Federal R&D Budgets in FY 2016: Context and Update Matt Hourihan June 24, 2015 for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program
Major Funding Priorities for FY16 Advanced Manufacturing Low-carbon energy Climate research and earth observation Agricultural R&D Infrastructure R&D Antibiotic Resistance* Precision Medicine* Discovery Science: Neuroscience; Advanced computing COMPETES Agencies R&D: $12.1 billion, +6.6% *New for FY16
National Security Request: DOD S&T flat, DARPA +1.9% 8.3% cut to basic research Approps: Senate refutes basic research cuts Cuts for DARPA Defense bill blocked in Senate DHS: NBAF funding completed; moderate cuts elsewhere in S&T Directorate
Energy Request Technology offices: renewed focus on efficiency, renewables, ARPA-E, smart grid, CCS Manufacturing office to double DOE Science: +5.4% Advanced Computing: +14.8% Domestic fusion research cut 15% ITER flat Small boost for EFRCS; Hubs funding continues
National Science Foundation Total Budget: +5.2% Highest relative changes: SBE: +7.1%; Engineering: +6.4% New priority areas: Food- water-energy; climate resilience Approps: Senate flat; major cuts to GEO and SBE in House
NASA Total budget: +2.9% 6.1% below FY05 levels Familiar contours: Earth Science, Space Technology, Commercial Crew program boosted Cuts to Planetary Science, Astrophysics Exploration Systems Development, Aeronautics funding reduced Since FY10: Earth Sci +22.6% Planetary -9.6% Astrophys -0.7% Webb +28.1% Heliophys -2.9%
Advanced Manufacturing National Network of Manufacturing Innovation proposal revived NIST Labs also boosted across an array of areas EERE AM office doubled; NSF Cyber-physical systems Approps: ‘no thanks’, it seems Climate and Environment NOAA Office of Research: Major (~20%) boost for climate research USGS: +14%, focus on climate resilience; NASA Earth Science boost EPA S&T moderately increased Approps: ‘no thanks’, it seems
National Institutes of Health $1 billion increase (+3.3%) Largest relative increases: Alzheimer’s research, translational science New initiatives: Antibiotic Resistance: $100 million for NIAID $200 million for Precision Medicine Large increase for Big Data BRAIN Initiative contribution increases to $135 million Success rate: 19.3% Approps: Surprising increases?
Looking ahead… Democratic roadblocks Size and composition of the discretionary budget? Can R&D stay ahead of the curve? Deficits have fallen, but big-picture fiscal challenges remain largely unchanged Debt limit, entitlement growth
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