By Joanne Parker
My Target audience would be for people who read mostly teenager girls as the books are about non fiction characters and romance. They would be for teenager girls because of the film Twilight. Also because the book is mostly about romance and most girls love romantic and mysterious.
For my home page I will have an animated banner displaying the author’s name to draw the readers attention to her name. My pictures I will get from Google, however I will take some pictures of my own as I own most of her books. I will have links that lead to more information on her books and where you can buy them also where to get in touch.
I will use a vertical navigation bar with the pages in bullet points. They will highlight red when clicked on hovered on. I will use a home page in a shape or a bookmark at the top of the page in the header, and this will be on every page. In the tab of Books it will have a drop down menu where you can select what series you would like to view. I will have sound of a blurb being spoken which other sound effects like the wind and I will have a video of the author being interviewed about a specific book and her work. This video will be embed from YouTube and my sound file will be downloaded form the internet and converted to mp3 and put into the webpage
The visual style of my website will be like a book. The background will be brown, and the writing white so it would stand out in front of the dark colour. The writing will be elegant (Sacramento, 1 Style) as on most of her websites the writing is elegant and I would like a little similarity between my website and others. For the title and main headings the font will be Alfa Slab One, 1 Style.
Maggie StiefvaterYoutube Shiver SeriesFacebook Ballard series The Scorpio races The Raven Boys Brown Colour Schemes Amazon Good Reads Google Wikipedia