Mary Emurla, SCN Manager Caroline Dollery, SCN Clinical Director East of England SCN Mary Emurla, SCN Manager Caroline Dollery, SCN Clinical Director Mental Health Learning Workshop Leicester 4 February 2014
Identifying Priorities NHS Mandate Stakeholder Events All conditions Neurology Workshops PPP Leadership Transitional work from MCN pilot LDA Integrated forum development Dementia Information and good practice sharing Engagement with CCG’s
CCG Engagement CCG Map 19 CCG’s Systematic visits to each: Initial scoping, understanding of needs, SCN remit Subsequent focussed meetings re improvement areas, offers, enablement, projects with scale and pace, and collaborative working Membership of programme groups, central to information sharing, principle partners in project work.
Current SCN Priorities/Work Programme 1. Transitional work Dementia LDA Physical and Mental Health IAPT Quality and Safety Veterans 2. Developing the Network, building relationships and understanding of new architecture 3. Stakeholder Engagement: CCG, PPP, many more 4. Cross cutting priority of co-production 5. Commissioners Leadership programme 6. Integrated pathways NHS | Presentation to MH Learning Workshop 4 February 2014 ]
Current SCN Priorities/Work Programme 7. Dementia Diagnosis – pathway assessment, model review and gap analysis Integration – development and facilitation of forum for whole system quality improvement. Good practice and information sharing 8. LDA – transitional work with focus on WBV, physical health needs/parity of esteem, A&T and quality& safety 9. Suicide prevention and depression care pathways 10. IAPT Addressing variation Pathway redesign to facilitate achievement of national indicators 11. Clinical Director membership of national MCA subgroup for strategy 12. Neurology – development of network and major stakeholder event
Future (draft) Work Programme 2014/15 1. Pathway redesign Dementia National dementia indicators Business modelling and resource repository Whole pathways of care MH pathways Integrated pathways Primary care MH Role of IAPT in context of overall pathway of care Suicide prevention and depression care CAMHS pathways (supporting CYP network) Neurology pathways Epilepsy 2. Co-Production
Issues, Challenges and Progress Engagement Variation across region in: Services Access Informatics/data Communication – within NHS and other partners/stakeholder Multiple agency environment How do SCN's add value? Why work with SCN's? Integration – health and social care; community and acute; primary and secondary; 3rd sector. Building relationships; embedding in new landscape; providing “real” offers of enablement; successful transition from MCN pilot. NHS | Presentation to MH Learning Workshop 4 February 2014