Guidelines Check how others have fared Estimate market share Consider customers Be aware of order cycles and seasonality Relate the sales forecast to activity
Check how others have fared Gather knowledge of similar businesses Research filed company accounts Research trade magazines Talk to founders of indirect competitors Your overall projections will have to be believable – record references
Work out market share How big is the market for your product? Is it growing or contracting? At what rate? An entry market share of more than a few percent would be most unusual Internet booksellers still only account for less than 2% of book sales
Consider your customers How many potential customers do you know who are likely to buy from you? How much might they buy? Interview a sample of perspective customers Issue a press release or advertisement to gauge response Exhibit at trade shows to obtain customer reactions
Order cycles and seasonality Are there high points and low points in the industry? 80% of toys are sold in just 3 months of the year, leaving 9 very flat months If you were selling toys, this would have a significant impact on your cash flow projections