TECHNICALSUPERVISON HEALTH & HIV/AIDS PROJECT Regional HIV workshop : Africa & South East Asia Bujumbura 21 – 25 February 2011 Dr Almouner TALIBO Regional Coordinator
TECHNICAL SUPERVISON HEALTH & HIV/AIDS PROJECT Definition of Concepts -Words / concepts often used, abused and confused with other terms or functions : -Inspection, control, coordination -Monitoring, evaluation
Definitions (Cont.) CONTROL : determining what has been achieved, comparing outcomes with expectations, approving these outcomes or recommending corrective measures INSPECTION : ensuring standards are being met
Definitions (Cont.) EVALUATION : - Verifying the extent to which planned objectives have been achieved within the limits of available resources -A value judgement on the extent to which objectives have been achieved -A periodic examination of changes in the outcomes sought (programme, project) -Conducted before, during and at the end of a project COORDINATION : -The harmonious distribution of tasks to achieve their EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT execution -Preventing one or several people from carrying out the same task at the same time and in the same place
Definitions (Cont.) MONITORING : -The continuous collection of information or indicators relative to the ACTIVITIES executed -The analysis and interpretation of their outcomes -Frequency depends on the activities and the context : quarterly monitoring is recommended Monitoring of activities = Follow up of activities
Definitions (Cont.) SUPERVISION: an on-going process to: - guide - train - support - encourager the initiatives / activities of the personnel - ensure the efficient execution of activities on site, in keeping with guidelines
We supervise personnel, not tasks Technical supervision Supervising means training. Technical training ==== Aim at the right target!
Objective of TECHNICAL SUPERVISION : - To improve the performance of the person supervised in order to produce quality services
Complementarity between supervision and other functions In technical SUPERVISIONS, the results of the evaluation, monitoring, inspection, coordination and control can be used to gauge the extent to which activities are being appropriately executed
STYLES OF SUPERVISION Different styles of supervision : -Authoritarian -Democratic and Participative -Free rein
STYLES OF SUPERVISION (cont.) The choice of styles depends on: - the circumstances - the personality of the person to be supervised - the type or nature of the set-up to be supervised - the programme or project to be supervised
ADVANTAGES OF SUPERVISION 3 levels: 1.The person supervised 2. Service / project 3. Supervisor
1. Advantages for the person supervised -A chance to discuss any difficulties -An opportunity to improve his/her knowledge -Job enrichment, increased responsibility -Stimulation, higher self-esteem -Team dynamics are developed and maintained -Weak points are identified (areas for improvement) and solutions offered for improving practices that will increase the quality of services -Knowledge is acquired on guidelines/standards
2. Advantages for the project or service -Errors can be corrected in time -Quality, effectiveness and efficiency are increased -Accessibility of services is improved -Activities and means (HR, logistics, Finances) are rationalised leading to a better organisation of the programme -Communication is improved -Work climate : expectations and effective collaboration
2. Advantages for the supervisor -A chance to become familiar with how tasks are executed (usually delegated), -An opportunity to identify problems in the way activities are being implemented -A clearer picture of working conditions can be obtained - Weaknesses can be identified and corrected - Staff appraisal, revision of job descriptions - Review of recommendations made in previous supervisions -The assessment of the tasks being executed can be carried out free of line-management considerations -The need for resources can be examined Supervisors, you are not CONTROLLERS or INSPECTORS: you are TRAINERS, there to improve the quality of services.
STAGES IN THE SUPERVISON 1.The preparatory stage involves: -Drafting the terms of reference (in liaison with the field teams) -Drawing up and distributing the supervision schedule -Reading reports, summaries and any other project documents and project indicators -Studying the findings/recommendations of the previous supervision -Reviewing the job descriptions of the staff to be supervised -Defining a list of priority areas -Ensuring that the means and tools are available
STAGES IN THE SUPERVISON (Cont.) 2. Execution stage : NB : Supervision = - process for improving the person’s performance - a training activity and NOT an evaluation or control It is important to establish good relations with the person you are supervising, to put oneself in their shoes in order to understand them better
STAGES IN THE SUPERVISON (Cont.) 2. During the execution stage: (cont.) -Find out what the person and/or the personnel’s problems are -Establish what progress has been made on the recommendations from previous supervisions (for example: are the laminated IEC tools in Braille being supplied and are they of satisfactory quality? DVD in sign language?) -Observe the execution of the tasks to be supervised -Organise a simulation exercise of counselling on HIV screening or an STI consultation, for example (if no clients) -Discuss strong/weak points, solutions, recommendations, etc. with the person supervised at the end of the activity concerned -Fix a date for the next supervision session
STAGES IN THE SUPERVISON (Cont.) 3. Application stage -Immediate application: immediate recommendations are understood better -Deferred application: feedback, reporting on the supervision at other levels - Monitoring and evaluation : follow up on the implementation of recommendations, identification of training needs and self- assessment of the team of supervisors
FREQUENCY OF THE SUPERVISION -Scheduling must be realistic -Supervision should be part of the action plan -Frequency will depend on the level of supervision : - every two months: treatment centres, IEC activities (facilitators), peer educators - every three months at health district level - every six months at provincial level
Who is the supervisor? -Any person who line-manages another person to whom he/she has delegated activities/tasks On HI projects - The regional coordinator supervises the teams/project managers - The health coordinator supervises the project managers in his/her area of activity -The project manager supervises the facilitator, trainer, etc. (and also in treatment centres) -The facilitator supervises the partners in charge of IEC activities, peer education, etc.
Who is the supervisor (cont.)? Profile / qualities of a supervisor -More extensive knowledge than the persons supervised (as broad as possible) 1.Competencies / Capacities -Technical -Administrative, management -Conceptual -Communication / interpersonal -Analytical -Etc….
Who is the supervisor (cont.) ? 2. Qualities -Well-organised with sound work methodology -Good listening and communication skills -Respectful -Impartial -Tolerant and polite -Team spirit -Desire to succeed -Etc.
Who is the supervisor? (cont.) 3. Roles -Help to do better -Training and technical assistance for the persons supervised -Professional development -Coordination of activities -Evaluating the performance of the persons supervised -Managing conflict and motivating the persons supervised -Help with understanding responsibilities -Taking account of the concerns and problems of the persons supervised -Liaison between the different levels -Assistance with planning -Etc.