D OT POINT 6 T HE N ATIONAL H EALTH PRIORITIES (NHPA’ S ) INCLUDING : a. Key features and reasons for selection for each NHPA. b. Determinants that act as risk factors c. Direct, indirect & intangible costs to the individual's and communities of NHPA’s d. One health promotion program relevant to each NHPA
D ESCRIBE THE NHPA’ S A collaborative initiative endorsed by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments, in response to the WHO’s global strategy “Health for All” by the year 2000 and the revised Health for all in the 21 st Century. Aim is to achieve the highest level of health for all the population. This initiative focuses the health sectors attention on the factors that contribute most significantly to the BOD of Australians. The particular diseases and conditions were selected due to there potential costs, direct, indirect and intangible, to the community, where significant health gains can be made to reduce morbidity and mortality. New priority areas are identified on a regular basis.
T HE N ATIONAL H EALTH P RIORITY A REAS National health priority areas Obesity 2008 Cardiovascular health 1996 Mental health 1996 Injury prevention and control 1996 Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions 2002 Asthma 1999 Diabetes mellitus 1997 Cancer control 1996 Dementia 2012
W HY ARE HEALTH CONDITIONS SELECTED AS NHPA’ S ? They contribute significantly to the burden of disease There is potential for significant improvements in health to be made> largely preventable. There is potential to reduce health inequalities between population groups There is potential for a range of strategies to be implemented that can improve health in these areas.
W HAT IS G ROSS D OMESTIC P RODUCT (GDP)? An indication of a countries wealth, and is an estimation of the value of all goods and services produced in a 12 month period. Health expenditure is often expressed as percentage of GDP. In Australia’s GDP was approximately $1.4 trillion. The $130 billion spent on health represents around 9% of GDP> $ 1.00 of every $11.00 is spent on health.
W HAT IS H EALTH PROMOTION ? According to the WHO> ‘the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health’ Health promotion strategies therefore aim to encourage behaviour changes before diseases become a problem> disease prevention. Health promotion encourages people to live healthier lives. Education is a major aspect of health promotion programs.
H EALTH PROMOTION CAMPAIGNS Life be in it Measure up campaign Slip slop slap Y Y QUIT Rsv9pMc&list=PL0F4C74478A8DC3F4http:// Rsv9pMc&list=PL0F4C74478A8DC3F4 Kid Safe
Headspace- mental health Swap it don’t stop it Go for 2 & 5 program
DEMENTIA Spark of life