Annual Point-in-Time Count of Homelessness in Vermont January 30, 2013 TRAINING GUIDE
Point in time History Since 2003, HUD has required all Continuums of Care (CoC) to collect local data on unsheltered homeless persons. Beginning in 2007, HUD standardized this data into the Point in Time (PIT). VT: In 2006, the data collection form was created with input from the CoC. The data is entered in Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Then a small group of CoC members trained agencies, organizations, and volunteers on the definitions, collection process, and the use of the data collected
Why we do the Point in Time Count: Ensure that all Vermonters, particularly low and moderate income persons, people with disabilities, homeless people, elders, families with children and others, have safe, adequate, physically accessible and affordable housing. Promote the recognition of housing and services as a basic right for all Vermonters through education of the public and elected officials.
Agency Filling In The Point-In-Time Form Agency examples- Bennington Police, St Albans Library, Dodge House, Good Samaritan Haven, Brattleboro Drop-In Center, Lamoille Family Center, Middlebury College, Central Vermont Community Action, Northeast Kingdom Community Action, Springfield Town Clerk, Burlington Emergency Shelter
LOCATION: Where did you STAY LAST NIGHT? January 30, (this applies to the entire household) Town/City Vermont: __________ : Where the person stayed Outside : Any place not meant for human habitation Temporary stays with families/friends/other: couch surfing, a spare room, basement room, camper in their yard, Emergency Shelter: Good Samaritan Haven, Circle, etc,.. AHS Emergency Motel Voucher or Motel/Hotel Charitable organization funded Homeless Transitional Housing, youth, Domestic Violence, MIT for Homeless, Veterans, etc., (NAME) ___________ Motel/Hotel paid by household: Out of Pocket, or Other:_____________ Las
Immediately Housing Need, Literal Homeless Episode Previous Permanent Residence
Household Information
Sub-Population Data
This will be the filled in sample
When to Conduct the Count? (Wednesday, January 30 th ) UNSHELTERED persons are included in the “ day of the count ”, beginning at 12:01am and ending at sunset. SHELTERED (in a homeless program) persons are included in the “ night of the count ”, beginning at sunset and ending at sunrise
Resources Point-In-Time Instructions (see back of form) Point-In-Time : “Users Guide” Any questions contact: Point-In-Time Instructions (see back of form) Point-In-Time “USER’S GUIDE” Any Questions: 1.PIT Local Community Contact 2.VT or 3.VSHA: or
*Please note: initials and unique identifying information of persons on PIT forms will remain confidential and not be included in any reports or publications. Data is guarded with strict security policies to protect privacy. An individual ’ s decision to participate in the PIT will not affect the quality or quantity of services that they are eligible to receive from any service provider and will not be used to deny outreach, shelter, housing or services.