EUREGHA Network “The funding opportunities for regions in the field of public health” 29 th March 2011
Who we are A Brussels-based network of 108 regional and local representatives across 18 Member States that are active in the public health field
Our Mission Free & open European network of regional and local authorities focused on public health, which reaches out across the EU to create synergies between regions and other stakeholders on health issues. EUREGHA brings together a large number of European local and regional authorities, adding weight to the regional voice in European policy making. By representing the interest of local and regional authorities in the public health field at the European level, the network aims to strengthen policy collaboration between regional and local actors and the EU institutions.
How We Work As a platform that brings together regional experts and decision-makers, our objective is to link the EU debate to the regional planning and vice versa. EUREGHA tracks EU policies and initiatives such as the European Innovation Union (in particular the Active and Healthy Ageing pilot) to advocate for the interests/concerns of regions. Organised via Working Groups (e.g. Mental Health Working Group – discussed promotion of mental health in nursing homes, tele-psychiatry and other ICT tools.)
Activities EUREGHA promotes activities aiming at increasing both understanding of regional health systems and recognition of the valuable contribution that local and regional authorities can make to the European process. Activities include: Participation in EU Fora – Health Policy Forum, Diet PA Platform, Alcohol Forum, Projects – EUREGENAS, Joint Actions – EPAAC, Health Inequalities, Events – eHealth Open Days fringe event; Collaboration with other networks – EHTEL- AER-EUREGHA symposium; Consultation responses – 5 th Cohesion report...
Brussels, 26 November 2010 Overview of the EU funding Programmes - Common Features The EU contribution is usually co- shared with the beneficiaries. Every funding programme lays out the max % of co-funding, which varies from 20% to 90%.
Brussels, 26 November 2010 Overview of the EU funding Programmes - Common Features General Objectives 1.To consolidate the European Union 2.To promote the exchange of best practices 3.To promote cooperation among different actors 4.To make the European Union more competitive
Brussels, 26 November 2010 Overview of the EU funding Programmes - Common Features 5-7 year period Every year a work plan is published and deadlines are set from 45 to 65 days from the publication Published on the internet and in the Official Journal of the European Union All Member States can apply
Brussels, 26 November 2010 Overview of the EU funding Programmes in the area of Public Health, Healthcare and Social Affairs Health and Social Affairs Public Health Programme FP7- HealthPROGRESSDAPHNEAALINTERREG Youth in Action The starting point is to understand the specific objective of each programme!!!!!!!!
Brussels, 26 November 2010 A Snapshot on the Participation of the Veneto Region in the Health EU funding 17 Projects FP7- Health 1 Project on the Mobility of health professionals (Health Prometheus) 1 Project on the mobility of patients (EACB) 1 EraNet on nanomedicine (EuroNanomed) Public Health Programme 1 Joint Action on Health Technology Assessment (EUNETHA) 9 Projects on Health Promotion (Healthy Regions, Determine, Inform, Sialon, EMIS, SEID, Chi-CY TOBACCO, Healthy Children, Cobatest) 1 Project on the impact of climate change on health (Climate TRAP) 1 Project on gender (ENGENDER) 2 Projects on the study of the use of structural funds in health (Euregio II e III – Ulss 10)
EU funding Programmes in the area of Public Health: the Public Health Programme Public Health Programme: Objectives Budget Financial Mechanisms Requirements
EU funding Programmes in the area of Public Health: the Public Health Programme OBJECTIVES The EU Health Programme has three general objectives: to improve citizens’ health security; to promote health, including the reduction of health inequalities; to generate and disseminate health information and knowledge. The annual work plan (Commission decision) defines priority areas for action in implementing the programme.
EU funding Programmes in the area of Public Health: the Public Health Programme BUDGET The overall budget is set at EUR Financial contributions by the Community should not exceed : - 60% of costs for an action, except in cases of exceptional utility, where the contribution could cover 80% of costs
EU funding Programmes in the area of Public Health: the Public Health Programme FINANCIAL MECHANISMS 1.PROJECT PROPOSALS 2.OPERATING GRANTS 3.TENDERS 4.JOINT ACTIONS 5.CONFERENCES 6.OTHER
Participation in projects Large-scale project on Suicide Prevention - EUREGENAS Leader: Veneto Region Partners: 14 AP Objectives: The objective of the project is two fold: 1) strengthening the community-based systems of detection, support and referral and 2) reaching high risk groups to reduce the suicide rates in each participating local and regional authority. The strengthening of the community-based systems via local multipliers, GPs and mental health providers represents a pre-condition to ensure high level of alertness on mental ill health and suicidal behaviour within communities so as to better reach out those people who feel helpless.
Participation in JAs EPAAC Focus on Screening Creation of an EUREGHA-ERRIN WG
Themes of 2011 projects: –Project on multi-sectoral preparedness and health- security: public health preparedness and response planning in the field of pandemic influenza and other serious cross-border health threats, including bio- threats.Project on multi-sectoral preparedness and health- security: public health preparedness and response planning in the field of pandemic influenza and other serious cross-border health threats, including bio- threats. –Project on crisis communication in the area of risk managementProject on crisis communication in the area of risk management –Reducing health inequalities: preparation for action plans and structural funds projectsReducing health inequalities: preparation for action plans and structural funds projects –Good practice on brief interventions to address alcohol use disorders in primary health care, workplace health services, emergency care and social servicesGood practice on brief interventions to address alcohol use disorders in primary health care, workplace health services, emergency care and social services –Support to actions in line with the Commission Communication on Action against Cancer: European PartnershipSupport to actions in line with the Commission Communication on Action against Cancer: European Partnership –Support to European rare diseases information networksSupport to European rare diseases information networks –Support creation of pilot network of hospitals related to payment of care for cross border patientsSupport creation of pilot network of hospitals related to payment of care for cross border patients
Themes of 2011 JA Support to the implementation of national plans/strategies on rare diseases and related measures to implement Council Recommendation and Commission Communication on rare diseases (EUR %) Cross-border e-health instruments as supporting tools for medical information and research (EUR %) Complementary joint action on pilot HTA's on targeted health technologies (EUR %) Patient safety and quality of healthcare (EUR %) Assisting Member States in reaching the full potential of deceased and living donation (EUR %)
Other Activities: CoR Technical Platform (Health) 11 June 2010: Use of the structural funds in health 25 October 2010: health prevention and 3 workshops on mental health, alcohol prevention and cancer screening. Future Meeting: eHealth / health technologies?
CoR Health Inter-regional group First meeting: 1 st April 2011 Established to strengthen role of Regions in EU health debate Future relevance for innovation in health / new technologies: link with Europe 2020 flagship initiatives.
Thank You Contact: Daniela Negri, Veneto Office