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Presentation transcript:


Workshop Agenda Background to LSCB Effectiveness Commission Effectiveness Framework: Facets of an Effective LSCB Content of the LSCB Effectiveness site Inter-active discussion on future development of the toolkit

LSCB Effectiveness Commission Aim: To develop a resource for LSCB Chairs to support Board effectiveness. Process: Research into LSCB effectiveness Analysis of guidance and regulatory frameworks Incorporation of expectations of Working Together 2013 and Ofsted LSCB Review framework Formulation of web-based toolkit to support Independent Chairs

Facets of Effective LSCBs Board Effectiveness Quality Assurance and Performance Management Working Together Compliance Key Safeguarding Risk Areas

Facet 1: Board Effectiveness Constitutions/TOR Member roles and responsibilities including Lay Members Visibility and Influence Assessing Board Effectiveness Tools Logs of effective challenge Relationships with other partnerships

Facet 2: Quality Assurance and Performance Management QA and PM How to assume a scrutiny and challenge role Qualitative Data Engagement of Front-Line Staff Readiness for Regulatory Inspection The Voice of the Child Quantitative Data

Quality Assurance and Performance Management Model

Facet 3: Working Together Compliance (1) Annual Reports Threshold Protocol Learning and Improvement Framework Single Assessment Section 11 Effective multi-agency engagement and co-ordinated Safeguarding arrangements

Facet 3: Working Together Compliance (2) Role of schools and academies Role of the voluntary and community sector Independent Chair Performance Management Arrangements SCRs and other reviews CDOP Training and Development

Facet 4: Current Safeguarding Issues and Think Family Early Help CSE Domestic Violence Neglect Mental Health Drug and Subsistence Children with Disabilities

Front page In March 2013 the National Association of Independent Chairs commissioned a piece of work to develop a resource to support the development of effective LSCBs across the country. Since then, Ofsted has published a proposed inspection framework (July 2013) with the following definition: ‘The LSCB is likely to be outstanding if in addition to meeting the requirements for a good judgement, it provides evidence of being a highly influential strategic arrangement that directly influences and improves performance at the frontline. That improvement is sustained and extends across multi-disciplinary practice with children, young people and families. Analysis and evaluation of performance is exceptional and helps the local authority and partners to properly understand the impact of services and the areas for improvement. There is a comprehensive range of training for managers and practitioners that is directly related to multi-agency improvement priorities.’ The Facets that we have identified are set out under four key headings:

Front page (2) Board Effectiveness Quality Assurance and Performance Management Working Together Compliance Safeguarding Risk Areas LSCB Effectiveness Resources Working Together 2013 Ofsted Framework for the Inspection of Child Protection 'The Evaluation of Arrangements for Effective Operation of the New Local Safeguarding Children Boards'

BOARD EFFECTIVENESS Working Together Compliance INTRO TEXT Range of constitutions for Boards, executives, sub-groups, task and finish groups LSCB terms of reference Member roles and responsibilities Lay Members Relationships to other partnership forums Log of effective challenge exerted by the Board Visibility and Influence Assessing Board Effectiveness Working Together Compliance INTRO TEXT Resources Working Together 2013

LSCB Practice Exemplars

Discussion How can we secure a more extensive range of resources for the existing toolkit? How would you want to sustain the resource in the future? What sort of quality assurance arrangements would you want in place and how would we deliver this? What would you identify as priority areas for development in 2014?