United Nations Statistics Division Workshop series on manufacturing statistics United Nations Statistics Division
Results of first workshop Principal agreement agreed on: Usefulness of comparable statistics for the region Set of common goals as in IRIS 2008 or beyond Need for specific assistance in most countries Agreement at working level
Results of first workshop Other factors: Resource requirements (internal and external) Coordination among countries These create need for officially recognized programme Proposal: Develop outline at working level Submit to Conference of Statisticians of the Americas
Objective improve the production, dissemination, comparability and quality of manufacturing statistics (and by consequence national accounts data) at the country and regional level in a sustainable manner promoting regional coordination among development and financing partners active in statistical capacity building; reviewing current country practices with a view to regional harmonization, where appropriate, particularly in the areas of new industrial statistics challenges like outsourcing; implementing updated international recommendations/standards (e.g. International Recommendations on Industrial Statistics (IRIS) 2008, ISIC Rev4, CPC Ver2, and the International recommendations on the Index of Industrial Production (IRIIP)); and implementing regional programmes, guidelines and procedures.
Key deliverables Data that meets the requirements set out in the International Recommendations for Industrial Statistics (IRIS) 2008 A minimum set of regional data items to be determined and agreed to by countries in the region (at a more detailed level than that required for international reporting) Implementation of recently revised international classifications: ISIC Rev.4, CPC Ver.2 Implementation of the International Recommendations for the Index of Industrial Production (IRIIP) 2010
Major components Regional workshops following the Statistical Production Process Framework Associated country assistance Monitoring through assessment framework
Governance structure Programme running under the auspices of the Conference of Statisticians of the Americas Support provided by other partners
Statistical Production Process framework
What is the statistical production process framework? The statistical production process framework provides a structured and standardized view for the way statistics are produced. Registers and frames (R&F) Surveys (S) Integration frameworks (IF) Dissemination (D) Institutional setting ICT Management and internal policy Institutional arrangements
What is the statistical production process framework? The foundation block comprises the institutional setting, containing the administrative and legal framework, staff, technology, and financial resources. The first block comprises the registers and frames of statistical units from which administrative and survey source data are collected. The second block (surveys) comprises administrative and statistical surveys (forms design, dispatch and collection control, Micro editing, etc). The third block comprises the integration frameworks, organizing and summarizing the source data into statistical indicators focused on user needs. The fourth block is the dissemination of the statistical indicators to users.
What is the statistical production process framework? All future technical and managerial assistance and training are expected to be done in the context of the Statistical Production Process framework What are the benefits of using this framework? development of common training programs (i.e. the construction of a central knowledge platform); and development of common approaches to implementation of best practice methods, systems and tools.
Use of the statistical production process framework by UNSD Two of the UNSD’s main roles are to: Develop methodological standards (e.g. ISIC Rev4, IRIS 2008, IRIIP 2010); and Provide technical assistance. The statistical production process framework will allow for a structured approach to the provision of technical assistance so countries can achieve the necessary methodological standards. To achieve this, we need to determine the current status of countries and then assist countries to move towards the new standards.
Use of the statistical production process framework by UNSD The framework is the basis for the manufacturing statistics workshops. The questionnaire you completed prior to the workshop is an example of how the statistical production process framework and the quality assessment framework are used in practice. The questionnaire assists to determine the current status of countries and determine areas of focus for future work. The questionnaire also assists in the development of some of the sessions in this workshop.
Quality assessment framework for industrial statistics
Existing quality assessment frameworks In recent years a number of quality assessment frameworks have been developed and used by different agencies IMF - DQAF Eurostat – DESAP National quality assessments Some operate at generic, aggregated level Others are for specific programmes
Existing quality assessment frameworks Framework can be used in a variety of contexts, including: reviews performed in the context of country work, e.g. technical assistance; self-assessments performed by national statistical offices and other data producing agencies; and assessments by other groups of data users.
Quality assessment framework for industrial statistics Based on existing frameworks, a structure has been discussed that would focus on industrial statistics only More detailed versions have been prepared to cover the individual steps of the statistical production process framework, e.g. on business registers and surveys Additional level has been added to the framework to accommodate questions related to the detailed areas
Structure of the framework Both frameworks use agreed components of data quality: Dimensions of quality Integrity Methodological soundness Accuracy and reliability Serviceability Accessibility
Structure of the framework These dimensions have been further subdivided into elements and indicators More detailed focal issues address issues specific to compilation of industrial statistics Key points identify qualifying features for each focal issue
Structure of the framework In the framework for industrial statistics
Structure of the framework Hierarchical structure in different format
Structure of the framework Expanded to focus on individual steps (e.g. BR)
Way forward Coordinate and implement the country quality assessment for manufacturing statistics; Determine priority areas for action based on the quality assessment; Outline milestones and benchmarks that countries need to achieve and a timetable for measuring progress; Identify funding options and resource requirements to carry out the Manufacturing Statistics Work Programme; Identify consultants/experts to undertake specific country assistance; Submit the necessary status reports to the Statistical Conference of the Americas; Periodic progress review, based on the quality assessment framework
Focus of this workshop We have covered before: Business registers / sources Surveys Now: Third block of the Statistical Production process frame work Processing data received from surveys or other sources Data validation / editing and imputation Producing new indicators (e.g. IIP) Additional data manipulation Seasonal adjustment Benchmarking Backcasting
Focus of this workshop Sharing of country experiences Strict recommendations do not always exist for detailed processing steps Most international recommendations are output-oriented Review of current country procedures can reveal best practices