Public Discussion In Slovakia: Measuring Progress Using the Institute for Financial Policy´s methodology by Juraj Kolarovic The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic Najvyšší kontrolný úrad Slovenskej republiky Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014
IIIIII IIII II I. Background Introduction Introduction International practices International practices II. Discussed Target Areas Define relevant tasks Define relevant tasks Methodology & Examples Methodology & Examples II I. Conclusion Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 Public Discussion in Slovakia: Measuring Progress
IIIIII IIII II I. Background Introduction 1/2 What is the purpose of public discussion? Promote the pursuit of improving two major areas of interest : Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 governmenttransparency information on the government‘s activity Press on experts to define meaningful tasks to measure government‘s performance and accountability
IIIIII IIII II I. Background Introduction 2/2 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 Which are major objectives of the public discussion ? Strengthen Ministriesefficiency Improve quality in decision-making processes using defined indicators for monitoring and evaluation publishing relevant results
IIIIII IIII II I. Background International practices 1/3 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 The United States of America The Government Performance and Results Act Five-year strategic plans results-oriented results-orientedgoals Governmentagencies Annualperformanceplans performance goals performance goals description of how description of how goals are to be met goals are to be met and verified Annual Program Performance Reports Annual Program Performance Reports to review Agency´s success or failure in meeting its goals
IIIIII IIII II I. Background International practices 2/3 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 The Commonwealth of Australia Government Government agencies agencies Portfolio Budget Statements Each goal is including Measurable goals for policies Measures Measures Programs comprising Indicators Programs comprising Indicators Budget Budget
IIIIII IIII II I. Background International practices 3/3 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 Other OECD countries Ministries Measure progress & determine goals Statutory duty to monitor progress using the indicators is not centrally is not centrallydetermined is not required from all ministries
IIIIII IIII II I. Having efficiency results I. Having efficiency results is just one of the tools that is just one of the tools that potentially improve public potentially improve public administration and finances administration and finances II. Discussed Target Areas Define relevant tasks Define relevant tasks Methodology & Examples Methodology & Examples II I. Conclusion Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 I. Background
II. Discussed Areas of Interest Task definition 1/4 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 Scheme for measuring progress in Slovakia I. II. III. IIIIII IIII II Levels ministerial programs ministerial programs ministries ministries quality of life quality of life Sets of indicators for
II. Discussed Areas of Interest Task definition 2/4 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 Where is the basic problem? Major tasks of ministries Needed are the most appropriate indicators that have relevance for the activity relevance for the activity of individual ministries minimum interferences minimum interferences among individual ministries The indicators must clearly measure defined activities of individual ministries IIIIII IIII II
Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 Classification of indicators Result indicators for quality of life quality of life ministries ministries Input / output indicators for ministerial programs ministerial programs Hardindicators IIIIII IIII II II. Discussed Area of Interest Task definition 3/4 AlternativeindicatorsSoftindicators
Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 Characteristics of the main indicators Characteristics of the main indicators Indicators Indicators should be should be simple relevant motivative motivative comparable reliable In reality, it is quite problematic to select indicators based on all of the above characteristics IIIIII IIII II II. Discussed Areas of Interest Task definition 4/4
II. Discussed Areas of Interest Methodology 1/7 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 I. Level Indicators for the quality of life IIIIII IIII II Setting indicators for quality of life Identifying priority areas Comparing decomposition of Slovak GDP with the EU-15 average
II. Discussed Areas of Interest Methodology 2/7 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 I. Level – Example 1/3 Comparing decomposition of GDP IIIIII IIII II GDP GDP per per capita capita capital formationcapital formation total factor productivitytotal factor productivity othersothers Labour Labour productivity productivity unemployment rateunemployment rate employment ofemployment of young people (15-24)young people (15-24) female & male (25-54)female & male (25-54) older people (55-64)older people (55-64) hours workedhours worked Labour market market Demography Demography
II. Discussed Areas of Interest Methodology 3/7 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 I. Level – Example 2/3 Identifying priority areas IIIIII IIII II Approach to increasing quality of life Education, science, research, innovation Employment, social inclusion Business environment Transport infrastructure, telecommunications Modern public administration Transparent conditions Transparent conditions and law enforcement Health Fiscal, environmental and social sustainability,
II. Discussed Areas of Interest Methodology 4/7 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 I. Level – Example 3/3 Setting quality of life indicators IIIIII IIII II PISA PISA School drop-out rate School drop-out rate Tertiary education attainment Tertiary education attainment Citations per researcher Citations per researcher Gross domestic expenditure Gross domestic expenditure on research and development on research and development High-tech export High-tech export Education, science, Education, science, research, innovation research, innovation Transparent Transparent conditions conditions and law and law enforcement enforcement Corruption Corruption 1st priority area 7th priority area
II. Discussed Areas of Interest Methodology 5/7 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 II. Level Indicators for ministries IIIIII IIII II The results obtained for one ministry cannot be influenced by the activity of another ministry cannot be influenced by the activity of another ministry Indicators for ministry or ministries 1st quality of life indicator Nth guality of life indicator Indicators for ministry or ministries
II. Discussed Areas of Interest Methodology 6/7 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 II. Level - Example Indicators for ministries IIIIII IIII II Proposed basic approach for the Ministry of health Healthylifeyears Ministry of health environment education, science, research and sport Euro health consumer index Euro health consumer index Premature mortality rate... Premature mortality rate... Environmental performance index Citations per researcher indicator
II. Discussed Areas of Interest Methodology 7/7 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 III. Level Indicators for ministerial programs IIIIII IIII II Input and output indicators for program budgeting Indicators for ministries Quality of life indicators Program budgeting uses input and output indicators as a tools to make government more results-oriented
Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014 I I. Discussed Areas of Interest IIIIII IIII II I. Having efficiency results I. Having efficiency results is just one of the tools that is just one of the tools that potentially improve public potentially improve public administration and finances administration and finances ÍI. There is no empirical evidence for significant evidence for significant relationship of program relationship of program budgeting to fiscal policy budgeting to fiscal policy II I. Conclusion
IIIIII II IIII Public discussion in Slovakia: Measuring progress There is an initial proposal to improve decision-making in public administration Existing sets of indicators in the strategy documents and program budgeting still need further development to measure real progress in improving the efficiency of public administration Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014
III. Conclusion IIIIII II IIII Спасибо за ваше внимание Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Kuta, February, 24-26, 2014