Presentation to Tameside Training Consortium October 2014
Joined up care…Sam’s Story…
WHAT IS IT? Care Together is an ambitious programme to radically reshape the way health and social care services in Tameside and Glossop (including a part of Derbyshire) are commissioned, configured and delivered.
WHY DO IT? To improve the quality, safety and accessibility of services but also to address a financial gap in health and social care services locally which is estimated to reach £74 million by 2018/2019 if we do nothing.
We need to change both arms of the health and social care system – commissioning and service provision. Commissioning is the process of assessing what services are needed to meet the needs of local people over coming years, deciding how best to configure those services and then paying for them. Service delivery is what it says it is – providing the care and services for people who need them in the right place and at the right time.
WHAT WE AIM TO ACHIEVE Services built around the individual needs and circumstances of each service user Making services easier to understand and access Joining up teams of health and social care professionals Rapid access to specialist care Supporting service users and carers Better use of voluntary and community sector Not having to tell your story several times to different people
WHAT WILL CHANGE? We intend to introduce joint commissioning arrangements with Tameside Council to buy all health and social care services for local people together. We want to buy those services from a single organisation. That means we are proposing that an integrated care organisation be created which provides almost all health and social care services.
THE FOUR LEVELS Level one A universal service aimed at building up the strength of our local communities through healthy lifestyle and community support.
Level two Five locally based fast response community teams with an extended range of skills to care for people at home. This level will be geared particularly to help people with complex problems and/or those who are recovering from a recent illness. It will be made up of joined-up multi-disciplinary teams of health and social care professionals – including GPs and their staff.
Level three A new way of providing specialist care across the area. Specialists in cardiac medicine, respiratory illnesses, diabetes, cancer and many others will work together as integrated teams in hospitals and in the community ensuring expert care, treatment and advice is available rapidly and effectively.
Level four Hospital services for the most serious conditions such as emergency surgery, stroke and heart attacks. These specialist teams will work across different local hospitals and provide rapid access to the most modern and comprehensive services.
Local Community Care Teams (LCCTs) Community, Home and Hospital Enhanced Care Teams (CHHECTs) Ophthalmology (eye care) Dementia Musculoskeletal (muscles and bones) End of life care All Ages Learning Disabilities Rehabilitation after a stroke or other neurological problem Respiratory The nine Outline Business Cases (OBCs)
June 14 - public consultation starts on Healthier Together July 14 - Phase 1 Outline Business Cases approved (5 to begin with) July 14 – Enabling workstreams come on track e.g. Finance, IM&T, Estates August 14 – New CTP governance arrangements: Transition Board & Delivery Unit Sept 14 - Patient information systems start to be shared October 14 - Phase 2 & 3 Outline Business Cases approved October 14 – Monitor appoints external support to the economy and joins Transition Board and Delivery Unit November 14 – External experts commence review of the commissioner’s ICO model December 14 – formal proposal of the pooled budget arrangement April 15 – Pooled Commissioning Budget for integrated care commences June 15 – Formal Public Consultation Proposed April 16 – Start Mobilisation of IC FT Key landing points are as follows:-
Any Questions? Thank You