Strategic Plan into Action Morristown Unitarian Fellowship November 14, 2010 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategic Plan into Action Morristown Unitarian Fellowship November 14,

Background  A Strategic Plan was carefully crafted by a dedicated team than engaged over 200 members.  The Board has met to read, think about, and embrace this Strategy.  How will we as a Congregation move from Plan to Action?  What will you see in terms of how this affects your activities and committee work?  How can each of us help MUF Live our Vision? 2

MUF Vision  We are a dynamic congregation, growing in spirit, community, numbers, and impact seeking to transform ourselves and the world beyond us.  Our Priority Areas:  Leadership and Governance  Sharing Our Values in the World Community  Life Span Religious Education  Community, Caring Connections  Spiritual Growth and Exploration  Facilities 3

Celebrate our Strengths  To help us achieve our hopes and dreams for tomorrow, our strategic plan is based on:  Celebrating and using our strengths  Identifying external forces and needs  Recommending areas to grow and change  Enjoying, celebrating and using our strengths is key: spiritual services, beautiful music, warm welcomes, community service, nurturing our children, … 4

Moving from Strategic Plan to Action  The Plan as presented in June has been used by the Board and all our Committees/Priority Areas  Some actions are already underway  The Board has approved the final SP as the ongoing working document. It is our reference point for action.  The SP Recommendations are detailed and rich.  Like a spiritual journey, realizing this Plan will come in stages:  Starting the Journey - Year 1  Deepening our Practice - Year 2  Growing our Faith - Year 3-5 5

Work together as a Community  Priority Areas have key projects - focused, measurable, and impactful.  Priority Area Leaders (PALs) monitor projects, dates, and costs and update Board.  Coaches assist and help in project definition.  Board oversees plan and receives updates.  COM views impact on the health of our ministries. Helps with concerns, conflict mediation, and right relation tools.  Our staff is intimately involved in specific aspects  Our Minister is truly inspiring and inspired in every detail  and … Every One of You is key to Living our Vision. 6

Plans into Action - Board - Year 1 7

Year 1 8

Year 2 9


Summary – Plans into Action  Major project elements have been selected from a Board perspective and discussed with PALs.  Key projects for each Priority Area identified and getting underway.  PALs, Board, Coaches, Minister, Staff, and COM are communicating and ready for your questions and help. 11

THANK YOU ! Your ministries and contributions help make MUF a special place. Let’s work together to realize our Vision. 12