Homeworking Workshop Pam Savill Account Director Risk Management Partners Limited
Introduction Definition Advantages for employees and employers Considerations Legal Requirements Responsibilities of both parties Hazards Insurance Implications Risk Assessment Practical Example
Definition What is homeworking? A homeworker has been defined as an employee who works all or a significant part of their time at or from home using computer and communications equipment provided by his or her employer.
Advantages for employees Increased Responsibility in the management of his/her time Freedom to arrange their working hours to suit any domestic commitments Savings on travelling costs and time Ability to work without distraction
Advantages for employers Retention of valued and skilled staff who have domestic commitments Well motivated staff who feel they work for an organisation that is prepared to be flexible and trusts them A method of alleviating the problems of shared offices and lack of office space Increased output as fewer distractions
Considerations Not every employee is suitable - individuals need to be self motivated and able to set their own agenda of work - they need to be independent - they need to not feel isolated away from work colleagues Not every job is suitable - the work should be conveniently carried out and be capable of being managed from a remote location - managers should ensure that advantages outweigh the disadvantages - the employees output should be clearly measurable in terms of quality and quantity
Considerations (cont) Managers need to ensure that the proposed work place is adequate in terms of space and lighting and that it is able to take the equipment required. The work place needs to be conducive to work
Legal Requirements The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places duties on employers, self-employed people and employees. Under HSWA employers have a duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees, including homeworkers
Legal Requirements Most of the Regulations made under HSWA apply to homeworkers as well as to employees working at an employers workplace. These include:- - Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations - The Display Screen Equipment Regulations - The Manual Handling Operations Regulations - The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations - The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regs
Legal Requirements Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, employers are required to do a risk assessment of the work activities carried out by homeworkers. Completing a risk assessment involves identifying the hazards relating to the homeworkers activities and deciding whether enough steps have been taken to prevent harm to them or to anyone else who may be affected by their work.
Legal Requirements Risk Assessments should be recorders and reviewed on an annual basis. We will look at Risk Assessments in more detail later on.
Legal Requirements Other considerations are:- Data Protection Act Freedom of Information Act and the ability to retrieve information that is kept at employees homes. .
Responsibilities of the Employer/Manager To ensure that a Risk Assessment is made of any activities that the employee will be expected to carry out from home To ensure that any recommendations made as a result of the risk assessment are implemented within appropriate timeframes To ensure records are kept of all assessments carried out as well as training provided, equipment maintenance, accidents etc
Responsibilities of the Employee Employees who work from home have a duty to cooperate with their manager and comply with safe systems of work put in place They also have a responsibility to carry out their work in accordance with their training and to report any work related accidents, near misses or other safety concerns to their manager
Hazards The most common hazards associated with homeworking include: - VDU work - Manual Handling activities - Slips, trips and falls - The working environment - Electricity - Fire - Work Equipment
Hazards Additional hazards that may be associated with homeworking include:- - Violence and Lone Working - Stress - Driving
Insurance Implications A claim for loss of or damage to any Council owned equipment whilst it is located in the home of an employee will usually be covered by the Council under its Property risk financing arrangements (either insurance or through a self funding mechanism) The Council’s duty of care to such employees continue whilst they are working in their own homes. The Council’s liability policies will apply in exactly the same way as they do for other employees
Insurance Implications Employees should advise their own household buildings and contents insurers since their homeworking activities might be considered to be a material fact of which the insurers need to be made aware
Risk Assessment Identify any hazards Establish who might be harmed and how Assess the risks and take appropriate action to remove them or reduce them as far as possible Record the findings Check the risks from time to time and take further steps if needed
Risk Assessment Identify any hazards Look at what may cause harm to the homeworker or other people as a result of the work being done in the home Can be done as a visit to the employees home or as a self assessment by the employee Common hazards include using work equipment at home, using electrical equipment for work at home and working with VDU’s
Risk Assessment Establish who might be harmed and how Employers must look at who may be affected by the work done at home and how they may be affected This may include the homeworker, members of the household including children and visitors
Risk Assessment Assess the risks and take appropriate action to remove them or reduce them as far as possible If a hazard is discovered that may be a risk to the homeworkers or anyone’s health and safety, the employer needs to decide what steps have to be taken to eliminate or reduce those risks as far as possible This will depend on whether the hazard is low or high risk Level of risk can be determined by looking at what type of harm or injury may arise and how often it may happen
Risk Assessment Record the findings An employer is required by law to record the significant findings from a risk assessment They need to record what steps have to be taken and tell the homeworkers and anyone else affected of the findings
Risk Assessment Check the risks from time to time and take further steps if needed The risk assessment should be revisited from time to time especially if there is a change in working procedures This needs to take into account any new hazards
Practical Example
Practical Example Get into groups Look at the pictures which follow and try to identify some of the hazards in relation to the workplace shown
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