German ProfeLL 2 – Maintaining Momentum in German Professional learning intended outcomes: We will differentiate to cater for individual needs: Workshop aspects of units 1 – 12 by focusing on: – 10 principles of second language acquisition (Ellis 2005) – which will include language input methodologies (Principle 6) – and language acquisition and use (Ps 1 + 6, 7+8) – context – colour and animals (unit 12)
Discuss assessment package in Ja and x-reference with NZC levels 1 +2 and Level one in German in the New Zealand Curriculum. Interact with relevant websites, software, DVDs, videos and song and discuss their application to second language learning and culture NZC and websites:
Revisit how cultural activities are integrated into the programme and continue to grow an understanding of interculturality (iCLT) Reflect on own learning and set personal and school goals for the rest of the year.
Learning Intention (Specific Learning Outcome = SLO) In this session we are going to learn 11 colours in German:
Why would we want to learn this? Colours are adjectives Adjectives make our spoken and written language: more interesting more vibrant more dynamic more colourful
Success criteria: (How will you know you have been successful today?) Listening: you will be able to point to the colours when you hear them Speaking: you will be able to say the colours correctly and off by heart Reading for Recognition: you will be able to read the colour words used in the activities, and read them (say out loud) correctly.
Do Now: Hört zu! Listen, follow my instructions. Listen actively and repeat the German you will hear as exactly as you can. Hört zu und sprecht nach!
What is your favourite colour? Yellow. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome.
Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? Gelb. Bitte sehr. Danke schön. Bitte schön.
Learning Intention (Specific Learning Outcome = SLO) In this session you are going to learn in German. to ask if someone has a pet to say you have a dog and later: to return the question to say you have the same pet or a different pet or no pet. Why would we want to learn this?
Success criteria : (How will you know you have been successful today?) Listening: You will be able to point to the animals when you hear the words and respond to questions about your pet Speaking: You will be able to ask and answer correctly and off by heart Reading for Recognition: You will be able to read the questions and answers used in the activities, and read them (say out loud) correctly.
Do Now (sandwich methodology): Hört zu und sprecht nach! Listen actively and repeat the German you will hear as exactly as you can. Hört zu und sprecht nach!
Have you got a pet? Yes, Ive got a dog.
Hast du ein Haustier? Ja, ich habe einen Hund.
Have you got a pet? Yes, Ive got a dog. And you? Yes, Ive got one too. Yes, Ive got a cat. No, I dont have a pet.
Hast du ein Haustier? Ja, ich habe einen Hund. Und du? Ja, ich auch. Ja, ich habe eine Katze. Nein, ich habe kein Hautier.
der Hund die Katze das Pferd
Ich habe: (k)einen Hund (k)eine Katze (k)ein Pferd.
Ich habe: zwei Hunde drei Katzen vier Pferde.