STRATEGIC ACADEMIC PRIORITIES (UAP 2005) development of a more research intensive university particular attention to substantial growth at the graduate level in enrolment planning promotion of health initiatives enhancement of student experience expansion of international activities distinctiveness based on innovation and interdisciplinarity attention to identity and reputation of York review of structures
NEW PROGRAM INITIATIVES AND STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Priority Areas for : Health: – ongoing planning and consultation in relation to proposed Faculty of Health International: – international experience opportunities, e.g., international degrees, internships Graduate Program expansion and development: – collaborative planning for graduate growth and program development – new programs, e.g., Theatre; Public Policy, Administration, and Law Review of structures/locations of selected units in Arts, Atkinson, and Science and Engineering Engineering accreditation
GRADUATE PLANNING: Enrolments Provincial context: plans for significant growth in graduate program enrolments in Ontario growth of 12,000 full-time students (over ) projected by ,000 more by funding announcement: increases of $19M; to $220M by uncertainties re. institutional allocations for complement, student support, and space associated with graduate growth
GRADUATE PLANNING: Enrolments Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005
GRADUATE ENROLMENT PLANNING: ELIGIBLE FTEs BY PROGRAM CLUSTER: TO Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005
GRADUATE PLANNING: Total Enrolments Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning
GRADUATE PLANNING: Complement for current appointment cycle, appointments have been allocated specifically to support graduate growth total of 21 appointments authorized appointments in a range of areas including: – sciences and applied science (e.g., biology, engineering) – professions (e.g., HRM, international education) – health (e.g., critical disability studies) – humanities and social sciences (e.g., history, sociology, political science) – fine arts (e.g., design, theatre) – environmental studies (e.g., sustainability)
: TENURE STREAM APPOINTMENTS FACULTY APPTS AUTHORIZED APPTS MADE DELAYED/ FAILED/ CARRIED FWD/IN PROG APPTS AUTHORIZED ** AS AK ED5412 FES2204 FA GL5412 OSG101*5 FSE95418 SSB11839 LIB321*0 TOTALS * 1 Osgoode, and 1 Library appt. in progress; may be Jan. 1/06 hires ** Appointments authorized to date (subject to change); includes grad. Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning growth appointments October 2005
: TENURE STREAM APPOINTMENTS: EQUITY STATUS FAC.APPTS MADE (to date) MALEFEMALE (self-ID*) CANA- DIAN NON- CANAD. VISIBLE MINOR.* DIS- ABILITY* ABORI- GINAL* AS17107 (4) AK (9) ED413 (2)40000 FES202 (2)20000 FA1156 (5) GL422 (2)31100 OSG FSE523 (3)41100 SSB871 (1)26400 LIB202 (1)20100 TOTAL (29) *Note: equity statistics are based on self-identification, so may under-estimate actual totals Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005
TRENDS TO : TENURE STREAM APPOINTMENTS: GENDER BREAKDOWN APPT. YEARMALEFEMALETOTAL # OF APPTS %1341.9% %1242.9% %3652.2% %3648.0% %2642.6% %3445.3% %3744.6% %7553.2% %3747.4%78 TOTAL % %641 Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005
TRENDS TO : TENURE STREAM APPOINTMENTS: EQUITY STATUS APPT. YEAR CANADIAN NON-CAN.VISIBLE MINOR. DISABILITYABORI- GINAL TOTAL APPTS %711.5%1016.4%11.6% %1925.3%1216%22.7%00% %1518.1%1113.3%00%11.2% %2114.9%2517.7%21.4%32.1% %1417.9%2126.9%11.3%00%78 TOTALS %7617.4%7918.0%61.4%51.1%438 Note: Statistics in equity categories refer those who self-identified in hiring process Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005
: OTHER FULL-TIME COMPLEMENT: CLAs, SRCs, TRUE VISITORS (to date) FACULTY CLAs TOTAL NEW CLAs AUTHORIZED* REN/ AUTH CONT NEW SRCs TOTAL AUTH TRUE VISITORS TOTAL AS ** AK ED FES FA ** GL OSG FSE SSB LIB TOTAL Source: AVP Academic Resource Planning * Based on authorizations to date ** 2 true visitors are currently on offer/on hold October 2005
: NEW CONTRACTUALLY LIMITED APPOINTMENTS: EQUITY STATUS FAC.APPTS (to date) MALEFEMALE (self-ID*) CANA- DIAN NON- CANAD. VISIBLE MINOR.* DISA- BILITY* ABORI- GINAL* AS936 (4)72210 AK (9) ED FES FA211 (1)20000 GL OSG FSE202 (2)20100 SSB LIB312 (1)30200 TOTAL (17) *Note: equity statistics include those who self-identified, so may underestimate actual totals Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005
TRENDS TO : NEW CONTRACTUALLY LIMITED APPOINTMENTS: GENDER BREAKDOWN APPT. YEARMALEFEMALETOTAL # OF NEW APPTS %1263.2% %1052.6% %2460% %2046.5% %2663.4%41 TOTAL7043.2%9256.8%162 Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005
TRENDS TO : EQUITY STATUS: TENURE STREAM AND CONTRACTUAL APPOINTEES APPT. YEAR FEMALEVISIBLE MINORITY* DISABILITY*ABORIGINAL*TOTAL APPTS TS CLA %1016.4%11.6% %210.5%15.3%00% TS CLA %1216%22.7%00% %-0%15.3% TS CLA %1113.3%-0%11.2% %410%12.5% TS CLA %2517.7%21.4%32.1% %614%24.7%00% TS CLA %2126.9%11.3%00% %922%12.4%00%41 TOTALS TS CLA %7918%61.4%51.1% %2213.6%53.1%21.2%162 Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning * based on self-identification October 2005
CUMULATIVE CHANGE IN TENURE STREAM FACULTY COMPLEMENT, TO Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005
CHANGE IN TENURE STREAM AND FULL- TIME COMPLEMENT YEAR-OVER-YEAR, TO Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005 ___Year over Year change of tenure- stream Year over Year change of all full- time (T/S, CLAs, SRCs)
STUDENT/FACULTY RATIOS Year UG FTEs/ Faculty FTE * Total Student FTEs/ Faculty FTE * UG FTEs/ Faculty FTE ** Total Student FTEs/ Faculty FTE ** Graduate Student FTEs/ Tenure St. Fac. Memb * Includes all FT and Contract Faculty and TAs (excludes marker/graders) ** Includes all FT and Contract Faculty (excludes TAs and marker/graders) Source: Office of Institutional Research and Analysis October 2005
PLANNING FOR TENURE STREAM COMPLEMENT - tenure stream appointments: - support traditional academic strengths - advance strategic priorities - support complement growth to teach increased enrolments, particularly at the graduate level - provide replacements for retiring/departing faculty - importance of continuing collaborative planning for graduate: FGS and resource Deans - “deficit” in tenure stream appointments, resulting from previous budget cuts, has been partially addressed through complement recovery plan: 38 appointments allocated
FULL-TIME FACULTY TENURE STREAM COMPLEMENT HIRING PLAN Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 2005