Jan Auyong, Assistant Director and Ellie Larsen, Program Specialist Faculty Orientation CH2M Hill Alumni Center November 12, 2009
The Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station The Experiment Station is the principal agricultural research entity in the state and one of the three Statewide Public Service Programs (AES, EXT, FRL). Its mission is to conduct research in the agricultural, biological, social, and environmental sciences for the economic, social and environmental benefit of Oregon. Each Land-Grant College receives annual Federal appropriations (formula grant funds) for research and extension work that must be matched by state funds or other nonfederal dollars.
OSU Charter Day October 27,1868 Represents the start of state support for higher education in Oregon. Permanent adoption of Corvallis College as the state's agricultural college came in 1870.
OAES History 1871 Corvallis College Board of Trustees purchased a farm for $4,500 (with a house, barn and orchard), acres in size, on April 17,using private funds, (no state funds used). This farm land thereafter was referred to as the Experimental Farm (and later as "Lower Campus") The Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station began research activities in 1888 and was formally established in 1889; Edgar E. Grimm served as its first director (
OAES Organization 5 Dean & Director Sonny Ramaswamy Exec. Assoc. Dean & Director Bill Boggess Assoc. Dean & Dir. Stella Coakley Assoc. Dean & Dir. Larry Curtis Assistant Director Jan Auyong Chief Business Officer Jack Breen Program Specialist Ellie Larsen Grants & Contracts Technician Karen Bose (.5 fte) Accountant I Carrie Burkholder Grants & Contracts Technician Karen Bose (.5 fte) Accountant II Chris Holdridge Accountant III Gail Patterson HR Analyst Jayne Parker 16 Academic Departments within the College or shared with other colleges 11 Branch Stations at 15 locations (includes Experiment Stations, Agricultural Research Centers, and Research and Extension Centers Formal cooperation with six other OSU colleges: CHHS, CVM, COS, COE, COE, CLA
NIFA Formula Grants, matched by State dollars Hatch research projects Hatch multistate projects Hatch integrated projects (coordinated/planned research and extension activities) NIFA requires approved 5-year Plans of Work (POW) and Annual Progress Reports (AR) to continue providing federal formula grant funding. r Primary OAES Processes 6
Mega (team versus individual) Projects All tenure-track faculty with OAES appointment of 0.2 fte or greater Submit 5-year workplans within their first year and every 5 years of employment Submit annual progress reports thereafter Project reporting via CRIS/REEPT and Oregon Invests! Hatch Research Projects 7
Project content To Address: NIFA Strategic Goals OSU Signature Areas of Distinction OAES Programs 8
NIFA Strategic Goals 1. Enhance international competitiveness of American agriculture; 2. Enhance competitiveness and sustainability of Rural and Farm economies; 3. Support increased economic opportunity and improved quality of life in rural America; 4. Enhance protection and safety of the Nation’s agriculture and food supply; 5. Improve the Nation’s nutrition and health; and 6. Protect and enhance the Nation’s natural resource base and environment. 9
Proposed NIFA Institutes & Centers (new priority areas, including priority areas identified in the NRC report, “A New Biology for the 21 st Century”) Food Production and Sustainability Bioenergy, Climate, and the Environment Food Safety and Nutrition Youth and Community Development Center for International Programs 10
OSU Signature Areas of Distinction 11 Implementation of OSU’s Strategic Plan, Phase II, focuses on three Signature Areas of Distinction: Advancing the Science of Sustainable Earth Ecosystems; Improving Human Health and Wellness; and Promoting Economic Growth and Social Progress
OAES Program Areas (based on CAS goals and focus areas) Goal 1: To build strength in biobased products Goal 2: To build excellence in ecosystem services Goal 3: To build excellence in food, nutrition, and health Goal 4: To build excellence in water and watersheds Focus Area 1: To ensure that Oregon agricultural systems will be economically and environmentally sustainable, and integrated with natural resource systems and the environment. Focus Area 2: Build Sustainable Rural Communities 12