National Violent Death Reporting System and Vital Statistics Data Katherine Hempstead NAPHSIS, 2008
National Violent Death Reporting System CDC-funded surveillance system which includes all homicides, suicides, legal intervention, accidental deaths of undetermined intent, and unintentional firearm fatalities
Features of the NVDRS Combines data from multiple sources CDC has created standardized definitions for circumstances Data submitted to CDC using specialized software Seventeen states currently participate Incident-based Modeled after a project initiated by Harvard (NVISS) Also modeled after FARS
Focus on circumstances of violent deaths Standard definitions for circumstances of suicides and homicides Trained abstractors code in similar manners in all funded states Goal is to aid prevention efforts by learning more about risk factors for violent death
NVDRS in NJ NJ one of six original states Others: MA, VA, SC, OR, MD Started with 2003 events Includes events based on residence and occurrence NJVDRS located in the Office of Injury Surveillance and Prevention, Center for Health Statistics
Data Sources: Death certificates Report of Investigation by Medical Examiner (RIME) Supplemental Homicide Reports (SHR) Domestic Violence Reports County Prosecutor files Local law enforcement Ballistics Reports New Jersey Child Fatality and Near Fatality Review Board
1.Death Certificate: Provides information on cause of death, and demographic information about Victim. Source: NJDHSS 2. Medical Examiner’s Report: Provides information about manner and circumstances of death. Source: State M.E. Office (RIME), county M.E. offices (autopsy and toxicology reports.) 3. Police incident reports. Provide information on circumstances, suspects, weapon. Source: SHR from NJSP, UCR division. Police incident and homicide investigation reports from county prosecutors. 6. ATF Trace (optional) Provides info On firearm’s history Case complete LINK Child Victim? 4. Child Fatality Review Module: Pilot module testing for CDC. Provides information available from Child Fatality Review Board, re: involvement of DYFS, CFRB ruling. Source: CFRB Firearm used? 5. Ballistics Lab: Provides information, when available, on make, model, caliber, importer name, etc. Source: NJSP CDC Violent Death Surveillance in New Jersey Case definition: Homicides, suicides, legal intervention, unintentional firearm fatalities, occurring within New Jersey or to New Jersey residents. YES NO YES NO
Death Certificate data Required element of NVDRS Considered “early required” by CDC Applicants for NVDRS must demonstrate cooperation of VS in their state
Use of DC data in NJVDRS Pre-EDRS: anually examine paper DCs for those meeting case definition Couldn’t wait for electronic file EDRS has facilitated; ME’s use EDRS NJVDRS cases are ME cases Wait for ICD-10 codes sometimes a problem Starting to initiate cases with ME data
NVDRS on IJE Check-off on IJE to use deaths for NVDRS Important because events by residence and occurrence are required by CDC Much less info on out of state events
M.E. Data Running NJVDRS increases interest in ME data. Hope to get new software for M.E. Integrate ME software with EDRS Important to get MEs to use EDRS
Uses of NJVDRS Presentations Publications Maps Policy activities
Multiple audiences Public Law Enforcement Suicide prevention Substance abuse/poisoning Domestic violence fatality review board Child fatality review board
New Jersey context Homicide is a higher profile issue statewide Suicide rates low, fairly stable Interact with law enforcement in data acquisition General Advisory Board – law enforcement/homicide dominated