Shock Stephanie N. Sudikoff, MD Pediatric Critical Care Yale School of Medicine
Learning Objectives Understand the pathophysiology of shock Understand the principles of treatment of shock Examine septic shock as one example
“The reason you get up in the morning is to deliver oxygen to the cells.” Mark Mercurio, MD
Demand O2 consumption Supply O2 delivery
Oxygen Consumption vs. Delivery Oxygen consumption (DEMAND) VO2 = CO x (CaO2-CvO2) Oxygen delivery (SUPPLY) DO2 = CO x CaO2
Myocardial contractility Hb content and affinity DO2 CO SV Preload Myocardial contractility Afterload HR CaO2 Hb content and affinity
Preload PreloadLV = (EDPLV)(EDrLV)/2tLV where, LV = left ventricle ED = end diastole Represents all the factors that contribute to passive ventricular wall stress at the end of diastole
Venous return and CO
Factors affecting venous return Decrease in intravascular volume Increase in venous capacitance Increase in right atrial pressure Increase in venous resistance
Afterload AfterloadLV = (SPLV)(SrLV)/2tLV where, LV = left ventricle S = systole Represents all the factors that contribute to total myocardial wall stress during systolic ejection
Myocardial contractility
Myocardial contractility Positive Inotropic Agents Negative Inotropic Agents Adrenergic agonists Cardiac glycosides High extracellular [Ca++] Ca++-channel blockers Low extracellular [Ca++]
Heart rate HR CO At high HR, diastolic filling is impaired Atrial contraction accounts for up to 30% of Stroke Volume
Demand O2 consumption Supply O2 delivery Shock
Classification of Shock Decreased preload (hypovolemic) Hemorrhage Dehydration Cardiac tamponade Pneumothorax Decreased myocardial contractility (cardiogenic) Myocarditis Cardiopulmonary bypass Congestive heart failure Myocardial infarction Drug intoxication Sepsis Heart rate abnormalities (cardiogenic) Dysrhythmias Increased afterload (obstructive) Massive pulmonary embolus Critical aortic and pulmonic stenosis Decreased afterload (distributive) Anaphylaxis Neurogenic shock Abnormalities in Hb affinity (dissociative) Methemoglobinemia Carbon monoxide poisoning
Systemic response to low perfusion
Systemic response to low perfusion Increase CO Increase preload Aldosterone Na reabsorption Interstitial fluid reabsorption ADH secretion Venoconstriction
Systemic response to low perfusion Increase CO Increase contractility Sympathetics Increase afterload Vasoconstriction Increase HR
Systemic response to low perfusion Increase CO Increase contractility Sympathetics Increase HR Increase SVR Vasoconstriction Increase blood volume
Local response to low perfusion Increase O2ER Opening of previously closed capillaries Increased surface area for diffusion Shortened diffusion distance Increased transit time
Physical Signs of low CO Organ System ↓ Cardiac Output ↓↓ Cardiac Output (Compensated) ↓↓ Cardiac Output (Uncompensated) CNS — Restless, apathetic Agitated-confused, stuporous Respiration ↑ Ventilation ↑↑ Ventilation Metabolism Compensated metabolic acidemia Uncomensated metabolic acidemia Gut ↓ Motility Ileus Kidney ↑ Specific gravity, ↓ volume Oliguria Oliguria-anuria Skin Delayed capillary refill Cool extremities Mottled, cyanotic, cold extremities CVS ↑ Heart rate ↑↑ Heart rate, ↓ peripheral pulses ↓ blood pressure, central pulses only
Objective monitors Systemic perfusion base deficit lactate
Objective monitors Systemic perfusion CO Preload ABG lactate CO PA catheter Arterio-venous oxygen difference Preload CVP Echo Myocardial contractility Echo Afterload PA catheter Invasive or noninvasive BP HR EKG CaO2 Hb ABG
Goals of therapy Treat underlying cause ↓ Demand O2 consumption ↑ Supply O2 delivery Treat underlying cause
Reduction of demands for CO Treat hyperthermia aggressively
Reduction of demands for CO Treat hyperthermia Reduce work of breathing As much as 20% of CO goes to respiratory muscles
PPV and CO Advantages Decreases work of breathing Improves acidosis Decreases PVR Decreases LV afterload Improves oxygenation
Reduction of demands for CO Treat hyperthermia Reduce work of breathing Sedation Seizure control Paralysis
Myocardial contractility Hb content and affinity DO2 CO SV Preload Myocardial contractility Afterload HR CaO2 Hb content and affinity
Increase supply: Restoration of perfusion Preload Fluid resuscitation Colloids vs. crystalloids
Increase supply: Restoration of perfusion Preload Fluid resuscitation Colloids vs. crystalloids Myocardial contractility Inotropic support ECMO Other mechanical support
Increase supply: Restoration of perfusion Preload Fluid resuscitation Colloids vs. crystalloids Myocardial contractility Inotropic support ECMO Other mechanical support Afterload Vasopressors Vasodilators
Increase supply: Restoration of perfusion Preload Fluid resuscitation Colloids vs. crystalloids Myocardial contractility Inotropic support ECMO Other mechanical support Afterload Vasopressors Vasodilators HR Anti-arrhythmics Pacer
Increase supply: Restoration of perfusion Preload Fluid resuscitation Colloids vs. crystalloids Myocardial contractility Inotropic support ECMO Other mechanical support Afterload Vasopressors Vasodilators HR Anti-arrhythmics Pacer Beta-blockers? CaO2 Blood transfusion Oxygen support
Types of septic shock Cold shock ↓ CO, ↑ SVR (60% pediatric) Narrow pulse pressure, thready pulses, delayed capillary refill
Phases of septic shock Warm shock (“early”) ↑ CO, ↓ SVR ↓ CO, ↓ SVR Wide pulse pressure, bounding pulses, brisk capillary refill Cold shock (“late”) ↓ CO, ↑ SVR Narrow pulse pressure, weak pulses, delayed capillary refill
Early recognition!
Early recognition!
Increase preload Aggressive fluid resuscitation
Increase preload Aggressive fluid resuscitation Usually requires 40-60 mL/kg but can be as much as 200 mL/kg 20 mL/kg IV push titrated to clinical monitors
Monitor improvement in CO Cardiac output Heart rate Urine output Capillary refill Level of consciousness Blood pressure NOT reliable endpoint
Increase preload Aggressive fluid resuscitation with crystalloids or colloids Usually requires 40-60 mL/kg but can be as much as 200 mL/kg 20 mL/kg IV push titrated to clinical monitors Maintain hemoglobin within normal for age (≥10 g/dL)
Antibiotic therapy IV antibiotics within 1 hr of recognition of severe sepsis Cultures before antibiotics Cover appropriate pathogens Penetrate presumed source of infection
Improve myocardial contractility and titrate afterload
Cold Shock, Adequate BP: Decrease afterload
Adequacy of resuscitation Capillary refill < 2 sec Adequate pulses Warm limbs Normal mental status Urine output > 1 mL/kg/hr Adequate blood pressure Improved base deficit Decreased lactate ScvO2 > 70%
Early shock reversal improves outcome † † † † Carcillo JA et al. Pediatrics 2009;124:500-508
Demand O2 consumption Supply O2 delivery Shock
Goals of therapy Treat underlying cause ↓ Demand O2 consumption ↑ Supply O2 delivery Treat underlying cause
Myocardial contractility Hb content and affinity DO2 CO SV Preload Myocardial contractility Afterload HR CaO2 Hb content and affinity
Special thanks to Vince Faustino, MD for use of his slides