GENDER PROJECT Eliminating Violence – 28 August 2014
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 AGENDA Welcomes Introduction to the Gender Project Two main components Governance structure and Budgets Project reporting process Eliminating Violence Component The five prioritised outcomes Key Ministry inputs to each outcome Task group assignment to address the issues - technical positions to be advertised? - timeframes and budgets * Task groups - details 2
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 THE GENDER EQUALITY AND WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT PROJECT Creating an enabling environment for women to be able to participate in the economic development of the Cook Islands (business opportunities) And Eliminating Violence Against Women 3
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Strengthening capacity to: Identify new economic opportunities for women Promote and support women’s business in both the formal and informal sectors Support women’s access to financial services and other productive assets for the development of their enterprises Support the integration of women living with disability in socio-economic development 4
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 ELIMINATING VIOLENCE (1)Legal Frameworks, Law Enforcement and Justice Systems are strengthened Family Law Bill – awareness raising and training (especially Pa Enua) Increase capacity of Police Officers and improve data collection Support Ministry of Health’s collection of data related to DV (2) Services to the Victim are improved and communities mobilised Establish a coordination mechanism for addressing VAW Develop services to support the recovery of victims/survivors Provide legal support Develop communication material and raise awareness to build capacity within communities 5
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 PROPOSED BUDGET Activity Project 1$305,000$330,000 Strengthening capacity for gender responsive development towards an enabling environment for the full participation of women in economic development 1.Personnel $32,000 2.Research $60,000 3.Training $100,000 4.Media $30,000 5.Trade Shows $25,000 6.Business Forum $20,000 7.Tech Assistance $30,000 8.M&E $8,000 1.Personnel $32,000 2.Research $60,000 3.Training $100,000 4.Media $30,000 5.Trade Shows $40,000 6.Business Forum $20,000 7.Tech Assistance $40,000 8.M&E $8,000 Project 2$150,000$140,000 Strengthening capacity towards the elimination of violence against women 1.Training $40,000 2.Commn Resources $20,000 3.Media $30,000 4.Tech Assistance $50,000 5.M&E $10,000 1.Training $40,000 2.Commn Resources $20,000 3.Media $30,000 4.Tech Assistance $40,000 5.M&E $10,000 TOTAL $455,000 $470,000 6
GOVERNANCE Steering Committee Roles Provide overall policy guidance Support and advice Monitor performance of the project Facilitate inter-agency sharing of information Evaluate and approve all draft reports, policy papers and budget proposals Agencies involved Internal Affairs Police Health Justice PSC BTIB Religious Advisory Council ? House of Ariki ?
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 MEETING SCHEDULES WE RESEARCHERS, ANALYSTS (until December 2014) Discussion with Project Coordinator – Fortnightly Reporting back to Gender Stakeholder meeting – Monthly EV TASK GROUPS (ongoing) Discussion with Project Coordinator – Fortnightly Reporting back to Gender Stakeholder meeting – Monthly GENDER STEERING GROUP Monthly reports by Project Coordinator to the Chair Steering Group meeting Quarterly? 8
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 ELIMINATING VIOLENCE - PRIORITIES Improve data collection and analysis on domestic/gender-based violence and put in place data dissemination (Statistics) Establish a coordination mechanism for addressing VAW (GADD) Increase capacity of Police Officers to support victims by developing a clear administrative process (POLICE) Further develop and strengthen the capacity of services to assist the victims/survivors and to support their recovery (HEALTH) Provide free legal support (JUSTICE) 9
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 PRIORITY AREAS FOR DV ISSUES 1.Developing a robust referral programme that delivers effective intervention for perpetrators of domestic violence 2.Examining current practice for treatment interventions of DV, on going monitoring of the effectiveness of current practice (ie strengths and weaknesses) 3.Examine barriers to treatment referral, setting up and monitoring pathways for referral (Judicial, Police, self-referral, etc) 4.Develop a culturally suitable practice that can be implemented and evaluated long term (sustainable) by well trained in-country personnel 5.In the PPDV In Country Review Cook Islands Report 2011, a number of successes of the programme were identified such as raised awareness of DV as a criminal matter 6.Reporting of DV and Police and judicial ‘no drop’ policies, in case of DV maintained 7.The PPDVP Report also identified lack of funding for NGOs to deliver these programmes. 10
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 LEAD: STATISTICS Improve data collection on domestic/gender-based violence and put in place data dissemination Statistics Police Health Justice PTI Others? 11
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 LEAD: GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (GADD) Establish a coordination mechanism for addressing VAW PTI Police Health Justice Statistics Others - Rotaianga 12
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 LEAD: POLICE Increase capacity of Police Officers to support victims by developing a clear administrative process Police PTI Health Justice CITTI Others 13
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 LEAD: HEALTH Further develop services to accompany the victims/survivors and to support their recovery. Health Police PTI Justice Churches? (Religious Advisory Council) Others? (House of Ariki, Koutou Nui) 14
Maureen Hilyard, Gender Project Coordinator, August 2014 LEAD: JUSTICE Provide free legal support for victim Justice Crown Law Minister of Justice Others? 15