Business and Management Research WELCOME
Business and Management Research Instructor:Rawaa Muhandes Office Number: 624 Term/yearSemester two /2015 Office hours:W. M and 12:30-2:30 S. T. 12-2
Course description & Objectives This course provides an overview of the nature of business and management research. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to: 1.Describe the nature of business and management research. 2.Define the research process. 3.Recognize the different business research designs. 4.Develop a business research proposal. 5.Discuss major techniques of data collection. 6.Explain major sampling designs and strategies. 7.Implement a research project.
Why, What, Where, How & When Questions Why am I doing this research project, and what do I want to get out of it? What do I want to find out? Where is the information that I want to find out? How will I be assessed? When can I start and when must I finish my work?
Why am I doing a research project? Immediate and long-term benefits of research Key players include: –You –Your research team –Your supervisor –Other project stakeholders
Semester Plan WeeksCourse Topics 1&2 Orientation( Discuss course outline and weekly breakdown) Formulating groups What is critical thinking? Getting critical in research and reading Reading it: Tips for reading and taking notes 3 Introduction to research The nature of business and management research. Activity: Brainstorming research areas 4 Identifying useful resources (visiting the library, using the Internet, evaluating web sources) Selecting a topic and guidelines for formulating the research topic Narrowing down topic. 5 Critically reviewing the literature Referencing Write up- Draft Introduction Write up- Submit proposal and introduction Submit the introduction and literature review Section (3 points)
WeeksCourse Topics 6 Oral Presentation Skills: Tips and guidelines Oral presentation: Introduction and literature review(2.5 points) 7 Research Methodology Selecting samples Data collection tools: Surveys& Questionnaires, Interviews, observation, etc. Questionnaire structure, tips and introductory note 8 Peer critiquing, reviewing and piloting questionnaire Negotiating access and research ethics Finalizing and approving data collection tool Submitting the final data collection tool section (3points) 9 Data collection Online survey tools (survey monkey, googledocs,etc) 10 Data Analysis (Excel,SPSS,megastat) – Creating graphs Describing data and using graphs Semester Plan
WeeksCourse Topics 11 Drafting and editing the methodology and results sections Submitting methodology and result sections (3points) 12 Drafting discussion and conclusion Writing the Abstract Choosing keywords Submitting the discussion and conclusion section (3points) 13 Presenting the methodology, result and discussion What is research poster? Oral presentation: methodology, result and discussion (2.5 points) 14 & 15 Edit, proofread and submit final report (hard copy & softcopy) Final presentation and evaluation Final report submission (3points) Semester Plan
Lecture 1
Test your understanding Your responsibilities Proposal Timetable Outline Drafts Progress Your supervisor’s responsibilities Feedback on work Guidance Discussion Advice Marking
Critical Thinking
By the end of this presentation, the student will: Better understand what critical thinking is Benefits associated with critical thinking How to become a critical thinkers
Critical Thinking The process of thinking clearly, carefully, with logic and depth and acknowledging assumptions and viewpoint.
Critical Thinking as a student Source: (Cottrell, 2005)
Benefits of critical thinking Skills Source: (Cottrell, 2005)
Raise vital questions Formulate questions and problems clearly, precisely How to become a critical thinkers
Gather information Analyze and assess it Evaluate it How to become a critical thinkers
Draw conclusions Find solutions Use relevant criteria Draw conclusions Find solutions Use relevant criteria to test them How to become a critical thinkers
Keep an open mind How to become a critical thinkers
Think outside the box! Develop a sense of observation and curiosity Develop a sense of observation and curiosity Become interested in finding new solutions Become interested in finding new solutions Share ideas Share ideas Ask questions Ask questions Assess statements and arguments Assess statements and arguments Seek understanding and information Seek understanding and information How to become a critical thinkers
Also... Listen to others, think about what they say, Give feedback Become an open-minded listener and reader How to become a critical thinkers
Who SHOULD think critically?
Handouts for students