November 6 th Referendum Information School District of Horicon
What goals will be accomplished by this referendum? Update Technology Systems Expand Educational Opportunities for Students Provide Safe Environment for Learning
What Technology Systems will be Updated? Technology upgrades will include the following: Improved network infrastructure to meet growing demands for technology. Improved wireless network capacity. Additional iPads for enhanced learning at Van Brunt. Additional laptops or netbooks for middle school and high school students. Installation of interactive whiteboards in each classroom.
Why do we Need to Upgrade Technology? The careers that current students are preparing for will have an every-increasing demand for technology skills. Horicon students deserve the opportunity to be prepared for those careers. Improved technology also makes for more efficient and effective instruction. The demands for higher student performance and greater student achievements are now a part of the new school accountability reform laws. Our students will not be able to meet these requirements without making changes in how they learn.
What Facility Upgrades will be Made at the High School? A new technology education (shop) facility will be built at the high school to accommodate the growing needs for courses in machining, manufacturing, and welding. Remodeling of the old technology education area of the high school into classrooms for 7 th and 8 th grade students.
Why do we Need to Upgrade the High School Facility? Employers in Dodge County have seen a tremendous shortage in skilled labor in the areas of machining, manufacturing and welding. This will give students of the School District of Horicon an opportunity for advanced training and skill development in these areas.
What Facility Updates will be Made at Van Brunt? The Van Brunt office will be relocated to the first floor near the main entrance of the school. The existing office space will be reallocated for professional development space and meeting rooms.
Why are These Updates Needed at Van Brunt? The relocated office will provide for greater student safety as visitors will need to enter directly into the office area during the normal school day. Parents, grandparents, and other visitors will see a greater convenience when they come to the office for routine business. The old office space will provide for much needed room for conferences and meeting rooms.
What Other Benefits Will There Be For Students? Students will have expanded opportunities for advanced levels of learning in: Math Science Language Arts Foreign Language Technology Education Agriculture Business Education Family and Consumer Education
How Will Students Benefit in These Areas? 7 th and 8 th grade students will be relocated to the current high school where they will have the opportunity to take advanced level classes from high school teachers. The facilities at the high school will be equipped to provide these advanced level opportunities. This will be a far more efficient use of taxpayer money as compared to adding facilities and equipment at both buildings.
Is There Money in This Referendum for Other Improvements to the Buildings? Other building improvements will include: Repair and upgrade of the heating and ventilation system at Van Brunt Replacement of ceiling tiles in several locations Replacement of the windows on north and east sides of Van Brunt Repair of the high school stage Tuck-pointing of the chimney at high school Replacement of the weight room doors at the high school Repair the Van Brunt boiler room ceiling Drywall and painting in several locations
Why Now? There is a higher demand for students to be prepared for college and/or their career. We can complete all of these improvements without increasing taxes. We can take advantage of a competitive construction market.
Why Now?
What are the Next Steps? Community listening sessions and building tours Presentations to local organizations Look for continued updates on our school district website
Where Do I Find More Information? Visit the school district website at You will find several links to information including this PowerPoint presentation. Just look for the referendum logo: